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    beef up примеры предложений

    beef up

    1. He warned that unless something was done to beef up the

    2. You’ll have to tell him to beef up security around the prison

    3. going to beef up the monster!

    4. He would beef up

    5. The following day one could beef up the

    6. At that point, one of my colleagues in the House—longtime California Democratic Congressman Pete Stark—made a last-minute attempt to beef up the mental health parity protections, introducing a bill closer to what Paul Wellstone had originally wanted

    7. I was working to amend the Wounded Warrior Assistance Act, which was making its way through House committees, to beef up mental health provisions for veterans returning with what were starting to be called the “invisible wounds of war

    8. “And I fully intend for Sylvyst and Sir Ahlber—and our ‘seijin network’—to beef up her security

    9. Due to the sustained levels of high commodity prices, mining companies have large cash reserves and are looking to spend them to beef up their operations by acquiring other companies

    10. Sunday decided he would have to beef up that portion of his research

    11. In fact, the subprime real estate mortgage meltdown and the financial credit crisis that led to the highly unusual market collapse of 2008 can be easily traced to moves in 1995 by the then-current administration to substantially beef up the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977

    12. Edgar Hoover was involved in certain illegal activities, too, and that he was using mob informants to beef up his scurrilous files on the Kennedy family

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