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    belonging to

    1. What about this property? It was still listed in all the registries as belonging to Venna with her thumb print

    2. "He has something belonging to me

    3. Four unidentified items marked as ‘belonging to my mother’ … ‘a small silk bag containing locks of Karentze’s hair as a child’ … JJ must have those things … a section headed ‘For Karalintze’ which only showed numbered containers

    4. "I can't help it, I still think of myself as belonging to Desa

    5. It was another foot, but tiny, belonging to a little old lady entirely over-dressed in black headscarf, ankle-length skirts, embroidered waistcoat and leather boots

    6. An elderly, but very dapper man dining with two other, younger men, who I have privately marked down as probably belonging to the gay community, exclaims loudly and, rising, makes a dramatic exit, leaving the other two at the table

    7. I raced up the stairs stepping on an arm belonging to one of the

    8. Most of the boats belonging to the Kassikan are stored and serviced in a shop that is near the bottom of that lock just inside the boathouse

    9. estates belonging to the Bishopric of Troyes - strode

    10. The girl wore a white dress speckled with sunflowers which Alec recognized as belonging to Nathalia, though on the girl it hung loosely around her hips and breasts

    11. wishes and ideas - some of them belonging to the Jews'

    12. This was regarded, in those times, as so important an object, that it was always considered as belonging to the sovereign, and neither to the finder nor to the proprietor of the land, unless the right to it had been conveyed to the latter by an express clause in his charter

    13. Those exemptions, therefore, ceased to be personal, and could not afterwards be considered as belonging to individuals, as individuals, but as burghers of a particular burgh, which, upon this account, was called a free burgh, for the same reason that they had been called free burghers or free traders

    14. Soon, they came in sight of the clay pit belonging to Berenice’s friendly master Architalos

    15. once belonging to the Dwemer

    16. particularly valuable silversmith belonging to Baron Iadros had been killed by thieves

    17. Beyond those roles we would be considered as useless or as belonging to the lower rungs of society

    18. Any merchant, or other person convicted of this offence, is disabled from requiring any debt or account belonging to him from any factor or other person

    19. A stamp-duty upon the law proceedings of each particular court, to be levied by that court, and applied towards the maintenance of the judges, and other officers belonging to it, might in the same manner, afford a revenue sufficient for defraying the expense of the administration of justice, without bringing any burden upon the general revenue of the society

    20. They remained for several years in quiet possession of this revenue; but in 1767, administration laid claim to their territorial acquisitions, and the revenue arising from them, as of right belonging to the crown ; and the company, in compensation for this claim, agreed to pay to government £400,000 a-year

    21. According to that valuation, the lands belonging to the bishop of Breslaw are taxed at twenty-five per cent

    22. In other countries, the tax was laid upon the supposed profits of all those who held, in farm or lease, lands belonging to other people, whatever might be the tenure by which the proprietor held them ; and in this case, the taille was said to be personal

    23. ” An agitated sneer, this one most likely belonging to the cultist

    24. Besides the duty of one penny a-gallon imposed by the British parliament upon the importation of molasses into America, there is a provincial tax of this kind upon their importation into Massachusetts Bay, in ships belonging to any other colony, of eight-pence the hogshead; and another upon their importation from the northern colonies into South Carolina, of five-pence the gallon

    25. His heart began to ache for her soft touch and warm kisses; her big blue eyes staring into his, that feeling of belonging to someone, a life with meaning

    26. in the destruction of property belonging to their fellow

    27. They spotted a fine large gray horse belonging to General Lee and a fine-looking mare belonging to an aide of Lee

    28. This turned out to be a farmhouse belonging to a local farmer, James

    29. The Temporal Directive had become a naive ideal belonging to a time when the known worlds were isolated or at least autonomous, a time when the troubles of a world could be observed

    30. The door opened quietly and a bug-eyed face ushered him in—one belonging to Lt

    31. You stand up against an entrenched system, struggling for basic human rights and a sense of belonging to a country that would rather you and your people didn’t even exist!” The idealistic zeal of college days spurred her on

    32. The garage contained four automobiles, all belonging to Laura Smith-Hughes

    33. They worked fast and soundlessly through the fourteen tents belonging to Laino and his men, and in less than twenty minutes, they had smeared everything in the sticky pulp

    34. It was good to read and think about such issues as guns and gun control, man and global warming, the pros and cons to belonging to the United Nations, the validity of the term

    35. This included training boys after age seven in military schools, belonging to military clubs though age thirty, culling out weak infants, and training girls to be hardy and fit to produce strong lads

    36. We regained the military road and followed it south until its end near a small town belonging to a people called the Calua

    37. Once a class has been defined, we can create any number of objects belonging to that class

    38. Several cars were parked on a strip of grass, perhaps belonging to tourists sampling the wine – one of the pleasures of a trip to this part of France

    39. She had to call up the same herbalist belonging to the house which she had used the first time George had transformed himself into something beautiful

    40. but none those belonging to the Jews

    41. The next morning we were rowed in the large, painted dugout canoe belonging to Behechio all the way out to the island by a crew of sixty men

    42. By the time he reached Asti, an Italiano city belonging to his cousin, his cousin had already defeated a Napoles force at Rapallo east of Genova

    43. with their best gifts; 3 Insomuch that Seleucus of Asia of his own revenues bore all the costs belonging to the service of the sacrifices

    44. He suggested that our best path would be through the states belonging to the papa, then through Venetia, a member of the Holy League, then into the empire

    45. and restore all the holy vessels with many more, and out of his own revenue defray the charges belonging to the sacrifices: 17 Yes,

    46. There is no such thing as belonging to Christ—and

    47. We have also charged him with the theft of personal items belonging to the victim and the subsequent stalking of her, leading to the attempted murder

    48. Did you know about the items found at my house belonging to her?”

    49. You are also charged with the lesser crime of theft of certain personal items belonging to Miss Trevor and another count of stalking her leading up to the attempted murder, I would like to call for the opening statements of the prosecution and defense

    50. I closed my eyes slowly in ecstasy, remembering the words Ishvara had said to me a few nights earlier, something about belonging together because we were of the same kind

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