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    better than примеры предложений

    better than

    1. Prevention is Better than Cure

    2. That had been good while it lasted, in some ways even better than Ava, almost the best of Ava and the best of Tdeshi

    3. Any one woman in flesh sitting with him now would be better than all the might-have-beens in the centuries of memories in his mind

    4. “Anything is better than how I feel

    5. “It gets better than that,” Mr

    6. If you find something that works better than anything mentioned here, please send it to me for possible inclusion in the next revision

    7. An activity that brings the young, the middle-aged and the seniors together is much better than a group dedicated only to the interests of the senior citizens, from the point of view of building relationships

    8. There were four docks in town, only one had power-boat fuel but the price was pretty good, better than Herndon had been paying, better than she paid at Nightday lunch

    9. She was doing better than even her clone on Gordon's Lamp in that regard, since this is a society of billions and Gordon's Lamp may have returned to a dead system

    10. She knew, better than any native, what that would mean here

    11. She felt snippy, she owed Kulai and he deserved better than what she was serving him

    12. He knew better than to pursue that with her

    13. doostEr knew Taktor better than any of these notes about him on the eye

    14. Better than I

    15. What she chose to reveal was invariably better than the inter-intelligence communiqués where one agency often hid detail from another in order to maintain tactical advantage

    16. "Two hundred and fifty miles out of town is better than here in town, I would think

    17. When I got home that evening I felt better than I had in the last 24 hours

    18. "No doubt, I've met some who are better than me but somehow I bet Juleel is not one of them and neither were the two we met

    19. This guy was better than the Gardai at least

    20. not matter how good the prosthesis is, it will never be better than a natu-

    21. It was little better than maintaining fuel delivery piping while he was mortal, but in this society, it was a living

    22. "Anything’s better than the smell of this suit," Parker said before she took her helmet off

    23. proposal is better than a divorce

    24. Thongga turn the least pasture into the most meat, but their flavor is no better than that of the garden pests that the peasants trap themselves

    25. "I'll examine what we find from one lander," Glenelle said, "I wish it could be an android actually, that would blend into the scenery Alan found a lot better than a standard groundbase

    26. Actually I know you guys much better than him because you aren't afraid to hang out and chat

    27. That isn’t to say that any one is better than another

    28. The one that hears and discerns the Spirit the greatest is no better than the one that encourages

    29. "You have caused this," she knew she was getting into harangue mode and didn't care, it was either that or quake in terror and letting her mood look like hysterical anger was better than hysterical fear

    30. What would the girls do when they found out he hadn't stayed with them? What could they do? They couldn't come miles back looking for him in the dark, they knew better than that, they knew they'd fall prey to something out here

    31. You look a lot better than you did 2 days ago

    32. And humans taste so much better than leese

    33. Of course, where was Luray going to fill her cup out here? Luray had been pretty whole come to think of it, finding the campsite, a lot of the food, binding Alan's foot better than she could have done

    34. "I wish we had something better than these rocks to mash these roots down on

    35. We people understand each other much better than they can understand us

    36. We’d dragged Drens along to join in the discussion; after all he knows the island much better than we do

    37. Barns, you should know better than to make such a remark

    38. The teachers and professors of Osborne knew better than to underestimate the intelligence of these students simply because of their ages

    39. "We COULD do it," Myanfyinga said, "you know that better than I

    40. My God, you’re even better than before, if that’s possible

    41. "No pins," the redhead said, "see these plastic pinch blocks? Just pull a rope thru here and it stays, better than you can belay it, til you pull back this lever here

    42. ‘After all, you could do a lot better than an itinerant Gottesman

    43. was better than this

    44. There may be one exercise which you find you like better than some of the others in which case do spend more time on that one

    45. I know my son – probably better than he would like!’ She said practically

    46. He gets along with dragons better than humans

    47. They were better than the calimari the restaurants in most universes served and richer than standard garden pest bits

    48. The sexual relief with another soul was rewarding in its way, but no better than Ava when she was in the mood

    49. He was so distracted by that he couldn't think of anything better than a little bread-crock of crossed stew and some rolls of fresh lon and braised red-tail

    50. And why had she turned around so fast? There had to be something more to this, but he knew better than to ask

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