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    billowing примеры предложений


    1. Under a damp and billowing sky he towered over the accountant, hands on

    2. of the billowing parachute in his rheumy cornered eye

    3. and palls of billowing heat

    4. billowing out on velvet currents, a gesture of the ghost,

    5. riding clock billowing out as she did so

    6. Johnson puffed several times, a thick cloud of smoke billowing around his face;


    8. He saw two men approaching him, striding up the hill, their white robes billowing around them as they came

    9. They promptly dropped their back packs and headed for the pools of glistening water beneath the falls leaving their teacher snoring under a billowing handkerchief

    10. He followed Althart's billowing robes far thru the bowels of the building, down sweeping staircases and thru cavernous, galleried libraries and long, ornate corridors over echoing stone floors lit by the low lamps of Dawnsleep

    11. billowing over the plains across the river, promising

    12. billowing laughs and commentary that's as clever as the

    13. The whine of its turbines was almost deafening as it got close enough to the rocks to throw billowing clouds of grey dust into the air

    14. ” He turned to take in the room with his red eyes, his long, dark hair billowing in the electrified energy of the storm that was now battering the Temple

    15. His long, brown hair hung to his shoulders, billowing in the wind from the jet engines

    16. of the torch and the darkness, his robe billowing out behind him as he soundlessly walked over the

    17. Rosemary strode on ahead along the slabbed path between the castellations and the fence, her hair billowing out behind her as she left the shelter of the tower, striding unconcerned as if she was walking in the safety of the Main Street

    18. sent up a great billowing cloud of oily black smoke that settled on cars, houses, grass, trees, gardens, and people

    19. On arrival there were no billowing tents, no children playing in the sand or in the water

    20. The center of the circle was a fire pit that sent smoke billowing up the trunk to who knows where

    21. Then she appeared at the edge of the tree line, radiant in the August sun—the sails of the Calamity, billowing in the soft winds up the river

    22. The car slammed backwards, its front wheels billowing smoke as the tyres attempted to get a purchase on the root

    23. Kay pushed her hair back from her face, taking in a deep breath, looking out the window at the billowing clouds of a gathering thunderstorm

    24. All she could think of was the rage billowing from Jack’s face as he turned to launch his fist into the side of her head

    25. Kay laughed with mirth, and then Leland began his attacks in earnest, and she lost herself in the thrill of deflection, attack, and counter-attack under the darkening sky, billowing grey clouds beginning to slide in from the east

    26. The stack tottered for a moment, as though trying to make up its mind which way to fall, finally crashing through the roof of the house with a roar that sent clouds of dust billowing up into the sky

    27. Finally, he released the smoke in a prolonged billowing stream

    28. Steam was billowing from the shower Beth was about to step into, when the phone rang

    29. Light streamed in through the billowing sheers of the bedroom curtains and the phone was ringing

    30. I stood with the dress billowing around my ankles, caught in the force of his darkness

    31. The last radiant light of the sun broke out of the clouds and a bomb-burst of rays shot up across the lowering, stained, grey and white billowing cloudscape

    32. What the heck is with this music?” I gasped, as some foreign, rotten noise came in through the gently billowing curtains at the window

    33. At 11,000 feet, I found the base of the billowing cumulus clouds

    34. Opening it, he waved a hand in front of his face at the smoke billowing down the corridor

    35. “Is this how my prayers are to be answered?” she screamed her defiance into the billowing dust kicked up by myriad hooves

    36. From the first accidental fire turning into two, with reports of others in the Pentagon and elsewhere, tiny figures appearing to leap out into nothingness, the towers coming down one after the other, and hundreds running from the choking billowing clouds of dust and debris

    37. His body slipped the final few inches, and submerged, billowing with the

    38. burning, sending acrid smoke billowing into the sky

    39. For thick smoke is billowing from the metropolis's western horizon, from the direction of the Coptic city

    40. Billowing pillows of pure white would bump against the

    41. Snow came billowing into the hall

    42. As the white suits moved in close to the billowing smoke, Ken and the chief moved in some distance behind

    43. Amori fought through the inhalation of the smoke, her vision now gone her eyes burning because of the smoke billowing around her

    44. There in the same place as before, another column of fire but much, much larger this time, had reappeared, silently driving a huge billowing multicolored dark cloud high into the sky

    45. All eyes around me were suddenly staring intently as two men, robes billowing behind them, stormed forward leaving several more who had been detained at the entrance behind them

    46. Flashing a stricken momentary glance laced with confusion over her shoulder, she tripped and fell face-first onto the ground, flailing arms and legs billowing the dust that exploded up from the earth

    47. In the distance, over the hills ahead of them, a dark cloud was leaping high into the sky, billowing rapidly as it shot upward

    48. distance, over the hills ahead of them, a dark cloud was leaping high into the sky, billowing rapidly

    49. licked its way high into the heavens, billowing at last into a shape like unto a giant palm

    50. billowing into the room, curling in the shafts of light from the

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