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    blood pressure

    1. Valerian and passionflower aid relaxation and sleep, oats have a calming effect, ginseng supports the adrenals (but shouldn't be used during pregnancy or if you have high blood pressure) and Echinacea boosts immune function

    2. He took a stethoscope and an old hand-cranked blood pressure band from a leather satchel

    3. Blood pressure good

    4. If you suffer from high blood pressure, palpitations, chronic constipation, chronic nasal catarrh, or weak eyes, please do not attempt the Headstand

    5. knew what it was, and so did my blood pressure

    6. And then the doctor scared me because he took a look at my chart and said: "How long have you been taking high blood pressure medicine?" That shook me up because I told him I've never suffered from high blood pressure and did not take high blood pressure medicine and most of my readings are quite normal around 130/80

    7. The doctor said that my blood pressure reading was 175/110 which is quite high

    8. And then the doctor made me feel a little better when he said that if you don't suffer from high blood pressure, the high reading today is probably due to the pain and infection that is spreading from your finger throughout your body

    9. Pills for high blood pressure, statins for cholesterol, type 2 diabetes

    10. 'Watch your blood pressure Doc

    11. I knew she needed to be hospitalized immediately to treat the burns, infection, and high blood pressure if she were to survive the winter

    12. However, this increase in fluid retention makes the heart work harder which can increase blood pressure and even bring on a heart attack

    13. It is said to be one of the best heart tonics available and is beneficial on the circulatory system and the blood pressure

    14. At work Glenna was very interested in what Dr Preston had told me, asking questions about how Dena’s blood pressure would be controlled and what medication she would be on

    15. Her blood pressure had rocketed so high she was in danger of having a stroke

    16. It was far too early in the pregnancy for her blood pressure to be so high

    17. ‘When I’m satisfied that her blood pressure is under control then she can go home

    18. Dr Preston was more concerned with Dena’s fluctuating high blood pressure, which, as the pregnancy progressed, fluctuated more and more

    19. I knew her blood pressure had peaked again

    20. Her blood pressure was so high by the time she reached the hospital that she had suffered a mild stroke

    21. ‘Dena’s blood pressure was so high that she’s suffered another stroke since being admitted

    22. ‘Preeclampsia is a condition a woman develops during pregnancy if her blood pressure cannot be controlled

    23. ‘What we have to be most concerned about at this time is to get her blood pressure under control; her body seems to be rejecting everything we try

    24. Had her blood pressure gone out of control again and did she have that preecalm thing?

    25. Not long after you left, her blood pressure shot up so high that she started having seizures, it’s what we call eclampsia

    26. To lower his resting heart rate and blood pressure

    27. It would help him to use oxygen more effectively; and to lower his blood pressure by blowing off steam

    28. With his complaint of headaches and his blood pressure so high I feared he might be

    29. The receptionist’s eyes seemed to slide right past them, as did the nurse’s when she brought me in to take my weight—I’d cracked triple-digits again, I discovered with delight—temperature, and blood pressure

    30. He was recalling the night they had gone to watch the turtles come ashore, when he became aware that, at moments, the sexy undertones of her voice raised his blood pressure, and another part of his body

    31. “Chocolates - bye,” I pushed the little red end button smiling and hoping Kemp had a problem with high blood pressure

    32. Once again, he felt blood pressure falling in his head, heart working up a storm, little black dots in his ever-shrinking cone of vision

    33. The stress of his mission had risen his blood pressure and heart beat to a point where he his albino white skin had turned red

    34. This had the effect of elevating the blood pressure in his head

    35. We first mentioned weight and we know that blood pressure and heart problems are related to weight problems

    36. Blood pressure in turn affects the kidneys and bladder

    37. I'd like to tell you that if you take medications for blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, headaches

    38. The man’s blood pressure increases and he begins to yell

    39. ―I think that my blood pressure spiked, ― she said at last

    40. Our blood pressure increases in order to move the

    41. blood pressure and skin sensitivity - all of which are

    42. levels of the good cholesterol and in addition they help lower blood pressure

    43. She then started taking my blood pressure

    44. He asked if she had been taking any anxiety pills for her high blood pressure

    45. Meenu’s blood pressure was normal

    46. from diabetes, allergies or high blood pressure? Are you on any medications for these conditions or

    47. Numerous studies have shown a link between stress and high blood pressure

    48. In one such study, for example, scientists at the University of California at Irvine reported in 1998 in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine that men with highly stressful jobs had systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings that were approximately 10 points higher than those with less stressful jobs

    49. the blood pressure machine

    50. Police discovered that about six capsules of his maintenance medicine for high blood pressure were tampered with poison powder

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