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    1. I thought she was done, but in the silence, her voice wavered from a whisper and bloomed into the most beautiful thing I'd ever heard

    2. Panic bloomed in my chest when I heard footsteps coming from the other side of the restaurant, from the other side of the big glass dividing wall

    3. The gate opened onto a garden where trees, flowers and shrubs bloomed in abundance

    4. Colorful flowers bloomed in abundance

    5. Trees swayed in the slight breeze and as I stared at the hills around us, it seemed these same flowers had bloomed the first time I made the journey

    6. around Chester that changed and literally bloomed with new

    7. The row of bushes hiding the neighbor’s yard was full of white, bridal wreath flowers, and roses bloomed on the strip of land leading to the stairs

    8. The rich greens of the earth, the deep blue of the sky, the pearlescent line of grey encircling the keep, it all bloomed into a rich beauty, and although Kay had seen it hundreds of times, it still brought tears to her eyes to look at it

    9. Dirt-splashes spurted and bloomed, and they all ran back into the house…mostly

    10. Suspicion bloomed inside him, but he took a first step towards the chamber nonetheless

    11. And then there were the 300 years that I will call the Constantine Ascension years where the Church bloomed bigger than anyone could have predicted

    12. Outside the boundary wall, the narrow strip between sidewalk and wall enclosing their haven was generously planted with flowers that bloomed for those who walked or drove past

    13. When I regained my tongue and asked Wodziwob about it, he explained that when it rained enough, the desert bloomed

    14. When God came into paradise, the plants both of Adam's lot and of my lot bloomed, and all lifted themselves up; and the throne of God was made ready where the tree of life was; And God called Adam, saying, Adam, where are you hidden, thinking that I shall not find you? Shall the house be hidden from him who built it? Then your father answered and said, Not, Lord, did we hide ourselves as thinking that we should not be found by You; but I am afraid, because I am naked, and stand in awe of Your power, O Lord

    15. 8 And it came to pass, that on the morrow Moses went into the tabernacle of witness; and, note, the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budded, and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds

    16. When God came into paradise the plants both of Adam's lot and of my lot bloomed and all lifted themselves up; and the throne of God was made ready where the tree of life was; And God called Adam saying Adam where are you hidden thinking that I shall not find you? Shall the house be hidden from him who built it? Then your father answered and said Not Lord did we hide ourselves as thinking that we should not be found by You; but I am afraid because I am naked and stand in awe of Your power O Lord

    17. I have an orchid next to a peace plant that have bloomed

    18. The radiated energy blossomed and bloomed on enemy gun-laying and SAM radar scopes like liquid phosphorous poured down a TV screen

    19. Clouds bloomed into shining white, then burst into black, fire shooting out from the centre, consuming what they had made

    20. All along the skyline, a line of fierce blackness bloomed where the brightness of the daytime sky should have been

    21. Silver and gold flowers bloomed on the lawns

    22. Precariously perched gardens bloomed with olive trees and rosebushes

    23. If a thousand pardons were precise, a thousand pardons I would give him, only for the pleasure of listening again the bloomed phrases with so agreeable tones

    24. “As you can see, the flower is long gone on this ginger—it bloomed in the spring,” Birdie said

    25. I remembered my colors and knew that by mixing red and blue, purple was created, and with a little white, lavender bloomed

    26. As the months wore on Annie bloomed with her new responsibility, the child which they had so much wanted was called Martin

    27. The moon was glowing and the roses were beautifully bloomed on night

    28. cherry blossoms bloomed before his very eyes

    29. She said that her azaleas hadn’t bloomed in three years, but was told that beer would help in the process

    30. The azaleas may have bloomed that year no matter what was poured on the plants

    31. My prickly pair cactus bloomed every Fourth of July and it too proliferated and didn’t ever need watering

    32. Fear again pervaded the world, and suspicion bloomed even in the face of the new prophets, David, Saul, and Solomon, all of whom were wholly integrated with their entire consciousness

    33. Is there a flower so nice that you'd accept that it only bloomed one month a year?

    34. But our bond of relationship for each other had already bloomed into a shape of love

    35. friends all tell me that I have bloomed, that I seem more confident and that I look healthier

    36. Our love bloomed when you used to cook,

    37. proven useless as a weapon because the shields had bloomed past their radius and the

    38. Those were the days of our life where our love bloomed clear

    39. My wife put it this way, so beautifully: “It's a rose that budded, but never bloomed

    40. the trees in the backyard were fully bloomed, the

    41. that bloomed like flowers and then like ice;

    42. Bequen’s voice bloomed in song somewhere within

    43. “By now,” said Trid, “she should’ve bloomed every tree in the city

    44. This time, they bloomed

    45. The lawns were freshly cut and rows of daisies and chrysanthemums bloomed along one side of the house

    46. “I have not seen the Midwinter Thorn bloom here at Ynys Witrin for many years,” Bedwyr replied, “if it ever bloomed it may have been within the land of Listinois - even if the legend says that it thrived here in Glastonbury

    47. ways and the flower of fear that had bloomed within her in respect to being drawn to the male

    48. freshest, brightest roses that Anne had ever seen, fully bloomed in red, white, yellow, and pink

    49. One morning in spring - when Demeter’s daughter was with her mother for half the year and the earth bloomed again - I made a decision, the long term consequences of which I could not have begun to comprehend

    50. The memories he made available were like disjointed dreams, clearly lacking in time continuity; all the fields of lavender and lilac bloomed the summer before we had our engagement party and were seen through rose-colored glasses that blinded him to the reality of my wants and needs

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