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    bomb shelter

    1. Meanwhile, Andrew had gathered all the other villages at the Kingston Bomb Shelter, and was solemnly writing down the names of the villagers who had been killed by the being that called itself ‘Justice’

    2. 14, the bible verse that had been recurring all over the village of Trouble Valley that was now no more but an old bomb shelter eleven villagers hid away in as the heroes of this story, Andrew, Jack, Monica, Julia and Matt headed for the Impenetrable Cavern, to finally set right what had once went wrong and bring peace to a universe torn asunder in chaos

    3. Though both cities used extensive subway tunnels as bomb shelters, many residents hiding out below died from suffocation

    4. wailed, “There’s no time to evacuate! We must move the city to the bomb shelter!

    5. underground bomb shelter, where Orphenn and the other White Herons were

    6. the bomb shelter (as she was now able to port others without touching them) and

    7. When Cinder emerged from the bomb shelter, where they all had been

    8. confines of the bomb shelter

    9. As we reached the huge dining room where the band was set up, she said, “The bomb shelter

    10. “Bomb shelter,” she corrected me

    11. One showed the area in front of the bomb shelter and the other was an interior camera showing the front door, which was wide open

    12. “Bomb shelter,” she scowled then immediately smiled as she held up her thumb

    13. “Bomb shelter monitors turned off

    14. Please pull him into bomb shelter

    15. “Everybody inside the bomb shelter!” I yelled

    16. Shortly after midnight the plaintive wail of the air raid sirens threw us out of our bunks and we took refuge in the bomb shelter in the Phoenix tire factory across the street which, at least to us, appeared to be more secure than the one under the railroad station itself

    17. At the far end of the main street was Toc H, a series of bomb shelter bunkers that an enterprising fellow had converted into a youth hostel

    18. As the news anchor people were hunkering down in their make shift almost bomb shelters that said that this was going to be a perfect storm

    19. The results were horrific; in the intense heat, bomb shelters became vast crematoriums

    20. ‘’The previous owner of this mansion, who had it built to his specifications in the 1950s, was a bit paranoid about the possibilities of a nuclear war and added this nuclear bomb shelter to the house design

    21. Would she stay in the bomb shelter like I

    22. her to sit in a safe bomb shelter

    23. Certain public buildings in the USA were designated as “bomb shelters” in case of a

    24. Not in the Girl Scouts, but in a bomb shelter

    25. He’d made it out of reinforced concrete like it was a bomb shelter

    26. I’ve been alive through several of the bombing campaigns, thanks to my solid bomb shelter here, and every time we build anything, it's torn down again

    27. It is impregnable for the most part, as it was first built remodeled as a bomb shelter, by a group of Swiss businessman during World War II

    28. Albert is younger than Jutta, and during the war, he ran as a courier in Hamburg between bomb shelters

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