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    bookkeeping примеры предложений


    1. He'd done all the bookkeeping till she joined the household and he cooked most of the meals

    2. Besides her other chores Hipolyta took over the management of the bookkeeping for the store and lodges with only the briefest apprenticeship

    3. From there she branched in to the areas she knew the most about, Sales, bookkeeping, employee record keeping, tax records, and balancing the two sides with the middle

    4. Therefore, the process always occurs in the form of accounting bookkeeping with its administration through Current Accounts and National and International Accounts with total transparency

    5. II - to present to the Supervisory Board the bookkeeping of

    6. I - to examine the books of bookkeeping of the Institution;

    7. We were side by side in a bookkeeping class on the second floor of a shabby inner-city building of Johannesburg

    8. I’d have to take a course in bookkeeping

    9. , a bookkeeping and business consulting service since 1995, and has served on the board of directors of California based All Stat Courier Services, Inc

    10. Bookkeeping might not be everyone’s favorite pastime but it is necessary

    11. He didn’t expect to get many of them approved, but he felt by using some staff from the publications, such as the bookkeeping department, he could begin operation with the addition of little more than a “couple of guys with cameras

    12. They were dutifully processed by bookkeeping and the tally for the Scranton manager kept growing

    13. “Yes, but it just kind of fits with your suggestion about helping with our bookkeeping

    14. She would be paid a wage like any of the other farm workers and she would have to go to college to learn the accounting programs and basic bookkeeping

    15. The bookkeeping system for that would beggar

    16. And why would he? He"s obviously learned bookkeeping

    17. She learned stenography and typing in her few hours of free time and got employed doing assisting a shipping firm in the office, but she said she found signs of corruption as she got more into bookkeeping, so she quit and started working at the head office of a shoe store chain

    18. Frank DeSoto was doing some bookkeeping work in his office when he heard some kind of commotion coming from the main entrance of his cabaret

    19. Journals and material to be read at his “leisure” were placed in one pile, bills were placed by the computer to be entered into the Quicken bookkeeping software, payment checks from various health insurance companies for services he had rendered to patients were placed in another pile--unfortunately this was the smallest of the piles

    20. Chartered Accountant who found the time to teach me basic bookkeeping and later

    21. With only a rudimentary knowledge of bookkeeping

    22. Even though most entrepreneurs professed to have knowledge on accounting and basic bookkeeping, many did not make use of a double-entry bookkeeping system

    23. In fact, most entrepreneurs stated assistance with bookkeeping and filing was probably their biggest need

    24. The most significant need identified by SME”s was assistance with bookkeeping

    25. Tony marveled that his mother could care so passionately for a faceless, soulless entity, an amorphous collection of buildings and machines and bookkeeping figures

    26. principle, but in the bookkeeping and the indicators

    27. It was not clearly profitable because like most small affairs the bookkeeping was largely falsified and the tax inspectors verified and endorsed these accounts only with an appropriate bribe

    28. He had an accountant called Albert Sadek, two years older than me, who had a tiny cubicle at the back of the shop and spent the day there with his bookkeeping and invoices

    29. Another advantage of using small business credit cards is the fact that they help make bookkeeping easier

    30. This allows for better bookkeeping and better accounting

    31. His mother did bookkeeping downtown

    32. Madame Sviazhskaya had just told him at tea that they had that summer invited a Gemman expert in bookkeeping from Moscow, who for a consideration of five hundred roubles had investigated the management of their property, and found that it was costing them a loss of three thousand odd roubles

    33. “With reluctance he told us that you spent your mornings at the store and would permit no one else to do the bookkeeping

    34. And damn Rhett for telling them about the store and the bookkeeping and the mills! Reluctant, was he? She knew very well the joy he took in palming himself off on the old ladies as grave, harrowing them with descriptions of her activities with the store, the mills, the saloon

    35. They had sport, and never learned to write a bookkeeping hand

    36. In fact it is a simple bookkeeping exercise that should have no effect on the share price or the value of the company – some of the retained earnings are capitalized and shifted from one line in the books to another

    37. Louis Railroad Company, through a subsidiary, of its holdings of Pere Marquette stock in 1929 gave rise later to an even more extraordinary form of bookkeeping manipulation

    38. Investors confronted with the strange bookkeeping detailed above might have reasoned that the issue was still perfectly sound, because, when the overstatement of earnings was corrected, the margin of safety remained more than ample

    39. This bookkeeping gimmick enables companies to make an easy show of apparent growth in the following year—but investors should not mistake that for real business health

    40. “I don’t know what my father’s bookkeeping has to do with me

    41. Alternatively, all accounting numbers—the whole bookkeeping cycle—are tools to be used to give an investor objective benchmarks, clues to aid him or her in understanding a business and its dynamics

    42. In the bookkeeping cycle, net income not paid out to stockholders becomes a balance sheet account, called retained earnings or earned surplus

    43. The crucial step in this process is that the information entered in the bookkeeping ledgers by your bank (or at E-Trade, the mortgage company, or the soap seller) is really meaningless in terms of determining who “owns” an asset—these ledgers have no legal bearing

    44. On one occasion, she went to the studio to have the bookkeeping division issue her a check that was overdue, and she saw for herself that word had been spreading about her—not just word of her difficulty with Marilyn, but much more

    45. Companies that are playing games with the books end up with far more opportunities to disappoint investors with negative earnings surprises than companies that take a more conservative approach to bookkeeping

    46. She was benevolent and at the same time solvent, public-spirited and privately an individualist, open-handed but with a delicate sense of doubly-entry bookkeeping, sentimental but not soft

    47. I must give it to a group, an organization—and the only thing a group has ever created is bookkeeping

    48. Storekeepers whose bookkeeping was shaky blamed it on the mayor

    49. And after a while he did not pay the men at all, and saved bookkeeping

    50. We find the system of bookkeeping as thorough and complete as that of any business concern

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