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    borrowing примеры предложений


    1. No more borrowing space in Great-uncle's bags!”

    2. Going by air would cut the time even more but borrowing a floater and pilot again would cost more than the price of the house

    3. On the contrary, the whole expense of this borrowing, of employing agents to look out for people who had money to lend, of negotiating with those people, and of drawing the proper bond or assignment, must have fallen upon them, and have been so much clear loss upon the balance of their accounts

    4. “Great, man,” I told him borrowing his ‘man’

    5. The demand comes before the returns, and they have nothing at hand with which they can either purchase money or give solid security for borrowing

    6. It is not any scarcity of gold and silver, but the difficulty which such people find in borrowing, and which their creditor find in getting payment, that occasions the general complaint of the scarcity of money

    7. The most common way in which the colonies contract this debt, is not by borrowing upon bond of the rich people of the mother country, though they sometimes do this too, but by running as much in arrear to their correspondents, who supply them with goods from Europe, as those correspondents will allow them

    8. The company is prohibited from trading in their corporate capacity, or upon a joint stock ; from borrowing money upon common seal, or from laying any restraints upon the trade, which may be carried on freely from all places, and by all persons being British subjects, and paying the fine

    9. In this exigency, government can have no other resource but in borrowing

    10. The same commercial state of society which, by the operation of moral causes, brings government in this manner into the necessity of borrowing, produces in the subjects both an ability and an inclination to lend

    11. If it commonly brings along with it the necessity of borrowing, it likewise brings with it the facility of doing so

    12. It foresees the facility of borrowing, and therefore dispenses itself from the duty of saving

    13. The sovereign feels that he must provide for such exigencies by saving, because he foresees the absolute impossibility of borrowing

    14. In Great Britain, the annual land and malt taxes are regularly anticipated every year, by virtue of a borrowing clause constantly inserted into the acts which impose them

    15. Like an improvident spendthrift, whose pressing occasions will not allow him to wait for the regular payment of his revenue, the state is in the constant practice of borrowing of its own factors and agents, and of paying interest for the use of its own money

    16. Besides those two methods of borrowing, by anticipations and by a perpetual funding, there are two other methods, which hold a sort of middle place between them ; these are, that of borrowing upon annuities for terms of years, and that of borrowing upon annuities for lives

    17. In 1695, an act was passed for borrowing one million upon an annuity of fourteen per cent

    18. In 1691, an act was passed for borrowing a million upon annuities for lives, upon terms which, in the present times, would appear very

    19. In the following year, the deficiency was made good, by borrowing upon annuities for lives, at fourteen per cent

    20. An annuity for ninety-eight or ninety-nine years, however, is worth nearly as much as a perpetuity, and should therefore, one might think, be a fund for borrowing nearly as much

    21. It is not the different degrees of anxiety in the two governments of France and England for the liberation of the public revenue, which occasions this difference in their respective modes of borrowing ; it arises altogether from the different views and interests of the lenders

    22. The facility of borrowing delivers them from the embarrassment which this fear and inability would otherwise occasion

    23. By means of borrowing, they are enabled, with a very moderate increase of taxes, to raise, from year to year, money sufficient for carrying on the war; and by the practice of perpetual funding, they are enabled, with the smallest possible increase of taxes, to raise annually the largest possible sum of money

    24. It took talking the seller down in price and borrowing money from my mother, but we finally had a place to move into, and the kids and cats had room to roam and play

    25. In practical terms he always commits resources with money he does not have and do that by borrowing against the contract

    26. (It appeared to be a borrowing from a list of imperial titles

    27. Overall the interest charged on Janet and John’s borrowing

    28. In addition the total cost of their borrowing has reduced

    29. Another way is by having JV partners who customers associate you with, so you're borrowing

    30. I paid the money I was going to use for some books and had to spend that quarter borrowing the books I needed from the library

    31. Borrowing from the scientific perspective, one could further argue that the supposedly white

    32. Even Jesus told a parable involving lending and borrowing (Luke

    33. Prospective students who are considering borrowing funds for the degree should do their homework before committing to any loan program

    34. However, he explained that the Israeli Banks circumvent earning interest on the lending of money or borrowing funds by calling the higher repayment a “late payment

    35. Subservience to the state is anything but free, but the word liberal has a positive connotation, which leads to the borrowing of the word and its dishonest application by those who would mislead unknowing but sincere people

    36. I decided it was a good time to call Malik about borrowing the money

    37. He was borrowing Kyle’s Uzi

    38. This plan of borrowing a suitable body is always adopted by the Great Ones

    39. They may tell themselves they are only borrowing the money, not

    40. Some of the most common defenses in theft cases reflect this challenge, as a defendant may claim that they thought certain property was theirs or that they were just borrowing it

    41. He's only borrowing it for awhile



    44. Your ability to attract outside money – either through borrowing or investment – is enhanced

    45. Sometimes (as in the case of the property market) it is difficult to tell whether the borrowing is constructive or destructive and this is where risk comes in

    46. or not by the practical expediency of Patrick borrowing a

    47. They days of borrowing money easily and running up credit cards beyond your limits are gone

    48. While we’ve heard rhetoric about a smaller government and less debt, we continue in the self destructive mode of borrowing money to wage war and sacrifice our children to keep foreign markets under harsh US influence

    49. Now we will go into some of the other options you have for borrowing money when it is for your business

    50. Leasing companies will allow you to rent the assets you need as opposed to borrowing the money to rent them

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