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1. became a bosom chums during the social whirl of the nineteen fifties and all that
2. The fat woman laughed, but in spite of her girth, her bosom was small and well constrained
3. His existence, such as it was in the bosom of La
4. Her bosom touched his arm and Bahkmar saw Jaseem's pants move
5. His existence, such as it was in the bosom of La Force Nouveau, was bounded by the fragile skeleton of sanity marked out by Citizen Marat’s regular outbursts
6. "Why thank you," she said, and pressed the back of his hand to her ample bosom
7. Like many young men Tom felt the excitement inherent in the imminent promise of resting his head in the arms and on the bosom of an older and more experienced woman
8. She withdrew from her mother and no matter how desperate the look in her mother’s alcohol skewed eyes, she would not be drawn back into the bosom of her mother’s awful love, which is why, as the days passed and the new song hit the headlines and the airwaves, the only person who knew anything of it or enjoyed its strange and comforting melodies was Lucy, who saw no reason to share her comfort with anyone else
9. imminent promise of resting his head in the arms and on the bosom
10. skewed eyes, she would not be drawn back into the bosom of her
11. 9 Don’t be hasty in your spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom
12. ” She pressed his arm to her bosom, even though people could have seen if they were looking
13. arms, and carry them in his bosom,
14. And sails upon the bosom of the air
15. ‘Saint Jacques!’ She clutched it tightly to her bosom
16. But it was not long before we were back in the bosom of our Company and CSM Domby came up to us and said
17. I was just nearing Ma’s door when Beth came out the look of delight in her eyes when she saw me made my morning and she ran to me and hugged me to her not inconsiderable bosom
18. Then Bert came over and asked me about Mabel I told him she was fine and missing him however I didn’t tell him about her asking me to look after him I was happy because I was back in the bosom of my platoon with my mates and it was as if I had never been away
19. When I went over to her I saw who the lass behind the bar reminded me of so I guessed that it was Anne’s daughter Anne hugged me to her large bosom and kissed my cheek before saying
20. weeping of a small boy that never knew his real mother’s bosom
21. Standing in a pale blue silk gown worked with silver embroidery, the woman heaved for breath at the end of her introduction, the diamond necklace rising and falling within the low-cut neckline that exposed more of her ample bosom than Adem would have considered decent for such times
22. down to the treacherous bosom of the ocean, those watching had
23. Hayley wore a green silk dress so dark it appeared black, with silver patterns like birds and fish around the low-cut neckline that exposed her ample bosom
24. Her full bosom strained at the pale green dress, low cut and full to almost bursting, just how the senior apprentice was said to like them
25. Treasured ones, held fast in the bosom of The Father, The Holy One
26. She should have a child not me, I thought as I looked at her cuddling Keela to her bosom and immediately falling in love with her
27. In His bosom are healing tears and laughter, joy beyond compare, the fullness of love
28. In The bosom of The father
29. He wondered, noticing the fresh scratches crossing the swell of her bosom, if the remarks he’d made to Brian Walston when he’d questioned him in the prison yard might have induced him to think that she may have made some kind of deal behind his back with his investigators
30. He remembered a time when he had gone fishing with his grandfather, near a lake in the late summer when he was still a boy curling up in his mother’s bosom to sleep at night
31. From her who lies in your bosom guard your lips
32. My lover had made the dress for me, that is, the bosom was made for my single breast
33. Their child was here in her bosom, being fed for the first time
34. The gloves I put on, the mask I tucked into the bosom of my dress
35. Her womanly bosom heaved and sank, drawing in great gobs of fresh, cool air
36. Was it her poor scratched body or had she relived the horror of being snatched away? Ea seemed to have never left Hilkea’s bosom, but Zoran thought he had also heard a whimper quickly smothered as his little son had slept
37. to lie there in the bosom
38. and with his children; it did eat of his own meat, and drank of his own cup, and lay in his bosom, and was to him as a daughter
39. 8 And I gave you your master's house, and your master's wives into your bosom, and gave you the house of Israel and of Judah; and if
40. 19 And he said to her, Give me your son; and he took him out of her bosom, and carried him up into a loft, where he abode, and laid
41. It will be met in very bosom of the heart,
42. The very bosom of soul
43. 12 And render to our neighbours sevenfold into their bosom their reproach, with which they have reproached you, O Lord
44. 7 With which the mower fills not his hand; nor he who binds sheaves his bosom
45. 9 Be not hasty in your spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom of fools
46. flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those who are with
47. 6 See, it is written before me; I will not keep silence, but will recompense, even recompense into their bosom, 7
48. blasphemed me on the hills; therefore will I measure their former work into their bosom
49. to thousands, and recompenses the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them: the Great, the Mighty God, the
50. mischievously as he gaped at her bosom, licking his lips as he
1. Also the place was packed and not just with soldiers there were sleek good looking women on the streets and large bosomed country women selling their produce
2. Oh, mocking-bird, that bosomed in the height
1. heaving bosoms and impossible head dresses, with gentlemen officers of the dragoons
2. I could almost smell the burning of wax candles at every section of his palatial home, the bright coloured clothes brought from India through trading adorning the women, their bosoms exposed, their hair plaited with diamonds embellishing their soft necks, their ears garnished with the vibrant stones of the East
3. 31 And Pharaoh's ministers went and took the infants of the children of Israel from the bosoms of their mothers by force, and they brought them to Pharaoh daily, a child each day, and the physicians killed them and applied them to the plague; so did they all the days
4. 31 And Pharaoh's ministers went and took the infants of the children of Israel from the bosoms of their mothers by force and they brought them to Pharaoh daily a child each day and the physicians killed them and applied them to the plague; so did they all the days
5. 13 Judge not that you be not judged: condemn not that you be not condemned forgive and it shall be forgiven you: release and you shall be released: give that you may be given to; with good measure abundant full they shall thrust into your bosoms
6. A bevy of tight perms, tweed costumes, well-aligned stockings, sensible shoes, silk blouses and modest strings of pearls, shared hostess duties with a few couturier clad bosoms swathed in yards of silk, stiletto-heels, smart hats, handbags, and demurely clasped gloves
7. His mouth salivated over her bosoms like a hungry child at feeding time
8. Thus, in a continuing process, the emerging qunams in the individual plunamic bosoms would have split in turn, to cause the cellular multiplication within the plunamic bodies
9. Driven by the imbibed onamic urge to survive, the individual qunams in the plunamic bosoms could have begun to feed on their weaker cousins
10. Needless to say, with the relatively weak qunams having been consumed in time, the resistance against mutual qunamic poaching in the individual plunamic bosoms could have resulted in an eventual stalemate
11. This could have been brought about by the more vulnerable weaker qunams in the plunamic bosoms by tending to acquire female attributes that in turn would have galvanized the stronger ones towards the male tendencies
12. Just as the incessant yapping of a dog worries and enrages more constitutionally silent animals, so the clamorous voice of a man rouses fear in some bestial bosoms and insane rage in others
13. Where Conan beat down opposition by the sheer weight and power of his blows, breaking spears, splitting skulls and cleaving bosoms to the breast-bone, Valeria brought into action a finesse of sword-play that dazzled and bewildered her antagonists before it slew them
14. Soft white hands that had caressed him, red lips that had been pressed to his, dainty white bosoms that had quivered to his hot fierce kisses, to be stripped of their delicate skin, white as ivory and pink as young petals—from Conan's lips burst a yell so frightful and inhuman in its mad fury that a listener would have stared in horror to know that it came from a human throat
15. Call her old-fashioned, but she preferred not to bare her bosoms to all and sundry
16. She tried to stick her bosoms out still further, but she had run out of raw material; she had nothing left to give
17. looking at the woman’s bosoms again
18. the nearby stream, trying to catch sight of her reflected bosoms in the water)
19. didn’t want to die in a dress, with his bosoms covered in congealed white
20. Had any girl ever experienced such a kiss? She’d read about plenty of kisses between people in love, and had thought all the rapid breathing, racing hearts and heaving bosoms were nothing more than corny flourishes meant to add excitement and passion to a book
21. She does have one of the lovelier bosoms Loki has seen on this or any other world, and the bounce does rather nice things
22. We all have our little plans for the future--dear rosy things that we dote on and hug to our bosoms with more tenderness even than we hug the babies of our bodies, and the very rosiest and best developed of Mrs
23. suffocates all doubts by hugging him close to her bosoms
24. tight to her bosoms and though he still could not breathe, he had lost his fatal fear
25. only one solution; not God but his mother?s bosoms which had clinched his first fear when he
26. So marry Lady Life, keep Lady Nature on the side, and never expect any other two to be so faithful or so perfect as these, for there simply are none who can maintain the perfect proportions of being that Life and Nature keep in their lovely bosoms
27. From the act-poems of eyes, hands, hips and bosoms,
28. The sprawl and fulness of babes, the bosoms and heads of women, the
29. Annie Moffat's foolish lessons in coquetry came into her mind, and the love of power, which sleeps in the bosoms of the best of little women, woke up all of a sudden and took possession of her
30. The first person to enter the-field and the lists was the master of the ceremonies, who surveyed and paced the whole ground to see that there was nothing unfair and nothing concealed to make the combatants stumble or fall; then the duennas entered and seated themselves, enveloped in mantles covering their eyes, nay even their bosoms, and displaying no slight emotion as Don Quixote appeared in the lists
31. "Cruel, reckless woman!" she cried, "how easily wert thou moved to carry out a thought so wicked! O furious force of jealousy, to what desperate lengths dost thou lead those that give thee lodging in their bosoms! O husband, whose unhappy fate in being mine hath borne thee from the marriage bed to the grave!"
32. So saying the honest but implacable scout made the circuit of the dead, into whose senseless bosoms he thrust his long knife, with as much coolness as though they had been so many brute carcasses
33. We shall not attempt to describe the gratitude to the Almighty Disposer of Events which glowed in the bosoms of the sisters, who were thus unexpectedly restored to life and to each other
34. Six Delaware girls, with their long, dark, flowing tresses falling loosely across their bosoms, stood apart, and only gave proof of their existence as they occasionally strewed sweet-scented herbs and forest flowers on a litter of fragrant plants that, under a pall of Indian robes, supported all that now remained of the ardent, high-souled, and generous Cora
35. The chaste spouse of Leopold is she: Marion of the bountiful bosoms
36. The virgins of his church grew pale around him, victims of a passion so imbued with religious sentiment that they imagined it to be all religion, and brought it openly, in their white bosoms, as their most acceptable sacrifice before the altar
37. him in their white bosoms; which now, by the by, in their hurry and confusion, they would scantly have given themselves time to cover with their kerchiefs
38. It was full of girls, girls who floated in butterfly bright dresses, hooped out enormously, lace pantalets peeping from beneath; round little white lace shawls carelessly hanging from arms; fans spangled and painted, fans of swan’s-shoulders bare, and faintest traces of soft little bosoms showing above lace flounces; down and peacock feathers, dangling at wrists by tiny velvet ribbons; girls with masses of golden curls about their necks and fringed gold earbobs that tossed and danced with their dancing curls
39. She looked hungrily at the frocks floating by, butter-yellow watered velvet ribbons; baby blue taffeta, ten yards in the skirt and foamy with cascading lace; exposed bosoms; seductive flowers
40. She saw the little Zouave, a split-oak basket over his unwounded arm, making the rounds of the crowd on her side of the hall and saw women, old and young, laughing, eager, tugging each other undo stiff necklace clasps, unpinning brooches from bosoms
41. Everything which had been part of her earliest memories, with bosoms half bared, hair piled high and nostrils cut so deeply as to give her face a everything bound up with the deepest roots in her: “Good-by! Good-by, Scarlett O’Hara!”
42. Other lumbermen could only fume inwardly and Southern lady could lie about a gentleman but a Southern gentleman could not lie about state heatedly, in the bosoms of their families, that they wished to God Mrs
43. The ready bosoms existing there were impregnated by their surroundings
44. Moreo’er, I could scarce prevent my Eyes from seeing that all three of ’em lookt Goats and Monkies at me (as did their Mother) and they flirted quite shamelessly, leering o’er their painted Fans (which had shockingly lewd Pictures on ’em), thrusting forward their Bosoms as they pass’d the Cakes, as well as titt’ering, darting meaningful Looks at each other, and, in short, behaving more like Tarts than Ladies
45. They looked as if they had leaped, snapped upright in their graves, clutched hands over their shrivelled bosoms and screamed, jaws wide, tongues out, nostrils flared
46. Little beards on chins and bosoms and loins
47. There arose a tremor in the bosoms of these peaceful old streets, pierced and built for the fertile circulation of interests and ideas, and which are not made for the horrible rumble of the wheels of war
48. They looked as if they had leaped, snapped upright in their graves, clutched hands over their shriveled bosoms and screamed, jaws wide, tongues out, nostrils flared
49. So then two bosoms and a single troth
50. Oh! ye whose dead lie buried beneath the green grass; who standing among flowers can say—here, HERE lies my beloved; ye know not the desolation that broods in bosoms like these