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    bring forward

    1. A ‘heads of government’ meeting in Copenhagen failed to bring forward a binding agreement that would reduce carbon emissions, believed to be the cause of global warming

    2. Dr Bogle considered that, as long as he was Moderator, it would be inappropriate for him to bring forward his motion

    3. He sees me with his psychic powers as a candidate chosen by the Higher Forces to bring forward part of the Divine plan

    4. It’s the act of joining a team of people that operates to bring forward the Divine Plan with efficiency and intelligence

    5. I believe that Trocero will bring forward some pretender who he will claim is King Conan

    6. ‘That proves nothing,’ I bring forward

    7. Full of disgust I run past the other tubes that bring forward a lightly buzzing sound, so subtle it’s hardly audible

    8. With guides’ manipulation can take place to bring forward the proper messages in order to then connect and trigger the medium onto further information

    9. "Bring forward the mortal Josef," Titania was repeating

    10. But I am convinced that he is well enough informed to be able to bring forward adequate evidence to prove, to any reasonable man, the guilt of most of the top people in all these organisations

    11. Examiner said with a commanding voice, “Presenter! Bring forward the

    12. To bring forward a receding chin, apply highlighter on the tip of the chin and blend it into the surrounding make-up

    13. Reality is not any monolith concept but rather it is composed of three parts that all play together to bring forward a unified concept of reality

    14. Say, "You are promised a Day, which you cannot postpone by one hour, nor bring forward

    15. First, it may fairly be required that we should bring forward some extra-scriptural evidence of the recognition of the doctrine of life in Christ only in the ante-Nicene ages of the Church; and, secondly, it may be asked that we should offer some rational and historical account of the sources of the now established belief in the absolute immortality of all men, and the eternity of evil

    16. Thou needst say no more to him, nor will I say anything more to thee, save to tell thee to bear in mind that this Second Part of "Don Quixote" which I offer thee is cut by the same craftsman and from the same cloth as the First, and that in it I present thee Don Quixote continued, and at length dead and buried, so that no one may dare to bring forward any further evidence against him, for that already produced is sufficient; and suffice it, too, that some reputable person should have given an account of all these shrewd lunacies of his without going into the matter again; for abundance, even of good things, prevents them from being valued; and scarcity, even in the case of what is bad, confers a certain value

    17. estimate; but will bring forward such charges only, the truth of which is an insult upon humanity

    18. proofs being brought forward, even if he had them, and that to bring forward such proofs would damage him in the public estimation more than it would her

    19. We must have two chairs at hand for you to bring forward to the front of the stage

    20. Here, its power was only a glare: a stifling, sickly glare, serving but to bring forward stains and dirt that might otherwise have slept

    21. Even with animals which unite for each birth, and which do not propagate rapidly, we must not assume that free intercrossing would always eliminate the effects of natural selection; for I can bring forward a considerable body of facts showing that within the same area two varieties of the same animal may long remain distinct, from haunting different stations, from breeding at slightly different seasons, or from the individuals of each variety preferring to pair together

    22. He saw that the complex conditions of the life they led made the coarse proofs of his wife's guilt, required by the law, out of the question; he saw that a certain refinement in that life would not admit of such proofs being brought forward, even if he had them, and that to bring forward such proofs would damage him in the public estimation more than it would her

    23. ” But he could not bring forward any coherent explanation of the fact

    24. In reply to the prosecutor's question what grounds he had for asserting that Fyodor Pavlovitch had wronged his son in their money relations, Grigory, to the surprise of every one, had no proof at all to bring forward, but he still persisted that the arrangement with the son was “unfair,” and that he ought “to have paid him several thousand roubles more

    25. ” I must note, by the way, that the prosecutor asked this question whether Fyodor Pavlovitch had really kept back part of Mitya's inheritance with marked persistence of all the witnesses who could be asked it, not excepting Alyosha and Ivan, but he obtained no exact information from any one; all alleged that it was so, but were unable to bring forward any distinct proof

    26. But don't believe him, that was only his cunning; he didn't really give up the idea of Smerdyakov; on the contrary, he meant to bring him forward again; for, indeed, he had no one else to bring forward, but he would do that later, because for the moment that line was spoiled for him

    27. As soon as the Senators were seated round the table in the debating-room, Wolf began to bring forward with great animation all the motives in favour of a repeal

    28. You bring forward four features of resemblance, then you take four features of dissimilarity, which are, however, only apparent (according to you); and you thence conclude that human societies can be regarded as organisms

    29. And men of this way of thinking bring forward in support of their views arguments which they think irrefutable drawn from history, philosophy, and even religion

    30. And men of this way of thinking also bring forward in support of their views arguments which they think irrefutable from philosophy, history, and religion

    31. And these very men whom we have corrupted and brutalized by every means, we bring forward as a proof that one cannot deal with criminals except by brute force

    32. I have thought proper, sir, to bring forward all these resolutions together to show my own opinion on what ought to be done

    33. It is asked, will you leave the President of the United States to grope in the dark, and not let him know whether he has received our approbation or not? And is the President to judge from the thanks of the House that he has done his duty? How is he to know that they have expressed their sense of his conduct from proper motives? Would he not be right to suspect those who vote for, and more especially those who bring forward such a proposition, of improper motives? He would be left still worse to grope in the dark

    34. What would be the situation of the House, if, pursuing the ideas of some gentlemen, every member was to bring forward a document which he believed to be the legitimate one, and all these copies should differ? Who was to decide which was the correct one? If the House were to act at all on this subject, it was not only respectful and just to the President, but extremely civil, to inquire of him on what ground he has acted

    35. Notwithstanding these were his sentiments, he thought it would be going too far to consent, by the vote he was about to give, that he pledged himself to vote for any measure which the Committee of Foreign Relations might hereafter bring forward, when he did not intend to vote for all the resolutions contained in the report which was now under consideration

    36. Speaker, I should not have risen, on the present occasion, had not the honorable Committee of Foreign Relations requested all those that did not intend to vote for such ulterior measures as they might hereafter find necessary to bring forward, would not vote for the present resolutions, as they were a part of a system that might eventuate in war, &c

    37. Will they prove us by the waters, and reject all such as will not lap as the dog lappeth? For, sir, they have told us that all that did not intend to vote for such ulterior measures as they might have occasion hereafter to bring forward, ought not to vote for the resolutions

    38. If ever the tympanum was simply painted or filled with a group in terracotta, it is easy to see why the fashion died and why consequently we can bring forward no direct proof to-day

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    Синонимы для "bring forward"

    advance further serve move on