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    bull market

    1. In a rising market, this five wave/three-wave pattern forms one complete bull market/bear market cycle of eight waves

    2. Amplitudes of the correction waves subordinate certain rules: a second wave may never retrace more than 100 percent of a first wave (for example, in a bull market, the low of the second wave may not go below the beginning of the first wave); the third wave is never the shortest wave in an impulse sequence, often, it is the longest; a fourth wave can never enter the price range of a first wave (See Figure 5

    3. CEO of FNMA (Federal National Mortgage Association), in the hottest bull market in history,

    4. of a recovery than at the end of a bull market - for both the issuing company and the

    5. In bull markets, it is

    6. Although the growth occurred in the context of a long bull market, five to six years can be

    7. Unless one is in the throes of a bull market, investing in ex-post EVA increases is a

    8. A bull market will produce about a twenty percent threshold of firms that will out

    9. The recession of 91-92 was followed by one of the longest bull markets in history

    10. market, and three out of four stocks will go up during a bull market

    11. investor’s attempt to capitalize on a bull market, what it lacks in scientific legitimacy, it makes up in timely effectiveness

    12. One reason that the bull market of the 1990s was a good laboratory for studying

    13. will rise in a bull market and nine out of ten will fall during a bear market

    14. The correlation between earnings and price is high and volatile in the bull market, low and volatile in the

    15. The upward surge of a bull market has been far more

    16. Don't confuse brains with a bull market

    17. It would be supremely convenient if, in a bull market, stocks

    18. most want to know most is whether we are in a bull market,

    19. in a bull market they are allowed only to move more acutely

    20. A trailing stop is a one-way proposition; in a bull market

    21. beginning of the bull market

    22. positions being taken; the bull market was already two years old

    23. There can be a circumstance in a bull market in which there is a

    24. The stock market boom of 1994-2000 in the United States was the culmination of an 18-year advance, an unprecedented bull market that began in 1982

    25. I date the emergence of the bull market investment crowd from 1995

    26. stock market? At the peak of the bull market in 2000, Tobin’s q ratio stood at a historical high of 2

    27. Each of the first three market tops ended a bull market that had not been interrupted by any decline of as much as 30 percent in nominal terms or by any decline that lasted as much as eight months from high to low

    28. These were the bull markets of 1921-1929, of 1949-1966, and of 1987-2000

    29. In inflation-adjusted terms, prices advanced 496 percent, 334 percent, and 346 percent respectively during these bull markets

    30. Moreover, only the first of these three bull markets began from the preceding crash low

    31. The start of the 1949-1966 bull market occurred after 17 years had elapsed from the 1932 low, while the 1987-2000 bull market started 13 years after the 1974 low

    32. I don’t think we would see such strong bearish information cascades occur in the midst of a bull market leading to a bubble top

    33. Why did I use 250 percent instead of the larger numbers associated with the three previous bubble bull markets? I wanted to be conservative, yet stay in the same ballpark

    34. Why 2016? Well, the obvious answer is that if 2008 is like 1921, then since the 1921-1929 bull market lasted eight years this one should, too

    35. I think it more likely that if a bubble bull market is actually starting in 2008, then it will probably last between 13 and 17 years, putting the top sometime during the years 2021 to 2025

    36. If 2008 is not the start of a bubble bull market, then the top of the next bubble will be pushed out further in time and much higher in price

    37. The next bubble bull market would then have to start some number of years after 2008 and from a price level higher than the 2008 low

    38. Once you think you have seen the starting point of the bubble bull market, you can use the precedents cited earlier to guesstimate the level and timing of its ultimate top

    39. There are many less dramatic bull market tops occurring in the intervals between major bubble tops

    40. These less dramatic bull market tops are seen on average every four or five years

    41. Short bull markets are a phenomenon associated with extended stock market advances, such as those of 1921-1929, 1942-1966, and 1982-2000

    42. I’ll have a lot more to say about how these short bull markets can be exploited when I describe “The Grand Strategy of Contrarian Trading” in Chapter 11

    43. Perhaps this was a clue that a bubble bull market was under way during 1987-2000

    44. A similar situation developed during the bubble bull market of 1921-1929, which was interrupted by subnormal bear markets in 1923 and 1926

    45. This may prove to be a clue that a bubble bull market is under way the next time we see such a phenomenon develop

    46. I knew that the typical bull market in the stock market averages lasts about two years

    47. I believed this to be an accurate assessment of one of the reasons for the bull market in stocks, and I clipped the article because I wanted to keep tracking this story until its end—which probably would be associated with an important stock market top (it was, in 2007)

    48. I should point out that the bull market in stocks had two more years to run at the time this story appeared

    49. This was a relatively quick 8 percent drop in prices, normal for a bull market

    50. The classic examples are the 1921-1929 bull market, during which the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose from 60 to 380, and the 1994-2000 bull market, during which the same average advanced from 3,800 to 11,750

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