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    1. He was still on his feet, hunched over his desk like a giant tattooed bulldog

    2. Once, as the little troop frolicked on the lawn, Mitzi spied a bulldog coming down the street

    3. By then, the bulldog was running toward our house

    4. With his long fur standing up in alert mode, he looked almost as big as the bulldog and was twice as fast with his curved claws

    5. Finally, he jumped off the dog, and with a few more swipes with his razor claws, he chased the bulldog down the block

    6. Satisfied, Mitzi sat down in the middle of the street to wash himself free of canine smell, while the bulldog continued running and yelping down the street

    7. I had a bulldog named Chunker

    8. Vic could pop him on the back seat as a joke bulldog from the looks of it but AJ knew better than to interrupt by now

    9. The situation was extremely delicate; the expressions of the concourse, as I have already indicated, were fierce only comparable with the canine aggressions of a bulldog to who someone were snatching its food

    10. liked to be an agent of terror made it so much easier to uphold the reputation of a bulldog

    11. Conan went with it, bruised, battered, invincible, hanging on like a bulldog to the hilt of his saber which he could not withdraw, tearing and ripping at the shuddering bulk with the poniard in his left hand, goring it to ribbons

    12. Like a bulldog he hung on grimly, shaken and battered and beaten against the steps as they rolled, until at last they struck an ivory panel-door at the bottom with such an impact that they splintered it down its full length and crashed through its ruins

    13. A large shaven headed man with a British Bulldog tattoo on his thick forearm leant forward and poked Terry in the chest and growled, “Okay you can come in but don’t fucking annoy me again…”

    14. One picture looked fairly recent and was a pretty Indian girl holding a merle colored bulldog looking pup

    15. JY, sensing concern walked around the vehicle with the stilted gait displayed by a fully cocked pit bulldog

    16. The ‗let‘s get‘r done‘ Pit Bulldog passed through the dense foliage as efficiently as a wild thing, never swerving from the scent trail and ignoring the myriad small creatures disturbed by his intrusion

    17. ‖ Sam hissed, venting his frustration on the pit bulldog

    18. Only once had the pit bulldog left his side—after he sensed Sam‘s normal sleep pattern and he quietly backed out of the grassy cocoon to slip back to the stream and lap the cool water

    19. ―Stop eating that shit!‖ Sam chastised the pit bulldog for sneaking a mouthful of pig guts

    20. The pit bulldog wasn‘t about to lead his master into a trap—not in this life

    21. The pit bulldog sensed his urgency but was helpless to slow him though he wanted to please this man whose disbelief in the dog‘s intentions was tearing at his heart

    22. More, it was unlikely that he could extricate himself—forget the Indian and captives—minus the Pit Bulldog Self survival

    23. Arms extended, throat exposed, the death dealing Indian twisted his shoulder to ward off whatever had jumped at him, aborting the war-club‘s deadly journey but in the manner of the pit bulldog, JY touched the man‘s turning shoulder with his good forefoot and in a flash went for another hold, latching on to the unprotected right biceps muscle with vice-grip jaws

    24. The Mastiff was crossed with the Bulldog to

    25. The English Bulldog (EB) is a smooth-coated, massive, broad,

    26. This caused the ‘Old English Bulldog’ (original bulldog fighter)

    27. com/dog-breeds/fci-group-2/bulldog This Site Contains Information about the Pakistani Bulldog, and other Breeds

    28. Churchill had to drum up support and he did this with his famous speech, on June 4th 1940, where he declared we would, “fight them on the beaches, the landing grounds, in the fields and the streets; in the hills… we shall never surrender”! The response to this was a rapturous applause in the House of Commons, and reinforced the bulldog spirit of the British people

    29. You’ve got the tenacity of a bulldog

    30. Form far it looked sullen and shy like an abused bulldog

    31. Two dogs, a collie and a bulldog, entered into the store and approached Genesis

    32. There, walking a stocky bulldog on a leash, was an overweight man with a close marine haircut

    33. The body of the bison looks slightly out of proportion, very much like the worked-out bulldog in Tom and Jerry cartoons, with a slim waist, wide, powerful shoulders, and a huge head

    34. I guessed the other bulldog detective

    35. The fat bulldog woman stood up, and being so short, it was as if she had not stood at all

    36. and while you're at it drop in on old Bulldog Winnie, Kipling, Tolstoy and me old mate

    37. But you said a lot about a bulldog, and about ear-rings and chains, and about Krestovsky Island, and some porter, and Nikodim Fomitch and Ilya Petrovitch, the assistant superintendent

    38. We know that the crew of the Royal Navy's Bulldog fished up a starfish from 2,620 fathoms, hence from a depth of more than one vertical league

    39. Among those properly termed seals—which have no external ears, unlike sea lions whose ears protrude—I observed several varieties of the species stenorhynchus, three meters long, with white hair, bulldog heads, and armed with ten teeth in each jaw: four incisors in both the upper and lower, plus two big canines shaped like the fleur–de–lis

    40. But they can't build the boys of the Bulldog breed,

    41. The polyphone continued to play 1The Boys of the Bulldog

    42. Bulldog on the premises

    43. They cussed Jim considerble, though, and give him a cuff or two side the head once in a while, but Jim never said nothing, and he never let on to know me, and they took him to the same cabin, and put his own clothes on him, and chained him again, and not to no bed-leg this time, but to a big staple drove into the bottom log, and chained his hands, too, and both legs, and said he warn't to have nothing but bread and water to eat after this till his owner come, or he was sold at auction because he didn't come in a certain length of time, and filled up our hole, and said a couple of farmers with guns must stand watch around about the cabin every night, and a bulldog tied to the door in the daytime; and about this time they was through with the job and was tapering off with a kind of generl good-bye cussing, and then the old doctor comes and takes a look, and says:

    44. Lestrade's bulldog features gazed out at us from the front window, and he greeted us warmly when a big constable had opened the door and let us in

    45. ’s systems, only to allow herself to be outwitted by the splenetic bulldog standing in front of him

    46. In ten minutes, I came to the ground behind the stable that had been converted into the long garage where my Big Dog Bulldog Bagger awaited deconstruction

    47. But you said a lot about a bulldog, and about ear‐rings and chains, and about Krestovsky Island, and some porter, and Nikodim Fomitch and Ilya Petrovitch, the assistant superintendent

    48. Hogarth himself, tho’ he lookt the most unprepossessing Pug (being short, blunt-featur’d, and stout as a little Bulldog), was a canny Fellow, the Son of a distracted Schoolmaster turn’d Coffee-house Keeper, who’d been gaol’d in the Fleet for Debt; and he was determin’d to escape his Father’s hard Fate

    49. “This story could be nothing,” I hissed to my bulldog friend

    50. “Kim,” I said at one point, not too far into the session, “does Sam keep any weapons in the apartment?” Sam was the name we had agreed to use in our sessions; Sam was also the name of a bulldog that had bitten Kim when she was a little girl

    1. If you move along the dark alleys past the buildings where the editing rooms on the top floors whisper and bray and roar and snack-chatter until two or three or four in the morning, you hear chariots rushing by in the air, or sand blowing across Beau Geste’s ghost-haunted desert, or traffic coursing the Champs-Elyseés all French horns and derogatory cries, or Niagara pouring itself down the studio towers into the film vaults, or Barney Oldfield, on his last run, gunning his racer around Indianapolis to the shout of faceless mobs, while further on as you walk in darkness someone lets loose the dogs of war and you hear Caesar’s wounds open like rosebuds in his cloak, or Churchill bulldogging the airwaves as the Hound bays over the moors and the night people keep working these shadowed hours because they prefer the company of Moviolas and flicker-moth screens and closeup lovers to the people stranded at noonday, stunned by reality outside the walls

    1. home of the Georgia Bulldogs!!! It is just under two hours from

    2. I‘ve owned Pit Bulldogs

    3. French bulldogs were used for ‘downsizing’ and for the

    4. com This is an Extensive Site for Bulldogs, however, the

    5. Even supposing that we could breed men having the tenacity of bulldogs, or, like the Spartans, 'lacking the wit to run away in battle,' would the world be any the better? Many of the noblest specimens of the human race have been among the weakest physically

    6. Even though much prettier bulldogs have and will be

    7. Beer, beef, business, bibles, bulldogs battleships, buggery and bishops

    8. They fought with more pertinacity than bulldogs

    9. All bulldogs have their lower jaws longer than the upper, and the upper teeth come down behind the nether teeth, but Búlka's lower jaw protruded so much that I could put my finger between the two rows of teeth

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