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    business world

    1. Consequently, and possibly to “get even” with them, she had never married, although before they died in a car accident they had tried hard and often to marry her off to several older men who were well established in the business world

    2. This was her first visit into his business world

    3. Jonathan was a self-starter who had made it to the top in the whaling profession, now it was time to start again and make it to the top in the business world

    4. You'll know all the income producing secrets that are virtually unknown in the business world

    5. Such a highflying enterprise is usually built on a foundation of bank loans, borrowed money, borrowed expertise, borrowed experience, a ball of wax that will melt at the first touch of heat in a red hot business world

    6. How much would the steward’s new masters have been able to trust him knowing how he had cheated his former boss? Trust is a small word but it carries much weight in the business world

    7. A young man just entering the business world once said to me that he could not do business without taking of his Christian jacket

    8. The reputation of the business is foremost on your thoughts and lips, without fear the business can be represented knowing that it is held in high esteem in the community and the business world

    9. Of the business world today

    10. But things were later to change when I entered his business world

    11. That’s the way to rise in the business world

    12. Ward said, “Park had a vision on the business world that is extremely unusual

    13. His father had much business to transact, and desiring that his son grow up to become a worthy successor in the management of his vast commercial interests, he thought the time had come to introduce the boy to the business world

    14. melting pot of the business world

    15. It was as if she had suddenly found a way of relaxing from the demanding duties of work, a freedom from the harsh realities of the business world

    16. These older, more skilled business people also need you to have some interest and knowledge of the business world

    17. considered AGI to be "small potatoes" in the business world, and he longed for

    18. the biggest, fastest growing game in the business world

    19. Of course, in my involvement in the business world with computers, I did do some documentation of systems so I needed some writing skills

    20. Managers and the business world give you an unlimited amount of material for your books

    21. In the business world, creativity is a must to survive and to

    22. experience in the business world, with my experience being the research, so it has authenticity

    23. I mentioned the cookbook, but in all my books, I chronicle my journey as a writer as well as my adventures in the business world and my involvement in environmental concerns

    24. This way of getting ahead in school leads to more in the business world and in many other places in our society

    25. The business world is very cruel indeed

    26. In my fourth book, I talked about a host of studies by the government – I don’t think we can excuse the business world here, either – of wasted resources

    27. The business world takes full advantage of this situation by not having to worry about where they set up their branches

    28. business world, including over twenty years as a software consultant

    29. When I first entered the business world, I

    30. This was my rude introduction to the business world

    31. Ethics don’t appear to be that important as various scandals in the business world and politics can attest to

    32. I had enough of the business world and now I just write about it

    33. Less than two years after exiting the business world – at least from a paying job – I sold my house

    34. he insisted that it would be on a trial basis! At this point I had only been contracting for seventeen years and involved in the business world for twenty-one years

    35. Apparently this type of scenario happens quite frequently in the business world and it indicates that management is not doing their job in keeping their subordinates happy

    36. I taught at that school for two years before leaving to join the business world

    37. Much of the corruption has been eliminated but unfortunately the business world and all its practices have dictated a rebirth of the union

    38. As you can see “working smart” transcends the business world

    39. dive into the business world

    40. The business world is full of horror stories touting the rates of failure and

    41. arrangement in the business world than that

    42. Network marketing is unique in the business world in that it is the only

    43. The business world rarely rewards a whiner

    44. In the education sector, every academic department requires web presence as a critical component of its information technology strategy; in the health sector, web presence is required for better healthcare delivery in order to contribute to modernization and development of a country; and in the business sector, the use of Internet for business purposes has increased dramatically as it is widely recognized as an efficient and cost-effective way for business world to communicate among themselves

    45. with the glass ceiling that still exists in the business world and that

    46. With IBM’s strong presence in the business world, it was their model that became the industry standard; and other computers and software applications were marketed as IBM compatible

    47. They are to be found at every level of the social strata including the professions, the business world and most unfortunately the

    48. I gain a new respect for his planning and attention to detail and start to understand how he managed to build up an empire amid the cut-throat business world of Nye Copenhagen

    49. The term “gross misconduct” has a variety of interpretations in the business world, particularly as the term applies to employment law

    50. Whatever is the case and scenario at workplace for gross misconduct, the procedures that are legislated should be followed and if actions are taken after proper investigation then there will always be harmony in the business world

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