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    buzzard примеры предложений


    1. · Today is Buzzard Day

    2. A seagull wheels away to the west, and disappears beyond the roof line of the old milking parlour, while crows mob a buzzard above the tree line that runs the length of the field below the farmhouse

    3. Upwards he flew, above the canopy of Brockenhurst Forest, swooping and gliding like a buzzard hunting prey, delighting in the sensation of the wind against his face

    4. That evening I discovered that the buzzard is a kinsman of the coyotl

    5. For the next 400 years Russia will be watching Turkey like a buzzard watches a weakening prey

    6. (An ossifrage is a vulture and an ospray is a buzzard

    7. Turning to the crowd she said, "Somebody help this old buzzard up

    8. The buzzard sound of the back office door goes off

    9. The Buzzard, The Bat, and The Bumblebee

    10. that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of 10 to 12 feet

    11. He claimed that he had conjured up the spirit of one of the chiefs of a Native American tribe, whose name was the White Buzzard

    12. “Gentlemen, I stated last night that I was going to save Powderville from the talons of this stinking buzzard

    13. of a prowling buzzard

    14. I rode for days only seeing the occasional scattered wildlife and the annoying presence of my constant companion, the buzzard, who lazily coasted along above marking my progress

    15. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T HEAR THE BUZZARD SOUND?" Tony shouts! Everyone at the party hearing this turns around and worriedly looks at Tony! They come and start to surround Tony as he speaks on the intercom!

    16. "I PRESSED THE INTERCOM BUTTON! YOU SHOULD HAVE HEARD THE BUZZARD SOUND!" Tony presses the intercom button again and shouts, "TRY IT AGAIN!"

    17. "NO!" Peto nervously shouts! "THERE'S STILL NO BUZZARD SOUND!"

    18. They then hear the buzzard sound

    19. In vain the ocean settling in hollows and the great monsters lying low, In vain the buzzard houses herself with the sky,

    20. Is the old buzzard dead or isn't he? he wondered

    21. "How comes it that all do not retreat in aversion at sight of that flat, receding, serpent-like forehead, round, vulture-shaped head, and sharp-hooked nose, like the beak of a buzzard? Ali," cried he, striking at the same time on the brazen gong

    22. (He swoops uncertainly through the air, wheeling, uttering cries of heartening, on strong ponderous buzzard wings) Ho, boy! Are you going to win? Hoop! Pschatt! Stable with those halfcastes

    23. A buzzard wheeled lazily in the azure sky above the field, its enormous wings suspended in the shimmering blue

    24. One of them, as black as an enormous turkey buzzard, grazed the roofs of the houses in La Manga, left a piece of wing in a nearby tree, and was caught in the electrical wires

    25. “You sure look happy as a buzzard,” Al said

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    Синонимы для "buzzard"

    buteo buteo buzzard cathartes aura turkey buzzard turkey vulture