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    by far

    1. The better story by far was that of the girl who wrote it

    2. Her android looked like she did when she died, the second youngest on the crew of Gordon's Lamp at death, Ava being the youngest by far at twelve

    3. By far sighted me with a sweet look, hoping

    4. Actually, he should admit it, he was closer to her than either Brazilian woman he had married, closer by far than his affairs had been

    5. Lastriss is much bigger than Hazorpean and is still the largest city by far that Desa has seen in the Zhlindu basin, at least one eighth as large as Talthaic

    6. Today he had the gravity set to normal, Sol was almost dead ahead and by far the brightest object in view

    7. He had some tricks up his sleeve he'd learned from carrying freight so he was by far the best to make an estimate of what would fit where

    8. She had, by far, the smallest breasts of any woman in the room

    9. Even so, he was by far the best shot in the intake at the Grange,

    10. had been, by far, the worst, and at the end Jenna

    11. The car’s parked by St Mary Redcliffe Church, not the closest car park to the museum but by far the easiest for me to drive to

    12. That was the closest by far he had ever come to being caught

    13. Laurent - by far the more communicative of the two men

    14. And this last move was by far the worst

    15. neighborhoods were left behind, replaced by farmland and forest

    16. It was to be by far the

    17. Although in her opinion after seeing both Kassidor Yakhan and Zhlindu, Zhlindu is by far the more city of the two

    18. " Even having lived through the horrors of the Plague, Nathalia was by far the most deadly being Alec had ever seen

    19. Especially as arithmetic was by far his worst subject

    20. out of the windows of a nearby farm, and the riders

    21. They, are, however, by far the most abundant

    22. The land constitutes by far the greatest, the most important, and the most durable part of the wealth of every extensive country

    23. It may surely be of some use, or, at least, it may give some satisfaction to the public, to have so decisive a proof of the increasing value of by far the greatest, the most important, and the most durable part of its wealth

    24. The returns of the fixed capital are, in almost all cases, much slower than those of the circulating capital : and such expenses, even when laid out with the greatest prudence and judgment, very seldom return to the undertaker till after a period of many years, a period by far too distant to suit the conveniency of a bank

    25. however, Camtasia is by far the best in my opinion and well worth the

    26. Of those three cities, Paris is by far the most industrious, but Paris itself is the principal market of all the manufactures established at Paris, and its own consumption is the principal object of all the trade which it carries on

    27. Of all the ways in which a capital can be employed, it is by far the most advantageous to society

    28. Holland, in proportion to the extent of the land and the number of it's inhabitants, by far the richest country in Europe, has accordingly the greatest share of the carrying trade of Europe

    29. This, though it has been the least observed, is by far the most important of all their effects

    30. Naturally, most women were willing to become part of the harem – the advantages outweighed the risks by far

    31. Ashcote wasn't the prettiest city in Alataria by far, but Maileena always believed it had a certain charm to it

    32. All the rest of the neighbourhood, however, by far the greatest number, profit by the good market which his expense affords them

    33. It has ruined the boat fishery, which is by far the best adapted for the supply of the home market; and the additional bounty of 2s:8d

    34. Whoever examines, with attention, the history of the dearths and famines which have afflicted any part of Europe during either the course of the present or that of the two preceding centuries, of several of which we have pretty exact accounts, will find, I believe, that a dearth never has arisen from any combination among the inland dealers in corn, nor from any other cause but a real scarcity, occasioned sometimes, perhaps, and in some particular places, by the waste of war, but in by far the greatest number of cases by the fault of the seasons; and that a famine has never arisen from any other cause but the violence of government attempting, by improper means, to remedy the inconveniencies of a dearth

    35. The law, however, which obliged the farmer to exercise the trade of a corn merchant was by far the most pernicious of the two

    36. The dangers to which a false coiner is everywhere exposed, if he lives in the country of which he counterfeits the coin, and to which his agents or correspondents are exposed, if he lives in a foreign country, are by far too great to be incurred for the sake of a profit of six or seven per cent

    37. Remember that because a Solo Ad’ is dedicated to just your offer, this type of advert has by far the best response rate of all the Ezine Ad’ types

    38. Oddly, the graveyard behind the God of the Dead’s Temple was by far the smallest of any in Saparen

    39. It cannot be very difficult to determine who have been the contrivers of this whole mercantile system; not the consumers, we may believe, whose interest has been entirely neglected; but the producers, whose interest has been so carefully attended to ; and among this latter class, our merchants and manufacturers have been by far the principal architects

    40. In order to render provisions cheap to the inhabitants of the towns, and thereby to encourage manufactures and foreign commerce, he prohibited altogether the exportation of corn, and thus excluded the inhabitants of the country from every foreign market, for by far the most important part of the produce of their industry

    41. “East of here, Columbia has to import about everything, including water from America, which is by far the largest country on the continent

    42. The sovereigns of China, of ancient Egypt, and of the different kindoms into which Indostan has, at different times, been divided, have always derived the whole, or by far the most considerable part, of their revenue, from some sort of land tax or land rent

    43. Whatever, in time of peace, might be the ordinary occupation of those who go to war, so very tedious and expensive a service would otherwise be by far too heavy a burden upon them

    44. Those militias which, like the Tartar or Arab militia, go to war under the same chieftains whom they are accustomed to obey in peace, are by far the best

    45. By far the most important of all the different branches of philosophy became in this manner by far the most corrupted

    46. The reason of the new doctrines recommended them to some, their novelty to many; the hatred and contempt of the established clergy to a still greater number: but the zealous, passionate, and fanatical, though frequently coarse and rustic eloquence, with which they were almost everywhere inculcated, recommended them to by far the greatest number

    47. universities have, in this case, the picking and chusing of their members from all the churchmen of the country, who, in every country, constitute by far the most numerous class of men of letters

    48. After the church of Rome, that of England is by far the richest and best endowed church in Christendom

    49. The trade in the commodities not taxed, by far the greatest number would be perfectly free, and might be carried on to and from all parts of the world with every possible advantage

    50. By far, the two most notorious cruisers were the English-built Florida and Alabama

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