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    calyx примеры предложений


    1. The exterior valve of the calyx, in the perfect flowers, is ovate, obtuse, very thick, cartilaginous, the inner margin inflected, and deeply marked on its outer surface with from three to five corrugations, with longitudinal ridges between them; the interior valve is smaller, of equal length, acute, ruled, coriaceous, smooth, and with the inner margin also inflected

    2. The valves of the corolla are membraneous, ovate, acute, white, shorter than the calyx, the exterior one the longest

    3. The neutral florets are sometimes male, but most commonly consist of nothing more than a 2-valved calyx, the valves equal, gaping, scabrous, and much smaller than those of the perfect flower

    4. He has called the culm solid, leaves rather short, spikes cylindric, axillary, the flowers and rachis entirely smooth, pedicel of the neutral flower emarginate, outer valve of the hermaphrodite calyx acute, the valves of the corolla obtuse, and the styles very short

    5. What he means by stating that the "outer valve of the hermaphrodite flower is 3-valved," I cannot imagine, nor do I comprehend what is intended by an "exterior auxiliary valve, or neutral rudiment; nearly the length of the calyx

    6. Valves of the calyx nearly equal, lanceolate, acute, coriaceous, polished, the inner margin of each inflected

    7. Valves of the corolla lanceolate, acute, membraneous, nearly the length of the calyx

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