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camp out
1. I remembered the times when we would try to camp out at the edge of the woods after these family get-togethers, me, my brothers and cousins
2. The families would later receive notification of their deaths and the media would camp outside their houses, read their e-mails and listen to their phone messages printing stories about them before they moved onto their next victim the following day
3. The Russians have a camp outside the town
4. They stood up and walked through the camp out into the darkness
5. We had continued north and I again suggested that we avoid the yams and camp out
6. There always seemed to be a spot where one could camp out if he wished
7. We would have to camp out in the open for a few days
8. I mean, he won’t have to camp out on the streets in a cardboard box, but I imagine the house will have to go
9. They stayed in a hidden camp outside the walls, while a traitor inside Eid did their dirty-work
10. Uranus will camp out very near an eclipse point all month
11. He will basically ‘camp out’ – make what is called a ‘station’ – right on Neptune, your career planet, until the 13th
12. As usual, we will go with a force and encamp outside the castle
13. Travel all around the States, camp out, meet new
14. “So, did you camp out with the enemy?"
15. “Peggy is my best friend and a divorce survivor so it has been a good ‘safe house’ to camp out in
16. If this doesn’t offend you, I can camp outside: I have a small but sturdy tent with me
17. “When the boat races ended, my siblings took it into their misguided heads to help me renovate the attic as a means of repaying me for my hospitality in letting them camp out here during the hydroplane races
18. and his mates would camp out and live off what they
19. At the same time, there is no other woman who allows her courters to camp out in her house and dilapidate her wealth
20. the bedroom and Erik could camp out on the couch here
21. “I figure we can camp out on the floor a few weeks
22. He said, “I wish we could camp out tonight
23. Maybe even camp out nearby before the weather got too tame to be any fun
24. The gas station parking lots would be no good—they’d be noticed if they decided to just camp out there
25. “And if we can’t find a place to stay we can always camp out in the car,” Katz said, maintaining her gaze into his eyes
26. hit you on a plane, on a camp out or in, yes, a job search
27. When I run low on oxygen, I can camp out for a day and use all my power to run the oxygenator on the stored CO2
28. He wouldn’t have had to camp out for hours; he could have observed her from the coffee shop across the street or from a parked car
29. She was only yards from her parents’ front door, on a street so safe she used to camp out in the backyard on warm summer nights
30. Tailahr, the Inquisition’s camp outside Lake City, when he first saw it
31. “Why do you come here and camp out on my lawn?” I said to that bullshit
32. But all I heard, all I focused on were the words, “camp out in the desert tonight
33. “God Almighty, I can’t hardly believe it! Tonight the deputies an’ them fellas with the little caps, they burned the camp out by the river