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    capon примеры предложений


    1. "A shield of brawn with mustard, boyl'd capon, a chine of beef roasted,

    2. This breed, when butchered young, makes a great fryer, roaster or capon

    3. “M’lord, I…” How could he share a camp with such as these? Their serving men would raise their pavilions, their grooms would curry their horses, their cooks would serve them each a capon or a joint of beef, whilst Dunk and Egg gnawed on strips of hard salt beef

    4. Just in case, he slipped half a capon into the pocket of his cloak, with some hunks of bread and a little of the smelly cheese

    5. They want to tear my throat out, he thought, or else they want the capon in my cloak

    6. ’Twas Polly with my roast Capon

    7. Whereupon she tuckt a linen Napkin into my Shirt Front, taking care to expose her fine, plump Bosom, just below my Nose, and I receiv’d a most Pow’rful Odour of Attar of Roses, and honest female Sweat, o’er and above the Odour of roast Capon; so much so that, ’twas fortunate I was not the Man I seem’d to be, for certainly the mingl’d Lusciousness of their entrancing Odours would have caus’d me to ravish Polly forthwith

    8. She was, on the Contrary, so juicy and plump that she seem’d bursting thro’ her tight Stays, e’en as the Flesh of the delicious roast Capon was bursting thro’ its sewn Trussing

    9. She leant o’er me to pierce the juicy Flesh of the Capon; and, unable to contain myself any longer, I clapp’d my Mouth to the tender Valley betwixt the white Mountains of her Breasts and there insinuated my darting Tongue

    10. “Continue, my Dears,” says he again, this Time thro’ a Mouthful of Capon

    11. He takes the madden’d red Member in his Hand (which, by the by, is slick with Capon Fat), seems i’faith to admire it, and freshly parting Polly’s ruby Nether Lips, he drives it into her pretty Cleft quite up to the Hilt; whereupon Polly gives a deep Sigh, more with Pleasure than Pain, and e’en seems to assist him by pushing forward her Hips

    12. Whereupon he blows out all the Candles but one (upon the Night-Stand), strips down to his Shirt, takes his Polly with one Hand and the Remains of the Capon with the other, and verily bounces into Bed

    13. Therefore, I would not permit you to be, but ’twas only thro’ the most repeated Arguments that I managed to keep Prue Feral from binding you up like a truss’d Capon

    14. Shelley Capon, of all the writers in the world, hated Papa

    15. In the midst of this hell, seated erect and proper, well dressed in velveteen jerkin, persimmon bow tie, and bottle-green booties, was, of course, Shelley Capon

    16. Shelley Capon read my mind

    17. ‘Dear, dear Raimundo,’ Shelley Capon stirred his drink with his pinkie

    18. ‘You son of a bitch,’ said Shelley Capon, on the floor

    19. Shelley Capon edged over and brought me the cage and its cover

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