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cause to be
1. This database is the realm of genius; because to be
2. Those that are private have no cause to be hated
3. Give me no cause to beat you, and I won’t
4. far, he supposed she had legitimate cause to be sanguine
5. So I decided the parachute would have benefited me more but luckily we always landed and had no cause to become long haired liberals to complain about their silly jokes
6. that be in the midst of you, deceive you, neither listen to your dreams which you cause to be dreamed
7. She had cause to be: Pat was coming home
8. your goal, because to be always on the move, learning,
9. The antiwar movement was for us a cause to be
10. cause to believe there was anything exceptionally wrong
11. All your life you’ve racked your brain for the 'right' thing to do, the one cause to be involved with
12. The presiding judge ruled that there was no probable cause to believe that Dr
13. [305] hacer cultivar, to have cultivated, to cause to becultivated
14. And I am glad for your sakes, even if the others are not thereby saved, that I was not there, to the end that you shall now have new cause to believe in me; and by that which you will witness, you should all be strengthened in preparation for that day when I shall take leave of you and go to the Father
15. If it seemed suspicious to Thomas, perhaps he had cause to be wary
16. Because to be a Catholic is to be, was to be, Polish
17. He pleaded his cause to be held but in all aspects he got not a single percent success to gain any support from the participants of this summit and he failed completely
18. He felt that he had more cause to be
19. Need we stand still and be ashamed of the results of preaching the gospel? Shall we hang down our heads, and complain that "the faith once delivered to the saints" has lost its power, and does no good? We have no cause to be ashamed at all
20. What deliverance on earth have all the modern schools�which scorn dogmatic teaching�what deliverance have they wrought? What overgrown and semi-heathen parishes in the metropolis, in our great seaports, our manufacturing towns, our colliery districts, have they evangelized and civilized? What New Zealand, what Red River, what Sierra-Leone, what Tinnevelly can the high-sounding systems of this latter day point to as a fruit of their system? No! if the question, "What is truth?" is to be solved by reference to results and fruits, the religion of the New Testament, the religion whose principles are summarized, condensed, and embalmed in our Articles, Creeds, and Prayer Book, has no cause to be ashamed
21. Have Evangelical Churchmen who hold the views of regeneration maintained in this paper any cause to be ashamed of their opinions?
22. Those who occupy such a position as this have no cause to be ashamed
23. But I doubt if the future historian will ever record the name of a monarch whose subjects will have had such cause to be thankful as we have for Queen Victoria
24. He didn"t give his father any cause to become angry
25. “Such of our revelations as We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, we bring (in place) one better or the like thereof
26. ” Besides, it further affirms that: “Such of Our revelations as we abrogate or cause to be forgotten, we bring (in place) one better or the like thereof
27. This desire comes from your soul because to be
28. But when the fits of spasm reoccur, and where there is no obvious organic cause to be found, or when the effect of the disease which has caused the spasm cannot be treated, such a case is called epilepsy
29. actual knowledge or reasonable cause to believe that the
30. “Good,” she stated, “because to be honest with you, Cassie, I have never seen you smile as much as you do around him, and I’ve never seen you so… well… crazy over a guy
31. Since their arrival on the island long ago, so long ago all memory of it had been erased, they had had no cause to become involved in a similar action
32. After some time, he said, “Do you have cause to believe Mrs
33. We will all make small mistakes and that will not be cause to be asked to leave
34. What fruit have we now in those things whereof we have cause to be ashamed; seeing the end of those things is death? And what are we profited, if we should gain the whole world, and lose our own souls? Romans 6:21
35. Tyrese had hated the way his father treated his mom and vowed to never give her cause to be sad again
36. Lorry, "I wouldn't go on such an object without having some cause to believe that I should succeed
37. But I did so because I was happy, because I had not courted death, because to be cast upon a bed of rocks and seaweed seemed terrible, because I was unwilling that I, a creature made for the service of God, should serve for food to the gulls and ravens
38. `Now those ungrateful Israelites had received many things, but we have even more cause to be grateful than they had, for we have received even more abundantly than they did
39. As I had often heard of them in the capacity of outside passengers, and had more than once seen them on the high road dangling their ironed legs over the coach roof, I had no cause to be surprised when Herbert, meeting me in the yard, came up and told me there were two convicts going down with me
40. And in so far as having an orthodox preacher, and a very excellent man for our minister, there was great cause to be satisfied with that arrangement
41. To the outward eye, never had a girl less cause to be miserable
42. Did they sit in their tousled beds at night with their gelatined husbands snoring next to them and daydream about a life with Ben once they freed him? Or did they think of him as a poor kid in need of their altruism, a cause to be nurtured between tennis matches?
43. They chose him because to be of any use the climber must get his head above the topmost leaves, and so he must be light enough for the highest and slenderest branches to bear him
44. 'Well, it has no cause to be angry with me,' said Gimli
45. That it was not about anything which he has done wrong himself, and you, as his wife to be, have no cause to be concerned
46. with Captaine Kirck to deliver or cause to be delivered the Keyes of the severall Warehowsen where the Beaver skins are layde up which have bin brought from Caneda, and sould unto the said Generall de Caen, and for to have possession of the said Beavers upon the conditions mentioned in the order of his Majesties most honorable Privy Counsell, dated the nynth of this month, And in case of refusall and not delivery of the said Keyes and Beavers upon the conditions aforesaid, the said Generall de Caen hath protesteth and doeth protest by theis presents of Exchange & Rechange and all costes dommages and interestes of the some of six thousand poundes starling, which the said Generall de Caen hath taken up here by Exchange for to pay and deposite for the said Beavers in the handes of the right Worshipfull James Cambell, Lord Mayor of this Citty of London, for to recover all the same of the said Adventureres of Caneda here of their goodes in time or place as of right it shall appertaine
47. On the thirteenth day of ye said month of Aprill, I the said Notary at the request aforesaid tranaported myselfe unto the persons of Mistris Kirck, widdow of late Jarvis Kirck, in his life time merchant of this Citty of London, and to Captaine David Kirck, his sonne, and William Barkely also of London merchant Adventurers of Caneda, and have required them and every of them to deliver or cause to be delivered to the assignee of the said Generall de Caen, the keyes of the severall Warehousen where the said Beavers are layde up as aforesaid, And then I notified unto them the aforefaid protedt, and showed them the said order from his Majesties honorable privy Councill, Whereupon Mistris Kirck replyed shee had bin long sick, since her late husband's decease, and had not the keyes of the said Warehousen, but was ignorant of those buissineses which shee had comitted to her sons ordering, and the said Capt
48. Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to cause to be laid before the Senate such information as he may deem proper to communicate respecting the unfortunate exiles lately expelled from the Island of Cuba, and who may have arrived, or are expected to arrive within the jurisdiction of the United States; and, also, respecting any propositions which may have been made to him by the Minister Plenipotentiary of France, for the purpose of facilitating the removal of any of the said exiles, with their slaves, and other effects, from the United States, to any place within the dominions of France
49. And why should this clamor be raised on the question whether you will or will not make a formal renunciation of the old articles of political faith? Although, on reconsideration, perhaps I have no cause to be surprised, and ought to pardon gentlemen
50. The act of the 3d of March, 1801, authorized the President, when the situation of public affairs in his judgment should render it expedient, to cause to be sold all the vessels of the Navy except the frigates of the United States, Constitution, President, Chesapeake, Philadelphia, Constellation, Congress, New York, Boston, Essex, Adams, John Adams, and General Greene; and of that number the President was further authorized to lay up all except six