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childhood примеры предложений
1. Hermann’s mother always said she had a terrible childhood growing up with Grandma
2. Mom told me that she had a terrible childhood growing up with Grandma, though she said she loved her mother all the same and we should all love her and take care of her because she’s family
3. Most of us have been exposed to the concept of God from our childhood
4. ’ I agreed, remembering my childhood
5. "It's been so long since I remembered any childhood," Tahlmute said
6. "I don't remember one single image of my parents or my childhood
7. It looked like an old Brazilian design that was still built up until the days of her mortal childhood
8. appeared quite fantastical to him, reminding him of childhood fairy tales, and, he
9. While we were packing boxes, we chatted about all sorts of things … she told me some stories about her childhood which were very similar to some of my own memories – not really surprising, we’re both country girls, after all
10. " She was sitting in Alan's childhood habitat, the camera could not detect that there was hard vacuum in here at this time
11. She remembered this ship from her childhood
12. She had him virtually in-ear as she surveyed the control room like she was the starship captain from the propaganda films of her childhood
13. ’ Molly said firmly, relegating me to childhood firmly, as she starts cooking
14. It was long gone before Elissa was born and his sister and he never spoke about their impoverished childhood
15. They were childhood sweethearts and had an ‘understanding’ by the time they were in the mid-teens – she told me stories of some of her friends who lost their men or, got them back seriously disabled and mentally disturbed by the events they had experienced
16. The magical moments of childhood infatuation lay shattered around my knees like broken shards of glass waiting for the blind man to stumble his bloody way to perdition
17. The slights and disappointments of my childhood grew out of all proportion to their actual significance
18. In my head I tried to sing snatches of songs from my childhood, but the stifling emptiness of this demonic and industrial womb-space drove the shapes and sounds of words and melodies into a frantic jumble of static
19. ‘What was your childhood like?’ he asked and I cast my mind back trying to remember
20. I mixed-up the possibilities for the near future with childhood laughter
21. Television and radio were things remembered from what seemed like a childhood fantasy
22. Son dreamt about his childhood
23. Son told his life story to Elden and Song from his childhood to the ambush
24. Birds were tweeting and chirping invisibly in the trees as she wandered along the lane towards the main road, it was that dead hour in the middle of the day when, in rural areas, any sensible person is inside enjoying a cup of something … it brought back memories of her childhood … she smiled at the thought … a dog barked somewhere in the distance … and a stick cracked as someone trod on it
25. longing for childhood or the musing on times
26. These are different memories of childhood
27. I admitted that from my childhood I was bullied
28. There are many of us hiding from some form of rejection, often carrying this with us from childhood
29. There are no childhood tales
30. Gemino goes off to do whatever it is kahtmasters do while we sit in the garden of his house enjoying the sun and talking about Sulis Min; as Wiesse mentioned, Drens has family connections with the town, and he spends a good bit of the time relating tales of his childhood
31. For example, an incident of childhood sexual abuse may have created a strong fear response that flares up whenever you attempt to form an intimate relationship as an adult
32. Though mostly by accident and for the most part unconscious, the way we humans react to the world around us is dictated in a large part by a series of Conditioned Responses we have been learning since early childhood
33. which dated back to childhood
34. As the boy progressed through childhood and into manhood, he
35. Without that terrifying memory from my childhood,
36. It is strange seeing a story that was so central to my childhood being played out on the screen
37. many will know it beyond childhood
38. takes me back to the security of my childhood
39. his own military experiences with the childhood tale for the first time
40. “Maybe it’s some statement about how abnormal she thought her childhood was
41. Bunty’s childhood – built up from research into her family, Philip Stevenson’s conversation and the odds and ends in the file
42. I don’t remember all the details of my life, I remember very few scenes from my childhood
43. I know he was married, but that would have been different, he spent his childhood with Bunty and they would have been able to reminisce together, especially about Margaret
44. She cudgels her brains, searching for any reference at any time during her childhood to the fact that she was one of twins … surely, there must have been something, some comment or allusion …
45. Jason … no … surely there must have been a reference to his existence at some point in her childhood … she casts her mind back, delving into the long neglected corners where she had secreted memories as a child
46. Allcock's letter arrived and the dinner at Mandy's in celebration, all of which signaled the absolute end of his childhood
47. I had a childhood playing with toys
48. Ken starts to hum a childhood favourite, something about Mary and her little lamb
49. ‘So tell me about this childhood of yours, Simon
50. The music is dead, the words a vague shade of grey, the melody a childhood memory