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    Используйте «chocolate» в предложении

    chocolate примеры предложений


    1. Caffeine, a naturally occurring compound in coffee and chocolate, for example,is ranked “generally recognized as safe”by the Federal government

    2. ‘But the chocolate cake …

    3. ‘I’ll have one of those chocolate slice things

    4. She was a rich milk chocolate color with half-loosened curls that fell over her shoulders and were tied back with small pins behind her dainty ears

    5. You can't understand it but she likes mint and chocolate chip together

    6. ' A face appeared on his screen in creamy chocolate with a frame of loose curls

    7. He was a deep dark chocolate brown; shiny and glistening

    8. ” Daniel put his hand on the young mans shoulder and turned to them, “My young friends, I’d like to introduce you to Michael, rider of Lady Jennie,” Daniel indicated the large chocolate dragon on the mesa

    9. whenever you are tempted to reach for that chocolate box go to

    10. these matches, such as Milk and Chocolate for example, have been recognizable since our

    11. match is never a certain thing, like the Milk and Chocolate match I mentioned earlier

    12. Alexis was heating the chocolate

    13. The young man and his bride jetted off to their honeymoon paradise sponsored by a company that made coconut filled chocolate bars, and in return for a few more photographs, a short video and some encouraging words, they were given a wonderful time on golden beaches lapped by azure seas

    14. ‘Biscuit, Katie?’ Abi holds out the plate on which there are still two chocolate digestives

    15. Where's your smallest chocolate cake?' I was at Navrangpura's Ten, the best

    16. A day of rest and chocolate

    17. “Titania we have your favorite dessert this evening, if you still enjoy chocolate cake

    18. The morning’s sunshine has been smothered by a blanket of grey clouds and a breeze is whipping-up stray chocolate bar wrappers in the courtyard

    19. returned with the hot chocolate, handing it out in silence as Alistair

    20. Chocolate would have been nicer but it is lousy for singing, as it clogs up the vocal chords and I need to hit some pretty demanding top notes

    21. me of the spoon that came with the chocolate malt ice cream I used to eat at the

    22. chocolate from its wrapper

    23. Boochie wiped his mouth after consuming the melted chocolate, paying

    24. Jack and Julia had prepared for them all a fine feast of chocolate desserts, and they enjoyed their meal as Matt went outside to look up at the stars

    25. To his right Jake's chocolate eyes scrutinized the girls sweeping movement as they gave life to the events of their story

    26. chocolate or releasing endorphins while on the treadmill

    27. “I don’t eat large amounts of chocolate and I’m not much for the

    28. "This is chocolate!" gasped Hansel as he broke a lump of plaster from the wall

    29. Then they stayed for several days to eat some more of the house, till they found in the witch's belongings, a huge chocolate egg

    30. share a cup of coffee and hot chocolate – and found that

    31. availability of hot chocolate being the universal gauge for

    32. would have still been there slurping hot chocolate if we

    33. (2) It was cold so we _________________ some hot chocolate

    34. I found Dulcie in the library and we both had one of the small chocolate creams

    35. The convenience store, a tiny Mom and Pop of the type usually filled with fresh bread and milk and boxes of chocolate and biscuits so old that the boxes were sun-faded into mere facsimiles of their original

    36. chocolate chip cookies, why not some apple wedges with a little peanut butter on them? Or,

    37. Joey stuck his finger in the chocolate one, which

    38. licked his finger clean of chocolate and took a few more

    39. Joey had one last lick of the chocolate pie when his

    40. where Alex's cousins were eating chocolate chip cookies

    41. Kate picked out a chocolate chip, sucked on it, as

    42. His dessert most often consisted of big servings of cherry pie or chocolate cake, those being favorites of mine too, I’ll have you know

    43. ‘Join me then, my friends,’ purred the cat in its deep chocolate voice

    44. She was cradling a hot chocolate in her delicate small hands, ‘What’s up guys? Hey Danny, is he okay?’

    45. Some part of the produce of America is consumed in Hungary and Poland, and there is some demand there for the sugar, chocolate

    46. for some extra chocolate or instead of turning on that

    47. The same thing maybe said of the taxes upon tea and sugar, which, in England and Holland, have become luxuries of the lowest ranks of people; and of those upon chocolate, which, in Spain, is said to have become so

    48. later they sat drinking coffee and eating chocolate biscuits on an

    49. more sex as opposed to putting it on by eating chocolate!”

    50. old woman’s rasp and a woman’s rich, chocolate tones

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    Синонимы для "chocolate"

    burnt umber chocolate coffee deep brown umber cocoa drinking chocolate hot chocolate