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    1. "Is there usually this much chop in this channel?" he asked

    2. The powerful craft was much easier to maneuver at high speed on open water than at a crawl in crowded chop

    3. The few other powered boats were stilettos that slid thru the chop without bobbing

    4. She stood up and rode with the chop as they pounded over it

    5. It was just about the size of the chop out here

    6. Jane, nabbing the four young people as she goes, efficiently takes it away to chop up and the guests start milling around the room

    7. lit by the watery sunshine, and the sea was whipped into a fair chop

    8. senseless with a neck chop

    9. The lake runner was designed for this, the one to two foot chop that often covered the surface of the lakes here at the end of the Dromedian arm

    10. It took over an hour in all, including two more small locks, just to get out of Chardovia, but once he was on the Grand Canal, the chop was only six inches high

    11. He could see from the sky that he should stick to the canals, the wind was still blowing and the lake would be covered with chop

    12. He plunged into the chop of that lake like a diver doing a belly flop from a high branch of a tree

    13. “Sorry, Jack and I have to chop up all the wood for winter

    14. Knume had taken the time to chop himself a little seat atop the front of the log

    15. "Why can't he just admit here is where you’re going to be?" Beth asked, stepping back to the kitchen counter, to chop carrots

    16. “Beauty mate!! You mean that we are going to be a chop shop?”

    17. Chop shop indicates a criminal activity,” as if renaming the activity changed its legality

    18. Scrap companies buy the old airframes and drag them to a remote corner of the airport to chop them up and shred them

    19. The mutton chop whiskers, the ruddy, wrinkled complexion

    20. Cuts were probably common if you chop one or two hundred kvarit a week

    21. He could chop them down, though he was destined to face them once more

    22. and had threatened to chop my mop while I was sleep

    23. He let Nerissa spread the sheep dung, then chop it into the soil

    24. I'll chop their fucking heads off

    25. Well that was tough shit for them and a good day for us we would chop the crate up with our bayonets and it would last us for ages

    26. “We will fill the train further up the line where I may say even now large numbers of men and equipment are waiting for us to turn up so chop, chop lets get on board and get moving

    27. Our first Christmas, the entire family went out to chop a tree and, instead of agreeing on one, we argued for an hour about whether we should get a traditional scotch pine, like “we” had always gotten, or a noble fir, like “they” always had

    28. I told him of the mutilation and he at once said “O yes, sah, dat man then, sah, hab him face cut for chop, sah! Bush man make plenty chop long pig when he find man go die, sah!” Naturally, I was incredulous, but the Houssa's verdict may have been correct that the Negro had died, and being a stranger, the men who were burying him, had adjourned their task for a gruesome and disgusting feast

    29. and thought they could chop the tree down, Costumer and all; but the

    30. “Do you want me to chop the onions?”

    31. “Well, a machine could chop up the waste and maybe when

    32. “So you guys will have the van stolen from the airport and then taken directly to the chop shop?”

    33. was known to chop guys up, and exterminate by any means

    34. Castration given the chop!!

    35. Wash and chop up the spinach

    36. Tee went off to pick up supplies for the restaurant and when he came back, he went to the kitchen to chop up goat meat

    37. He had a black eye the size of a pork chop and his elbow was tucked into his ribs, like it was at the hospital

    38. He even did dramatic re-enactments of all the Obake he had killed with the use of his Shiki Chop

    39. “No, I should just take a patch out of the middle, let's see what the Shiki chop can do against that,” she then began manically laughing

    40. “You're not allowed to chop trees here!” The officer yelled while pointing at Kiyori

    41. To make: chop the ingredients to dice, cover closely, and simmer until the quantity of liquid is reduced to one half

    42. ) Rub the nutter into the flour, or chop it as you would suet

    43. Cut Protose into cubes, chop the hard-boiled egg, and slice the radishes

    44. Set the walnuts aside to cool then chop them coarsely

    45. had also become unable to chop wood or to carry it in

    46. ing for the chop

    47. Would it hurt them if I chop it? What would happen if I cut it and reached for the kitchen scissors? Would they both bleed death? But would cutting it save his life?”

    48. haven’t been for the chop

    49. Chop onion and garlic, microwave for five minutes (omit this step if you don't have a microwave;

    50. Local men and boys then chop off as many heads as

    1. Place several chopped cucumbers in a pan of water, bring water to boil and allow to simmer for 1 hour at low heat

    2. so they chopped down many trees in the jungle to build a fortress for Lyla to

    3. (washed and finely chopped)

    4. ' Nuran had chopped hers off flat just above her shoulders the week before changing shifts

    5. He got the rock worm chopped in the pan with the mooliuk

    6. He was convinced that if the tree was chopped down he could make real use of the land and be rid of the screaming rooks to boot

    7. There was the deafening crack of splintering wood as the yacht was chopped and shredded

    8. chopped the air with his hand, unleashing his elderly dogs of war

    9. that if the tree was chopped down he could make real use of the

    10. Cut stone steps went up a whole story between the massive intertwined roots, the blocks had grown in a century ago and had to be periodically chopped clear

    11. ’ She said with a grin, indicating the pile of chopped hemlock

    12. actual mechanism, several blades that chopped up what was supposed to be organic

    13. know,’ said Marguerite as she chopped the cabbage for

    14. Perhaps it was taken and chopped into pieces and the valuable bits sold? He started to search the web for the value of parts of a 777

    15. Granny was feeding Lemoss's Uncle Todd's shire horses with a bucket of oats and chopped vegetables

    16. He had dried some Hazel leaves and some mint, chopped it up and was now rolling it in a scrap of paper

    17. The birdshot bounced off the Orcs thick hides and, while the brothers were busy reloading, the Orc sergeant stepped forward and, with one massive uninterrupted blow, chopped both of the brothers in half, the blade cleaving through them at chest level

    18. He smiled as small children scampered about the greenery, pestering the cows and horses while adults chopped wood and sharpened weapons

    19. “And then Your Majesty saw a divine messenger coming down from Heaven who chopped down the tree, but left its rootstock standing, banded with rings of iron and copper

    20. nearly as bad as when Tragus chopped off half her foot

    21. Recipe makes 4 servings, sautéed with onion and green bell pepper, and then simmered with water, chopped tomatoes and spices

    22. 1 (14 ounce) can marinated artichoke hearts, drained and chopped

    23. Then they fired their shrapnel shells at us and this with the bullets chopped the bush to pieces flinging greenery everywhere and cutting our lads to pieces

    24. “We might be able to do a bit of cooking as well as making our brews but first let’s get it chopped up and then we can decide

    25. We sat to with a will and had soon reduced the box to splinters looking at the pile of chopped wood we had there was quite a bit but we knew that here on the peninsula you had to be careful as pilfering was rife especially something like wood

    26. Aisling had almost chopped him up

    27. 8 ounces dates, pitted and chopped

    28. 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

    29. 1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts (optional)

    30. As soon as the melted chocolate reaches temperature, remove it from the heat, and stir in the remaining chopped chocolate until melted

    31. 4 ounce) bars chocolate covered toffee bars, chopped

    32. Coatings (powdered sugar, cocoa, toasted coconut or chopped nuts)

    33. Attach 12 chocolate pieces, then roll in chopped peanuts

    34. 3/4 cup chopped toasted almonds

    35. 12 ounces almond buttercrunch confection, chopped

    36. 16 ounces white chocolate, chopped

    37. 12 ounces white chocolate, chopped

    38. 1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

    39. Add 1 cup chopped toasted nuts

    40. 2/3 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

    41. In a saucepan over low heat, combine the butter, sugar and 1 cup chopped almonds

    42. Sprinkle finely chopped almonds over the top; cool, and break into uneven pieces

    43. 1/2 cup toasted and chopped almonds

    44. Reserve 1/2 cup of the chopped candy bars for the topping

    45. Many victims were mutilated, with body parts chopped off, heads scalped

    46. Using his younger brother Mikie’s passport photo as a guide, she got out the scissors, chopped off his beard and cut his hair into a flattop and, just like that, his existence as Shannon Henderson came to an abrupt end

    47. Bumpy turbulence threw off my first shots, and the rounds chopped away at the cabane struts, all around his head, but no killing shot

    48. They tasted strange, I guessed: chopped cod liver

    49. “They were blinded with hot iron, their tongues were cut out, their arms were chopped off and their teeth smashed to the last

    50. He chopped up an onion, put it in with the bacon, peeled and sliced potatoes, and laid them in the pan off to one side

    1. He gives a wink, makes a chopping motion against his neck with the side of his hand

    2. you were chopping it up

    3. The wind was sharpening now so I shoved my hands into my pockets and quickened my pace, darting about and skimming round the corners and making good headway till I turned a corner and almost ran into a large woman chopping wood right in my path

    4. She was just chopping up the potatoes when she heard the sound of the men coming into the building

    5. littered the workspace, and chopping boards were stacked

    6. “Yes, I understand, money is nice,” Matt said, “However the Nevermore Forest holds important cultural significance to the villagers of Trouble Valley, and they are against you chopping down all the trees

    7. together they began chopping at the soft earth

    8. And chopping wood is an extremely rough task

    9. He repeated the blow, again and again, chopping through the barricade of boards one by one

    10. Chopping it down only to face it once more, its form restored by the dark power filling the armor with the semblance of life

    11. He raised his hand above his head and brought it chopping down

    12. Next, Peiton’s steward testified that the axe was used in their household for chopping

    13. chopping heads, he was the tenant farmer of this field

    14. To her amazement the Guild Master produced a second weapon, a large dagger, and used the dual blades to dispatch with the nearest bug’s head, chopping it at the middle of the long neck

    15. “I use the axe for chopping down trees

    16. “I found a spot of cover and I could hear our lads shouting for wire cutters and warning others to watch out for the mines just at the water’s edge near the wire and then those fucking machine guns started up hammering away and chopping our lads to pieces

    17. Chopping of heads and the electric chair was never used, that being rather barbaric if you ask me

    18. his partner, who was chopping potatoes in a pan on the stove

    19. Guard - The crossed top of the sword's hilt which keeps the enemy's sword from sliding down and chopping off the wielder’s fingers

    20. Finally the thing made a chopping motion with a tentacle, and the view was cut

    21. Think of it as chopping my own arms off trying to avoid a disease spreading to my heart and killing me, okay? Now, in that processing I seem to have irreversibly placed as much of my conscience and intelligent functions in this scrap of metal, the avatar, the Prosops

    22. When the monsters were too tightly held, soldiers raised their swords and arrows and they attacked the creatures chopping them one by one

    23. The monster was about to kill the king until Iso threw her sword to its neck chopping it off and saving his life

    24. Wind is blowing in all directions from the blades chopping like a high-speed fan

    25. away to start chopping trees

    26. I remember being chased around the kitchen by a Chinese chef with a chopping knife when I made a comment about the way he was storing food

    27. We ate our ice creams on the beach at Mount Edgecumbe, its sunny green fields behind us, the chopping blue water of the Tamar in front

    28. When Halfdan awoke near the chilly mountain-top, the two women from Starheim were already awake; Siv chopping up some freshly-gathered plants with her belt-knife, Yngvild piling twigs for a camp-fire

    29. But it hit his left hand, chopping off most of the smallest finger

    30. And then a flurry of other words and thoughts chopping, pecking at his blood

    31. Haki swung his ax back over his head, killing a foe behind him, then swung it forward, chopping through the helmet and skull and jaw of another foe, scattering teeth all around

    32. think about it, is as violent as cleaning a trail, or chopping some

    33. them up behind me, I began chopping and thrashing the bushes

    34. to chopping the hands off their corpses

    35. With clean fire-pots, a knife and even a chopping board it would make her meal that much easier to prepare

    36. They were all on the chopping block now

    37. “I want to hear more chopping,” Papa barked as he got in the family car

    38. One by one the tree creature began to bellow its way through the crowd of fighters, who were chopping at the roots of the tree creature

    39. Monique was chopping onions

    40. He looked at where the shop was, but he could not see it amongst all the coffee bean stores and chopping board shops

    41. put the box on the chopping board

    42. I’ve heard she thinks nothing of chopping the balls off anyone who gives her backchat,” said Terry, “And I don’t get the impression she loves you

    43. `What? Chopping off your mother's head?'

    44. She remembered passing a small clearing in the bushes where someone had been chopping logs for firewood…perhaps there was an axe there, or at least a useable length of log

    45. A heavy chopping crunch sounded behind the leaves

    46. He’d been bitten at the wrist and only his quick act of chopping off his arm had saved him

    47. Below was Joe chopping away at the tree

    48. wasn’t even doing it properly, not that I was an expert in tree chopping

    49. “I’m chopping the

    50. Stop!” I pleaded but Joe just kept on chopping

    1. There’s thirty-six red bandits back there just licking their alien chops

    2. (chops off a lock of her hair

    3. The dog looked at her oddly and licked his chops, sniffing at her

    4. I smacked my chops which tasted as though a cat had shit in them so I took a swig of tea which was hot sweet and strong and the best drink I had ever tasted

    5. There was no one in the kitchen so I made my own tea there were a couple of pork chops in the larder and I had these with a couple of eggs and may I say it was very tasty

    6. “There are a couple of chops in the oven they should be right in about ten minutes then there are some spuds ready for mashing that pan there peas in the other one and gravy on the back burner simmering

    7. with big eyes, and licked her chops

    8. At the end of the third day, with Tony’s athleticism, he was earning his chops as a surfer with Jose’s encouragement

    9. “We was in a tavern called the Sea Dog—ever hear of it?—enjoying a few ales and mutton chops

    10. I started swinging karate chops and ninja kicks violently into thin air

    11. "I wish I had the guts to pop that bull right in the chops

    12. I looked back behind me, stopped dead in my tracks, and inadvertently squealed like a pig, “Bruiser!” I swear my voice had never reached that high of an octave before and of course he busted my chops about it

    13. Dan suddenly yelled, “Work it work it!” He saw Miguel walking towards these two hot chicks and of course, Dan had to bust his chops about it

    14. “Really,” I said in a high pitched, red embarrassment of a screech, that started him laughing again – and I knew I had been busted; my chops had been busted by the master

    15. Donnie Blacklung leaned over to me and asked with a big smile, “Hey Phil did you bring your asthma inhaler with you to school today?” I could tell by his tone that he was more or less busting my chops, but I didn’t care

    16. In addition, for a change, he asked me about Bobs cancer, instead of busting my chops about Salsa dancing

    17. Glenda recounted a few stories from UCSD that brought back fond memories, even though I knew Kelly would bust my chops over some of her recollections

    18. Prime steaks and chops from the grill

    19. For those who find salads very difficult to digest, it is best to begin with French or cabbage lettuce and skinned tomatoes only, or, as an alternative, a saucer full of watercress chopped very finely, as one chops parsley

    20. As a butcher is shooing a dog from his shop, he sees $10 and a note in his mouth, reading: "10 lamb chops, please

    21. Amazed, he takes the money, puts a bag of chops in the dog's mouth, and quickly closes the shop

    22. were pork chops and tuna salad (two days in a row of

    23. I licked my chops

    24. sand in his chops, she would say, “Oh, Joe, don’t let him do that!

    25. She laughed at my daintiness, as she put it, but I figured to watch her devour a few basilisk chops and steaks before digging-in myself

    26. At that point Mr Miyagi attacks Daniel son with a series of chops and punches to different parts of the body

    27. “Not an empty seat in the house! The sky’s the limit with this kid!” he said licking his chops

    28. genealogy chops to the ultimate test regarding these families and was pretty proud of my

    29. The aroma of baked chicken, ham, turkey, apple pies, buttered corn and breaded pork chops filled the house

    30. He lived a short but full dog’s life, full of chicken and chops and steak, the choicest cuts my mother cooked

    31. sock puppets, Lamb Chops and Charlie Horse that Sherry Lewis

    32. We ate lamb chops, marinated in garlic and thyme with puffed potatoes and crispy steamed green beans

    33. possesses the chops to keep a roomful of engineers in stitches

    34. ” Miles Davis heard him rehearsing and said to Brown, jokingly, “Clifford, I hope you break your chops

    35. Frank Sinatra mentioned that he had “The classiest singing and silkiest chops in the singing game,” and Rawls sure showed it on At Last

    36. Remove chops and orange slices to a small dish

    37. Over dinner, which consisted of soft-boiled goose eggs and spring lamb chops and pheasant, they nodded in the general direction of fugly patrons and even spat out a little wine while chortling over something someone at a neighboring table had said about fracking and how it is safe

    38. As she pulled the pan-roasted veal chops from the oven, the sash came undone and I knew this dinner would be like none I had experienced

    39. Of course I could have chosen the pork chops, or meatloaf, but then I would have lost the

    40. ‘Hey! There’s still chops

    41. that chops up the world, separates us from each other, and separates us

    42. It's Annie, she just has the verbal chops to turn us to

    43. Cave-troll George appeared, a big silly grin on his chops

    44. the ethical chops to recommend

    45. “This sack of wrinkly flab is going to smack you in the chops if you’re not

    46. They couldn't spot talent if it came up and slapped them in the chops

    47. chops and a contented Coxswain who fussed about unpacking and storing the

    48. Mary finished their shopping – pork chops and a pound of Will’s homemade sausages, and a couple of ham bones for the dogs – and there was the boy, outside, looking at the dogs in the car

    49. My throat gurgled and expelled a hint of pork chops as I lay in bed in nothing but a pair of white boxers and my glasses

    50. Rhone took a few warm-up chops at the mists over the

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    Синонимы для "chop"

    chop chopper chop shot hack chop up cut cut off fell whack hew blow belt cuff smack kick swat punch cut up dice divide slice mince cube mangle hash