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circulatory примеры предложений
1. There are a number of organic problems of the heart and circulatory system, glands and hormonal system, and the nervous system that can, to varying degrees, diminish male capacity for and interest in sex
2. It is said to be one of the best heart tonics available and is beneficial on the circulatory system and the blood pressure
3. Also lacking are circulatory and digestive systems, as fuel and waste products diffuse directly through the walls of individual cells from and to circulating ocean water
4. A low concentration of glucose will then be injected into his circulatory system
5. joints is even slightly amiss, there will be autonomic effects, with resulting circulatory,
6. If this chakra is not working properly it can result in: circulatory, lung or heart problems Throat Chakra (5th chakra)
7. Ginger stimulates the circulatory system
8. Butcher’s broom and rosemary are not well studied as being circulatory stimulants but are traditionally reputed to have such an action that might impact atherosclerosis
9. Communication creates new form ation systems – the atomic forms into the molecular and this into the more complex nervous, circulatory, and respiratory systems which are organ ized so that they can interact, communicate and relate to the body's many organs
10. For example, when a person wins the lottery and buys a Hummer, invests in BP stock, begins eating Chilean sea bass, Blue Fin tuna, and Beluga caviar, while drinking Gold Flakes Vodka and smoking cuban cigars, not only does their health not improve, but also the Earth's species ( other cells and organs) are depleted, and her respiratory and circulatory systems polluted
11. Earthquakes and tectonic shifts or mall demolitions and nuclear testing the stretching of its limbs? Is it our artificial electrical grid or thunderstorms and hurricanes that comprise Eartheart's higher nervous system? Our field is the lab, our flesh a sensor net, but certainly, the soil, not the dump, is Eartheart's digestive tract; water, not monergy, its circulatory system; weather patterns, not satellite orbits, its respiration; until we're all resourcefully recycled as excrement, decay and death becoming soil once again, where microbial life crawls the face of all the skin of this mother we sprawl across, until we rise, again, as food and stomach both reproducing as sustenance for each other, the carriers of essential vitamins and minerals feeding the many organs comprising its biodiversity
12. Turns out it wasn’t a heart at all, it was some sort of information processing unit tied into his circulatory system
13. Their health is often affected by liver and stomach aches, by circulatory problems, by fractures
14. circulatory system so as to feed on fresh blood at will
15. It is part of the circulatory
16. Vitamin B3 also helps in stimulation of the circulatory system by reducing the level of
17. blood which reduces the circulatory function and blocks the transportation of nutrients
18. circulatory system, thus helping to increase the transportation and nutrients to the body
19. cells, resulting in strengthening the function of the circulatory system
20. circulatory system, it helps to bring more oxygen and increase the production of red and
21. It also helps to improve the function of circulatory function by increasing the oxygen
22. It is said that cold compress helps to improve the circulatory system by stimulating the
23. Besides helping to increase function of circulatory system, it also is blood purifier that
24. imbalance of yin and yang qi in the blood, resulting in improving the blood circulatory
25. thinner, it also helps to improve the circulatory function in transporting the
26. * Accelerated heartbeat (which places those with serious heart and circulatory problems at great risk);
27. Some of the patients had suffered for years from heart (angina) pain and other circulatory
28. circulatory disorders that account for more than one-half of the total deaths in this nation
29. of digestive tract, circulatory, mental, and other disturbances that stemmed from the
30. • Stimulation of the circulatory system by means of dry-skin brushing is also
31. "cold–blooded vertebrates with a double circulatory system, breathing through gills, and designed to live in water
32. “Wet” beriberi affected the heart and the circulatory system, causing marked edema—swelling—of the extremities; if untreated, it was often fatal
33. The Balanidae or sessile cirripedes, on the other hand, have no ovigerous frena, the eggs lying loose at the bottom of the sack, within the well-enclosed shell; but they have, in the same relative position with the frena, large, much-folded membranes, which freely communicate with the circulatory lacunae of the sack and body, and which have been considered by all naturalists to act as branchiae