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    clandestinely примеры предложений


    1. They taught themselves to read; and clandestinely plundered the Scather’s library for more knowledge

    2. clandestinely, for the giving of notice is only putting a force upon the parish to remove

    3. This enormous duty presented such a temptation to smuggling, that great quantities of this commodity were clandestinely exported, probably to all the manufacturing countries of Europe, but particularly to Holland, not only from Great Britain, but from Afrira

    4. In order to obtain the bounty or drawback, the goods, it is well known, are sometimes shipped, and sent to sea, but soon afterwards clandestinely re-landed in some other part of the country

    5. The idea was to drop patrols clandestinely for the engine never stopped running and theoretically the terrorists would not then know that the patrol was on the ground

    6. There are several ways of doing this clandestinely which we will get to

    7. The next morning the hangover awarded me with a blunt headache; those that seem that an African tribe had entered clandestinely in our eardrums, accompanied by drums and timbales playing together at the same time an unchained melody

    8. At every step of the trip they met clandestinely with a wide variety of power brokers

    9. One by one, a rag tag fleet of retired ships and semi retired crews clandestinely recruited for a special mission assembled at this point in space

    10. Simply visiting the past clandestinely is dangerous

    11. Hopefully, those clandestinely distributed copies will help open a few minds in the United States

    12. ‘’That means having to travel clandestinely aboard the MV Heraklion

    13. We at the CIA will follow the situation in Turkey closely and may even intervene clandestinely there, if the President decides that this becomes necessary

    14. The CNN cameraman and local translator we shot dead at that time, while the Taliban grabbed Cooper and disappeared, most probably passing clandestinely the Pakistani border afterwards

    15. Thus be very suspicious of any British national who would want to visit your base or even enter it clandestinely

    16. When Kat clandestinely dispatches her to get a job at Chester’s so they can spy on the Nine, Jo allows herself to be coerced into taking a waitressing job at the nightclub by the immortal owner, Ryodan, and when he gives her his famous nod, inviting her to his bed, she’s unable to resist even though she knows it’s destined for an epic fail

    17. There are other elements: acting clandestinely, attempting to collect certain information with intent to convey to the enemy, etcetera, etcetera

    18. They once partnered in the field and clandestinely in bed, but that is seemingly behind them

    19. If it had been Sid, she would have had no misgivings to alloy her delight; but since it was Tom, she watched the bottle clandestinely

    20. Under any circumstances it would have been an unwelcome alliance; but to have it so clandestinely formed, and such a period chosen for its completion, placed Julia’s feelings in a most unfavourable light, and severely aggravated the folly of her choice

    21. Under any circumstances it would have been an unwelcome alliance; but to have it so clandestinely formed, and such a period chosen for its completion, placed Julia's feelings in a most unfavourable light, and severely aggravated the folly of her choice

    22. These are not proclamations sent out clandestinely, whose authors are punished with penal servitude; they are proclamations which inflict the punishment of penal servitude upon all those who do not agree with the doctrines they inculcate

    23. But, said he, for what purpose, I feel impelled to ask, are you going to build these vessels? Are you to spend four or five millions of dollars, in addition to your present extraordinary expenditures, to protect commerce? Will this old argument, in favor of a navy, now be used, which we have so often heard heretofore? Sir, where is your commerce now to protect? Will you protect that clandestinely destined to Great Britain? No, surely

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