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    1. The clerk glances at the photos

    2. The Indian clerk bobs his head from side to side, tuts a bit

    3. accounts clerk, the sort of man who is equally hen-pecked and ignored because his

    4. At work I confront a never-ending war from persons of dubious value: First of all Nicoleta, a clerk, who is always insulting, mocking and slandering not only me but other colleagues as well

    5. The little man, who looked to all intents and purposes like a fifty-year old accounts clerk, the sort of man who is equally hen-pecked and ignored because his entire being is made up of nothing but disappointment, pulled a red handkerchief from his jacket pocket, wiped first his brow and then his glasses, and then finally, and with an almighty bulge, he blew his nose

    6. (The JUDGE nods an approval, COURT CLERK calls in the witness

    7. (The COURT CLERK calls out: Samantha Perez! SAMANTHA takes the witness box

    8. COURT CLERK: You swear to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth

    9. (The COURT CLERK calls out: Tony-Lee Washington! TONY-LEE gets into the witness stand and COURT CLERK goes through his routine of oath taking

    10. The JUDGE and the COURT CLERK come running in

    11. He paid the clerk at The Small Town Inn and fell

    12. The clerk was back, he had a thick package of papers with him

    13. The clerk commented only with an eyebrow and began to lay out the certificates from various programs she had completed

    14. “There are memories coming thru, just like I told that clerk, subjects I’d studied before

    15. “Yes, use him as your excuse if you have to, you work with him at Gel’s tackle, you’re cargo riggers, you’re a clerk in their dispatch office

    16. She works as a dispatch clerk in the office, cover name, Bethai

    17. and minutes of his office after his clerk had died, and he'd

    18. play-acting was infuriating to the little clerk, and he was

    19. glance in the direction of his clerk

    20. 'Of course not,' said the little clerk, avoiding his

    21. clerk closely – trying to gauge whether his faith was

    22. Christmas,' said Henri as his clerk entered the room

    23. 'Well, in actual fact it was my clerk who solved the

    24. 'What does the Bailli's clerk want that can't be passed

    25. 'You're the Bailli's clerk, aren't you?' he said good

    26. appeared not to have heard the clerk

    27. idea that the Bailli's clerk could be the King's spy had

    28. clerk really more than he seemed? He was either an utter

    29. Henri couldn't work out whether his clerk was joking

    30. next to his clerk

    31. visited there most days, and today the new clerk had been

    32. admiration at his clerk

    33. benches while Henri ran a critical eye over his clerk

    34. Henri smiled contritely and patted his clerk on the shoulder

    35. He regarded his clerk

    36. added as an aside to his clerk, who nodded

    37. direction of his clerk

    38. direction of his clerk, quietly seated in the far corner of

    39. the clerk to usher him respectfully towards the door,

    40. “A man in a hotel lobby wants to ask the clerk a question

    41. I’m clerk to the Bailli there,’ he replied after

    42. Before I left for Hong Kong in 1977 I was employed as an office clerk in a private business firm and by that time the minimum salary was only 300 pesos a month +50 pesos allowance which was really can't cope on the cost-of-living

    43. There was a short silence as Henri scowled at his clerk

    44. Henri stopped and turned around to face his clerk

    45. replied without looking at his clerk

    46. shoulder before heading back towards town with his clerk

    47. With a nod from the Magistrate the clerk of the court

    48. The clerk of the court stepped forward

    49. ask the clerk to fetch Giles Monchet,’ said the Advocate

    50. The clerk reminded him of the threat to his

    1. ’ They ran the refinery equipment, harvested water and mineral collections, flew longboard gliders within the fleet, machined maintenance parts, or clerked in Shipping & Receiving

    1. The local economy presented her a splendid variety of opportunities—short order cook in a couple of cheap restaurants, inspector and supervisor during the war at a plant with a contract for mortar shells, years of clerking in a fabric shop, demonstrating sewing machines for a White distributor, sales in the home appliance section of a department store, and several years as a school secretary before retirement

    2. By 1982 I’d been clerking for twenty years and was still at Clerk level

    3. Clerking with Monsieur Nostradamus was simply too great an opportunity to pass up

    4. law school, what kind of law can nuns and priests teach her” - and a year clerking for a federal judge - “seven years of college and you get a job as a clerk” - Judy accepted a prestigious offer from the United States Attorneys Office in Boston as an assistant U

    1. A simple trip to the grocery store will be filled with episodes of bad drivers, poorly-timed traffic lights, crowded aisles, indifferent checkout clerks, and thin plastic grocery bags that rip too easily

    2. The clerks looks up, bobs his head from side to side, smiles

    3. The clerks in Theology had friends, it would get around

    4. The warehouses in between put doorways on each floor with outlet clerks and GazaggaStairs gained a whole bunch of new addresses with negative floor numbers

    5. "Grandpa gave strict instructions he was to be left here with us, hang on Flitter there's the clerks counter he can hide under, they'd be none the wiser

    6. Over and above the expenses which are common to every branch of trade, such as the expense of house-rent, the wages of servants, clerks, accountants, etc

    7. It has been the custom in modern Europe to regulate, upon most occasions, the payment of the attorneys and clerks of court according to the number of pages which they had occasion to write; the court, however, requiring that each page should contain so many lines, and each line so many words

    8. In order to increase their payment, the attorneys and clerks have contrived to multiply words beyond all necessity, to the corruption of the law language of, I believe, every court of justice in Europe

    9. Out of the moneys which they shall receive from the company, they are allowed a sum, not exceeding eight hundred pounds, for the salaries of their clerks and agents at London, Bristol, and Liverpool, the house-rent of their offices at London, and all other expenses of management, commission, and agency, in England

    10. In their former situation, their servants in India considered themselves as the clerks of merchants ; in their present situation, those servants consider themselves as the ministers of sovereigns

    11. The two Israeli girls were no longer there, but in their stead, there were a number of volunteer clerks and an elderly man with white hair who seemed to be responsible for the entire operation

    12. The man in charge had the clerks who worked that Tuesday morning waiting in a small room, that was used by the staff as a lunch room

    13. Steve even tried to draw dark glasses and a baseball cap on him, and the two clerks couldn't remember too clearly to make a definite identification at that time

    14. Within minutes of Leon’s departure, not a trace remained in the records of Hotel Paradise of his visit and the desk clerks knew well to remember nothing about renting the suite, regardless of who asked

    15. “Yep, and I can get us in even this early in the morning,” said Ferguson, and then shouted at the clerks in the next office that he was going to inspect the enlisted men’s quarters and would not be back for a couple of hours

    16. Colling explained that he had been assigned to the camp guard company as a medic, and Brumerson asked one of his clerks to take Colling to the dispensary

    17. Huckabee complained that Democratic county clerks violated state

    18. We had no secretaries and clerks, but there were plenty of underworked females in accounting on the second floor

    19. Both men knew that REMFs were worse than Saigon Commandos, who were mostly postal and admin clerks

    20. Then the British education system was created to produce clerks who would then work for the British to implement their policies all over India

    21. Today, both clerks were busy and the proprietress was nowhere

    22. the bank clerks said, sticking her head inside the door with meek

    23. All about us are children, relations, clerks,

    24. Ordered one of the clerks to fetch the bookbinder and some cold water

    25. This was so, but what it did not say was that the women were largely confined to two categories, essentially secretaries and clerks and even in these areas women were concentrated on the bottom levels of the category while men dominated at the top

    26. Concerns were for those seeking work, Pullman car porters, sales clerks, domestics, clothing and transport workers

    27. We may also find another solution to shoplifting so as to not mess up our ordering system but what about in-store thieves? Specifically what I am referring to is the bag of chips, which accidentally winds up as damaged in order to satisfy the salt cravings of the stock clerks

    28. All around were desks, clerks sitting with pens at the ready, waiting for trading to start

    29. If not, it happened when some creative checkout clerks used the subtotal key when they were doing their thing up front

    30. asking our young lady clerks to eat cream cakes - that is, if you can speak without

    31. She and her assistant clerks had already rolls of pre-counted French Francs ready to hand out, with only a thumbprint needed to acknowledge receipt of the money

    32. She found the American section of the headquarters boiling over with activity, with clerks and officers doing their best to coordinate and administer the airlift program for the Philippines with the few resources available in Darwin and the rest of Australia

    33. As for the women qualified as clerks, cooks and other trades widely occupied by women in civilian life, I believe that recognizing their training and expertise should be self-evident

    34. You must have seen some male clerks that were rather crummy at typing, General

    35. ‘’I am buried under a mound of secretaries, clerks, telephone operators, archivists, cooks and others, all grossly overqualified by Army standards

    36. Mitchell conducted conversation with an amiable looking desk clerk, just as Jose gazed at various attraction brochures, while using his ear to tune into the other clerks voices

    37. � About twenty young soldiers under the control of a sergeant and of a corporal were already lined up at the counter, with two army store clerks busy issuing them pieces of uniforms and military gear

    38. One of the army store clerks quickly came to Nancy as she leaned against the service counter while eyeing the countless rows of storage shelves

    39. � That stop took about twenty minutes and resulted in more questions from curious store clerks and customers alike

    40. Our defensive perimeter around Pusan is at breaking point everywhere and I just committed my last reserve force, which includes a bunch of cooks and clerks, to reestablish our line in the sector of the 24th Regiment

    41. The two female clerks occupying the trench nodded in understanding, then resumed firing at the enemy with their carbines

    42. She could inflict some significant losses on the new enemy, as she had just done, but there was no way that her motley collection of clerks, cooks and aircraft specialists, however well-led, could stop cold such a large enemy force

    43. overseen clerks and come through many an audit and stock check with full marks and many plaudits

    44. number of clerks at angled desks with ink wells, looked up at them as they entered

    45. clerks, Messrs Regan, Ford and Stokes and the apprentice, Jackson

    46. allocate a desk for Miss Ashton, which he did by sending two of the clerks to another room to bring

    47. of the clerks in there is on the fiddle

    48. An inner office with two clerks was where they

    49. the Goods Received Book, completed by one of Troughton’s clerks

    50. down to the Cashier’s Office, a larger room with many more clerks, most of whom were engaged in

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    clerk salesclerk shop assistant shop clerk office worker recorder copyist scribe