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    clouds примеры предложений


    1. Still this was a very constant thunder and he could see no storm clouds anywhere around

    2. Looking through the skeleton of the building, he could see dark clouds approaching in the distance; but where Travis was standing, there was still sun and blue skies

    3. The wind was strong enough to whip fine sand up high enough to choke them, but not enough to hide the high clouds that would roll on beyond this desert to the hills beyond the lake

    4. She would not give up the ability to have the views from the house show it situated somewhere entirely different, like a rainforest canopy or crags on a seacoast or a warm meadow of dandelions in a mountain pass or high in the clouds of Jupiter

    5. They did not have to wait till he was in full sunlight, the systems would work with skylight or under clouds, but would not work for forty hours of darkness, half of the globe was without data service at any one time

    6. The sky is streaked a beautiful deep red colour across the horizon, the clouds tinted pink and red as they reflect the sun

    7. He turns up on time and the weather is being kind to us – it has been pretty foul for the last day or so, pouring with rain and blowing a gale, but today, the clouds have cleared and the sun has come out

    8. The Squidies that got hit with that wave vented clouds of snowy gas out their ruptured suits

    9. The dirty yellow clouds outside turned dim gold and then, just dim

    10. Chief Horcheese’s head hung back on the command chair and she stared up through the dome at the jagged rivers of raw electrons and plasma burning in the atmo as those crackling tendrils whipped at them from all directions, drawing line after line from the clouds to Tipperary’s ring-shaped bow

    11. What shall I wear today? A quick glance out of the bedroom window tells me that it is windy but dry … at the moment … there are some clouds over to the west that look rather unfriendly

    12. It had a few glowing spots and bands in its atmosphere, often obscured by bands of clouds

    13. He was convinced there were more rain clouds on Mars than here

    14. I wreathed myself in clouds of smoke when the cigarette supply allowed, even smoking an unhealthy portion of my friend’s allowance

    15. There were a few tall clouds above them, painted pink by the red rays of sunset

    16. Why would God reveal Himself in the midst of clouds and darkness? The references to clouds reminds me of Jesus who is coming on the clouds

    17. This ideology includes and eclipses the idea that clouds and darkness are there because no one can see God in His full glory

    18. It embraces it, but then says that unless there are clouds and darkness we cannot see God in His fullness and glory

    19. When the clouds and darkness gloom over us, we should continue to endure to the end

    20. The clouds of tiny flying chileeth were building over the water with the heat

    21. There is nothing so tall as a thunderhead you know, and sometimes the lightning will show you the canyons and atriums up in the clouds

    22. 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;

    23. High in the clouds and low down over the top of the

    24. and search for stars in gaps between the clouds

    25. is to fall through the clouds once more into the arms of his wife

    26. The only two references in the New Testament to the day of the Lord are both quoting Jesus when He spoke of His return in the clouds

    27. They will be sifted again through all nations – the return from which will mean the redemption of those nations and the coming of Jesus on the clouds of heaven

    28. As they rounded the corner and came up the hill, they could see in the distance a lot of dark ominous clouds and lightening across the sky

    29. shivering through electric dreams and ‘Hey Presto’ clouds

    30. when the still night descends on clouds of sleep,

    31. And we kick up clouds of dust as we make our way along

    32. The Afternoonday was hot with a few small puffball clouds that showed them an infinite distance of ground as flat, hot and humid as this

    33. White-grey clouds scud across the sky, torn here and there to reveal a chilly blue sky; white foam from the waves batters me in the face

    34. I don’t know how long I stay there, at one with the roughness of the elements but, as the clouds gradually become darker and darker, portentous of worsening weather, I do the sensible thing and go below

    35. All too soon they were gone, disappearing out of town in clouds of fumes and dust

    36. I remember the late summer clouds and us sitting on the shoreline picking out the best ones when he drew my attention to the water, 'See how the light from the sky colours the sea? The clouds are making the water grey, like slate

    37. The rain clouds were only starting to build over the valley floor

    38. Then the clouds exploded and in seconds I was saturated

    39. She careened down the road, cutting corners and bends, tendrils of wet hair whipping at my face, my hands on her hips and my head in the clouds

    40. Over in the direction of the winding construction that would bring even more tourists up the mountain, incongruous dumper trucks and excavators rumbled about in clouds of silent swirling dust, chomping a way through the mountain bringing the future to the past and showing little respect, if any, for the feast

    41. Watching Alessandra enjoying the clouds as she strode on in front made me ignore any further nonsense from my calves and concentrate on that stepped and steady climb

    42. I thought I saw Mount Hymettos, sitting on waves as solid as the clouds in the sky

    43. Sam comes to greet me as I open the door but she’s obviously finding it an effort … dear Sam, what would I do without you? I quickly change my clothes and take her out into the garden … she sniffs around quite happily … maybe it is just stiffness … I shiver … although the rain has stopped there are still dark clouds which look threatening

    44. At the end of a sullen afternoon of black clouds and driving rain, Ken stood by the back door dripping from head to toe and he turned to his wife and said, “You know, I don’t think I can keep this garden going anymore, not like I used to”

    45. beyond the clouds were moved to say, "What a truly magnificent

    46. He looked up at the sky and saw the huge band of thick white clouds heading towards the Hold; a storm was on its way, the first storm of the season

    47. atoms and you’ll see the subatomic energy clouds that

    48. Above them the sky was filled with scudding grey clouds and a

    49. He tried to look at the black instead of the dust motes and he saw a rhythm in it, something like the billow of clouds or maybe rough building stone with the points of light being the mortar between them

    50. but trailing clouds of glory

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