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cobweb примеры предложений
1. She noted a dusty cobweb draped across the window as she glanced through the grimy glass only to see a rather dilapidated and neglected yard where three cars were parked
2. In the cobweb of streets around,
3. In the dim light coming through the cobweb covered window, Alex saw that he was faced by the biggest cat he’d ever seen
4. I could not put my finger on it, but a cobweb of despair seemed to have descended on the streets and the people in it
5. The cobweb in the corner shook, the one something magical did spin
6. A cobweb, I thought, but then I looked at a strand of it on my palm and saw it was some kind of metal filament, so fine it was almost invisible
7. Whispfully, whispful, the cobweb breaks
8. She screamed as the effulgent cobweb ensnared her, binding her limbs in the net
9. Brother Matthew lay on his aching back staring up at the cobweb of lines drawn through the cracked ceiling; it looked like the cracks in an old china cup
10. His back was a cobweb of welts
11. She's silent for a long moment, and when she finally speaks her voice is fragile and soft, like a cobweb, like she no longer has any tears to shed
12. The torch on the wall looked brighter and warmer, its flame dancing under a cobweb
13. I was embarrassed how to punish him when I discovered his part in the business: he's such a cobweb, a pinch would annihilate him; but you'll see by his look that he has received his due! I brought him down one evening, the day before yesterday, and just set him in a chair, and never touched him afterwards
14. Upstream a narrow suspension catwalk stretched fifteen hundred feet across the river, swaying slightly, like a cobweb in the evening breeze
15. “Does she?” There was a cobweb in the corner of the ceiling; how had he not noticed this? “So then why are you acting so scandalized?”
16. And in an instant, every cobweb inside me was obliterated
17. I was embarrassed how to punish him when I discovered his part in the business: he’s such a cobweb, a pinch would annihilate him; but you’ll see by his look that he has received his due! I brought him down one evening, the day before yesterday, and just set him in a chair, and never touched him afterwards
18. " Sir Robert worked the trap on its cobweb hinges
19. You may often detect a yet smoother and darker water, separated from the rest as if by an invisible cobweb, boom of the water nymphs, resting on it
20. Ay, every leaf and twig and stone and cobweb sparkles now at mid-afternoon as when covered with dew in a spring morning
21. It was marvelous to see how John Dolittle with his fat heavy fingers undid that cobweb cord and unrolled the leaf, whole, without tearing it or hurting the precious beetle
22. Why does a spider sometimes make a close cobweb, and sit in the very middle of its nest, and at other times leave its nest and start a new spider-web?
23. This will come out of it: that ten men, or even one single man, by thought and in deed, will show men that this fearful evil from which they are suffering, is not the law of their destiny, nor the will of God, nor any historical necessity, but is a superstition not at all strong or overpowering, but weak and null, which one need only leave off believing in, as in idols, in order to get rid of, and to destroy it even as a frail cobweb is swept away
24. Indeed, sir, look along your whole coast, from Passamaquoddy to Capes Henry and Charles, and behold the deep and far-winding creeks and inlets, the noble basins, the projecting headlands, the majestic rivers; and those sounds and bays, which are more like inland seas, than any thing called by those names in other quarters of the globe! Can any man do this, and not realize that the destiny of the people inhabiting such a country is essentially maritime? Can any man do this, without being impressed by the conviction, that, although the poor projects of politicians may embarrass, for a time, the dispositions growing out of the condition of such a country, yet that nature will be too strong for cobweb regulations, and will vindicate her rights with certain effect—perhaps with awful perils? No nation ever did or ever ought to resist such allurements and invitations to a particular mode of industry