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    1. There was nothing coercive by force

    2. Before the commencement of the present disturbances, the coercive power of the mother-country had always been able to restrain those factions from breaking out into any thing worse than gross brutality and insult

    3. If that coercive power were entirely taken away, they would probably soon break out into open violence and bloodshed

    4. became apparent that the Lord was annoyed at the coercive behavior

    5. These are people skilled at deploying words and phrases, and talented at remodeling words to suit their purpose: bully words; coercive words; killing words

    6. Though monitoring by the PC “police” so far is more socially coercive than physically or legally enforceable, accusative “buzzwords” can be very effective in the meantime

    7. The social landscape is pockmarked by petty interdictions and mined with coercive penalties

    8. Universal application of cruel and coercive eighth century Shariah law would replace democracy, constitutionalism, and the rule of law as we know it

    9. When Robert Owen’s experiment with socialism failed* in 1827 he finally concluded that since Socialism could not occur on its own, it would be necessary to change society by political (coercive) means to achieve it

    10. The answer is only by centrally conceived coercive rules requiring the same actions from everyone

    11. 3 Of the ten measures to revise society advocated by Karl Marx 4, five are the most coercive and controlling

    12. This condition is produced by unbounded use of tax revenues for social welfare and coercive regulation of businesses and private lives rather than their use for security and maintenance of infrastructure

    13. The task force, composed of members of the Tarrant County District Attorney‘s Office, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, used aggressive techniques in the course of its investigation, including coercive and suggestive interrogation methods and

    14. Their sophistic rationale for this choice Hobson’s choice was that, by doing so, the coercive element of blackmail would be eliminated

    15. Published data show that high risk men who saw The Men’s Program committed 40% fewer acts of sexually coercive behavior than those who didn’t

    16. coercive sexual actions without any aggravating

    17. This claim is essentially grounded in the idea that a relative exercised an extreme amount of coercive ability with respect to the deceased

    18. But, the central question is always whether an unwarranted coercive force or ability existed and was exercised

    19. Ask the Israelite of God and he will tell you of the God of Moses, who conceived it expedient to rule by coercive measures; hence, the Ten Commandments

    20. � This serves the higher purpose of making the actor responsible for the act and forces the actor to fear the dominator and the punishment the dominator wields with its coercive authority

    21. � In another way of seeing and saying this, we inculcate the coercive discipline of obedience to some dominator model: "Do what you are told, when told and when observed," We could rather offer the path of self-discipline, the one where the individual acts as we have defined the self as acting

    22. � All of this finds its coercive power in the withdrawal of regard for the individual and the constant threat of rejection

    23. � In essence, he discovered that when I removed the coercive force of grading and the dominator model in our classroom, he experienced how well he could see and judge the quality of his work and the choices that went into that work

    24. Through His coercive powers, political might and military savvy

    25. He was eloquent and charismatic, but from a human perspective He willed not to be materially coercive, nor did He will to be militarily or politically savvy

    26. The sacredness of being human involves believing and thinking as one wishes without the burden of the Creator’s coercive influence or threat of wrath

    27. material, and coercive in nature

    28. Masculine characters are those that are more physical and coercive and are directly associated with

    29. physical, greedy, and coercive in nature

    30. In furtherance of this defense, I find that all laws, statutes, regulations and directives limiting the use, threat or application of coercive force, both physical and psychological, against enemy combatants, short of the application of torture, are hereby waived and suspended to the extent necessary to fully and adequately protect and promote the national interest

    31. Insiders sometimes will create additional values for themselves by forcing out outsiders via the corporation’s proxy machinery that they control, by short-form mergers, or by the use of coercive tender offers

    32. In public corporations, there are certain activities that are essentially voluntary and others that are essentially coercive from the point of view of noncontrol securities holders

    33. But Corporate America would not work at all unless many activities continued to be coercive; security holders may get a right to vote (which vote may be pro forma and meaningless), but the security holders are coerced into going along whether they like it or not once a requisite vote has taken place

    34. Insiders sometimes will create additional values for themselves by forcing out outsiders via the corporation’s proxy machinery that they control, by short-form mergers,2 or by the use of coercive tender offers

    35. From his hundred and fifty thousand subjects, Kakabo collected only six thousand pounds; and so there began a forcible extortion of taxes, unknown till then, and a whole series of coercive measures

    36. For every advocacy of a truth inconsistent with the existing order by an individual is, they maintain, not only useless but injurious, since it provokes coercive measures on the part of the authorities, restricting these individuals from continuing any action useful to society

    37. If they could not export with safety, or profit, they would lay a voluntary embargo, ten thousand times better than a coercive one; the very necessity of coercion shows that our merchants would sail, were it not for the embargo

    38. I know not how gentlemen can place our connection with foreign nations in such a predicament; whilst the President officially holds out to the world that the embargo was a peaceful measure, gentlemen now say that it is a coercive one, a sort of quasi war

    39. I, for one, sir, will vote to continue the embargo, because I do still consider it a coercive measure—as the most deadly weapon we can use against Great Britain

    40. I do not mean to involve the idea of absolute starvation; much less to insinuate that the embargo is so coercive as to humble Great Britain at our feet; far from it—but I do say, from the nature of their products, their profitable existence depends upon us

    41. But, sir, I have no reason to suppose it will, for we have now had considerable experimental knowledge of the effects of the embargo system, both as it respects ourselves and foreign powers, and we have found from experience, that, as a coercive measure, it has had no effect

    42. Its efficacy as a coercive measure has been too often and too loudly boasted of in this House, to make its real object a secret to her

    43. No, sir; when you look into the correspondence, it would seem that the embargo was never intended as a coercive measure, nor even understood so by Great Britain

    44. The truth was, that gentlemen well versed in the subject, had calculated that it would require, for a fleet competent to resist such a naval force as the United States might without difficulty provide, four or five hundred transport ships to supply them with provisions, the expense of which alone would be formidable as a coercive argument to Great Britain

    45. When did our coercive measures commence? In 1806

    46. He contended that the non-intercourse system was precisely calculated to destroy that moral principle which had heretofore so strictly enforced our revenue laws; that the system of restriction was partial, operating so equally on the people of the South, that no individuals particularly suffered from it, while in the North and East individuals were ruined by it, and thus a general distress produced; that it would be the most discouraging act to the mercantile interest, ever passed by the Government, for it would throw the trade in all the produce kept in the country by the embargo into foreign hands at the expense of the American merchant; that the system could not be enforced with so extensive a frontier and seacoast as we possess; that it was a measure calculated to produce irritation on foreign nations, without having the least coercive effect; that it was a political suicide, without the consolation of company in it

    47. I voted for the embargo as a precautionary and as a coercive measure

    48. Its effects as a coercive measure would, I believe, have been equally certain, if the misconduct of some of our own people, and the revolution in Spain, had not impeded its action

    49. For myself, I disclaim the impression, and declare that I was ready to abandon it for war, when its primary objects should be attained, and its coercive power fairly tested

    50. I consider it as the most important period, at which the conduct of this House might render that measure effectually coercive, if it ever can be made so at all—and why, sir, do I think so? Because, in the first place, I conceive it cannot even be a question whether the British Government has not calculated on the discontents, which appeared in some particular parts of the Union, so as to derive at least some expectation therefrom that those discontents might make such impression on Congress as to induce them to raise the embargo in the course of this session

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