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    1. The old American term 'do-rag' was coined for the garment closest to it in appearance

    2. Even the Peruvians, the more civilized nation of the two, though they made use of gold and silver as ornaments, had no coined money of any kind

    3. No account has been got of the gold coin ; but it appears from the ancient accounts of the mint of Scotland, that the value of the gold annually coined somewhat exceeded that of the silver

    4. Every year they found themselves under the necessity of coining nearly the same quantity of gold as they had coined the year before ; and from the continual rise in the price of gold bullion, in consequence of the continual wearing and clipping of the coin, the expense of this great annual coinage became, every year, greater and greater

    5. If there were in England, for example, an effectual demand for an additional quantity of gold, a packet-boat could bring from Lisbon, or from wherever else it was to be had, fifty tons of gold, which could be coined into more than five millions of guineas

    6. By the annual exportation of silver to the East Indies, plate is probably somrwhat dearer in Europe than it otherwise might have been ; and coined silver probably purchases a larger quantity both of labour and commodities

    7. Coined gold and silver would be more valuable than uncoined

    8. When this great company, therefore, bought gold bullion in order to have it coined, they were obliged to pay for it two per cent

    9. upon the bullion which was to be coined into more than eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds, or incurring an annual loss of more than £21,250 pounds, would not probably have incurred the tenth part of that loss

    10. They had no coined money, nor any established instrument of commerce of any kind

    11. Had any considerable alteration been made in the standard of the money, either by sinking the same quantity of silver to a lower denomination, or by raising it to a higher ; had an ounce of silver, for example, instead of being coined into five shillings and two pence, been coined either into pieces which bore so low a denomination as two shillings and seven pence, or into pieces which bore so high a one as ten shillings and four pence, it would, in the one case, have hurt the revenue of the proprietor, in the other that of the sovereign

    12. We cannot lose sight of the fact that the terms ―Leftist and Conservative‖ were coined simply to identify these people as to their political choices

    13. “Major Jerran, when the first of the Magi spoke to us, he called his group the Magi; later, when I met you, you also referred to them as the Magi; yet as far as I know Larath coined that name a couple of weeks ago and it was known only by a few select members of the Dragon Claw’s crew

    14. I think Mark Joyner coined the term integrated marketing

    15. Hence they coined the idea of a ‘quantum field,’ or a

    16. The term “out of body experience” was coined by C

    17. The term xenoglossy was originally coined by Charles Richet and means an occurrence

    18. He coined the name to the bay because he found in it very friendly and prosperous Maori

    19. The phrase, be careful what you ask for, might have been coined by Job

    20. The phrase, be careful what you ask for might have been coined by Job

    21. Owens and his ‘Utopian’ followers coined the term ’Social-

    22. Sophie and I have now coined a term for this phenomenon

    23. Between silent curses as he fought the clutching jungle vines and thorns, the Wolf grinned thinking that whoever coined the old saw about ride to the sound of the guns could never have envisioned this most basic of ground movement, walking in a crouch, to the sound of the most modern death dealing technology

    24. 30 The word Socialism was not coined yet

    25. The Owenites failed to * It is an interesting historical fact that Robert Owen and his followers coined the term socialism

    26. The ‘Akashic records’ was a term coined by the Theosophical movement (which originated in the 19th century) and referred to a universal filing system which records every thought, word, and action

    27. The term “plasma” was coined by Irving Langmuir

    28. In fact, we have coined a phrase in the industry for these men who write letters but never go on a trip

    29. Later he coined the word 'Satyāgraha' meaning ‘a force based on truth’ or ‘forceful insistence on truth’

    30. ‖ This term was coined to describe a state when a group is moving along so efficiently that no one dares

    31. Hence we have even coined the term

    32. In the legal field, the term has been coined to describe a crime that was not pre-meditated but rather happened in the spur of the moment due to strong emotions

    33. Aromatherapy was actually coined because of Mr

    34. $40 per ounce on our gold, then $5 more of currency could be coined for each

    35. And this all came about in the following manner: During the Asmonean dynasty the Jews coined their own silver money, and it had become the practice to require the temple dues of one-half shekel and all other temple fees to be paid with this Jewish coin

    36. Agoraphobia, coined by Carl Otto Westphal in 1871, is the most common kind of phobia seen clinically (Marks 1969)

    37. hacker who coined the Twenex term, says he came up with the

    38. 6 Using a phrase coined in South Africa to describe whites’ subconscious acceptance of racial segregation, Wilbert Hall called this white-only assumption in missions a hidden “lie in the soul,” which destructively exists unrecognized

    39. I wish I had coined the phrase 'tyranny of choice,' but someone beat me to it

    40. thought that I had coined the word septemial to describe

    41. Many people lost their lives; countless homes were destroyed and a black pall of smoke seemed to hang in the minds of the populace as the term, ‘Black Friday’, was coined to describe the thirteenth of January, Nineteen-thirty-nine

    42. He coined the

    43. a similar character at all magnifications - the word "fractal" was coined in 1975 by

    44. But to use a phrase coined by U

    45. "fractal" was coined in 1975 by French mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot)

    46. character at all magnifications - the word "fractal" was coined in 1975 by French

    47. which is of a similar character at all magnifications - the word "fractal" was coined in

    48. "fractal" was coined in 1975 by French

    49. similar character at al magnifications - the word "fractal" was coined in 1975 by French

    50. Sigmund Freud had coined a new term for conscience; he called it “superego

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