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    come to a standstill

    1. To see an ice sculpture in your dream indicates that a situation or event has caused your life to come to a standstill

    2. If every country possesses the same goods and services and is self sufficient, the world economy would certainly come to a standstill! Thus, all of us rely on this dualistic nature for our job, purpose and self-worth

    3. Back at the farmhouse time seemed to have come to a standstill

    4. Marco’s van had barely come to a standstill when Egan and Liam were out of the car and whizzed off to join those that had already arrived

    5. Reputations would be won and lost at Christchurch on Tuesday, and the whole country would come to a standstill as the trotters passed the winning post at Addington Raceway

    6. Cities of the world would come to a standstill

    7. continuously, business will come to a standstill

    8. Don’t let him have the feeling that your life has come to a standstill

    9. Set them not down in a low place because they and you have little sympathy, few harmonizing and responding strings in your hearts,�because you soon come to a standstill in communing with them, and discover that they and you have only a limited extent of ground in common! Write it down on the tablets of your heart, that there are many schools, orders, classes, diversities of Christians

    10. come to a standstill

    11. “Speaking of potential lovers, Lisa and John seemed to come to a standstill,” Anna said

    12. The Bishop felt that if this went on much longer the work of the diocese would come to a standstill

    13. It’s only once you’ve come to a standstill that hope gets lost

    14. The traffic had come to a standstill

    15. Don Quixote, fancying that his foe was coming down upon him flying, drove his spurs vigorously into Rocinante's lean flanks and made him scud along in such style that the history tells us that on this occasion only was he known to make something like running, for on all others it was a simple trot with him; and with this unparalleled fury he bore down where he of the Mirrors stood digging his spurs into his horse up to buttons, without being able to make him stir a finger's length from the spot where he had come to a standstill in his course

    16. The crowd had come to a standstill, he saw

    17. They’d turned the coastal waters of Cheshire, Boisseau, and Tiegelkamp into a wrecker’s yard of burned and sunken shipping, and merchant traffic in the Harchong Narrows had come to a standstill

    18. But scepticism, as we know, can never be thoroughly applied, else life would come to a standstill: something we must believe in and do, and whatever that something may be called, it is virtually our own judgment, even when it seems like the most slavish reliance on another

    19. He’s come to a standstill, frozen mid-step

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