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    compulsory примеры предложений


    1. ‘Well, we stand in the presence of Gottestones and a witness, declaring our commitment to each other for a start … it’s not compulsory, but it is important to me

    2. "Got a compulsory purchase order here and this is it for that over there" yelled the foreman of works as he shook a flimsy piece of paper under the Clothiers noses

    3. report in case one wishes to exempt himself from the compulsory

    4. Paterson warned us that a tax-supported, compulsory education system is the complete model of the totalitarian state

    5. That was compulsory

    6. where it was stated that, “population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion,

    7. In Quebec schools this subject joined the 3 R's as being compulsory every day from Grade Four to matric

    8. Compulsory education was fashioned after that of France and Germany

    9. ” That is at the discretion of each member, and is not compulsory

    10. When they take our bones and dump it in a hole at the back of the crematorium with animal bones and then still has the audacity to tell us we should be happy they don’t put it in refuse bags and dump it at the rubbish-dump, then surely we can bury these bones ourselves cant we? I hope someone is prepared to fight for this when they make cremation compulsory by law

    11. This is however not compulsory

    12. Obviously, if by the time you die, cremation became compulsory, then the loved ones have no choice, but only when they have done everything in their power to prevent it without success

    13. against him, to have compulsory process for obtaining wit-

    14. There must be compulsory sterilisation of animals before they can be handed

    15. It would have provided compulsory schooling to very young

    16. Nowadays, it is compulsory to study English in many countries around the world

    17. This may be your only compulsory expense

    18. The purchase of governmentmade products is on the market, but purchase of State license plates manufactured in those prisons is compulsory

    19. Moreover, one should ponder the many aspects of the current, crept-in socialistic aspects to our economic system in America; namely, the present welfare state and its hampering effect on individuals, oppressive taxation, inheritance taxes, and the many arbitrary and restrictive interferences with private businesses, like requirements of minimum wages and compulsory liability and medical insurance coverage

    20. But the government has made this compulsory and back this position with violence or threats of violence

    21. If all potions taste so bad like this that I just took, then, from this moment on, I would call myself the forerunner of the "culinary sorcery", and in this new science that I will found, with the help of God, I will use sweetened fruits, such as strawberries, peaches or pears; and I assure you that sugar will be the compulsory and indispensable ingredient of all my preparations; tons and tons of sugar; tons and tons of this sandy white delicacy which is sugar, and to disguise the odors, tons and tons of scents or edible flowers

    22. The worship of these two gods to the exclusion of all others is now compulsory for all citizens—although this is not enforced on Aristocrats

    23. In the interests of what the Mages cynically called social cohesion, attendance was compulsory for every inhabitant at biweekly events in the vast Arena

    24. Using the excuse of compulsory activities, I asked Warren Pinot if there were any new senior students

    25. Timothy told Matthew that among his subjects were Classical Greek and Latin and Gaelic that was compulsory for a future teaching career

    26. incarnation before attaining Arhatship, the fourth Initiation, after which there is no compulsory physical rebirth

    27. We have studied your CV very comprehensively and are most impressed by the fact that you attained Senior Officer rank comparatively early, during your period of compulsory Military service, during the Apartheid years… as attested by the glowing Letter of Reference which specifically mentions your flair for organising and leadership, from the then Chief of the Army - I see that he wanted you to join the Permanent Force? - well, his loss is our gain!……we’re inviting you to become a member of the “Inner Circle Group”…

    28. Everything was either forbidden or compulsory in the service of promoting health

    29. It’s not compulsory that 10 sure shot ways to get your ex

    30. These are developmental features that have been observed to be usual at any moment during each stage but are not necessarily either sequential or compulsory

    31. Waivable Compulsory License

    32. This category covers the core, often compulsory topics within psychology that students

    33. compulsory within a psychology course should immediately alert you to their

    34. reject the GPL contract as too compulsory, still credit it as

    35. Belief in the Day of Judgement is absolutely compulsory for

    36. received the command from ALLAH about the five compulsory

    37. hence, the number of compulsory Prayers was lessened to five

    38. each good deed, the five compulsory Prayers are given the reward

    39. This is compulsory and

    40. The look was that of compulsory that too often led to irrationality and ultimately defeat

    41. They would organize a blood donation camp in the college and make it compulsory for all students and teachers

    42. Compulsory schooling can also be used toward the ends

    43. As filler, they require; yes require, just like the filler in compulsory elementary education; completion of courses in the arts, humanities and even physical education

    44. Held within the compulsory

    45. to turn them from compulsory institutions of social engineering and

    46. away from the ice rink, it seems the compulsory prescription for what

    47. “Is it compulsory?”

    48. “The Sea Park is compulsory,” Paula said

    49. “It is compulsory that they pay the tribute

    50. compulsory for me to attend school while we’re here, I’ll do it to keep you out of trouble with the law

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    Синонимы для "compulsory"

    compulsory mandatory required requisite compelled forced inescapable necessary