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    Используйте «congratulatory» в предложении

    congratulatory примеры предложений


    1. “They were congratulatory presents,” Worth said

    2. You might have done well”, she says in a congratulatory tone

    3. “But many of the others,” Moshe responded, cutting off further congratulatory offerings, “have

    4. And be sure to check out the last section for a congratulatory gift!

    5. her on the back in a congratulatory sort of way

    6. Mentally, I was giving myself high fives and congratulatory pats on the back

    7. walk it’s time for a congratulatory glass of water - and a small

    8. give Cherry a congratulatory hug, but she was off again, heading towards

    9. ” Anna grinned broadly, as the others jumped up to give Samuel congratulatory hugs

    10. It is my step-mother's birthday, and trusted friends have been streaming up our three flights of stairs since quite early to bring her hyacinths in pots and unhappy roses spiked on wires and make her congratulatory speeches

    11. But when I graduated from college, was he there? No! Okay maybe because of security reasons or state reasons, or whatever, but the lack of a phone call or a congratulatory card or even flowers, was evidence of how much he cared about me

    12. The congressman actually met Mitch with a congratulatory embrace and a grin as big as Nevada

    13. It was a congratulatory party for Judith, and all Redchester and all the county had been invited

    14. During the whole of the week since her daughter's return she had not let her even pour out tea, either when the riven family was by itself or when congratulatory callers came

    15. Alan even made a few congratulatory remarks

    16. encouraging and congratulatory wink

    17. And then he smiled and patted me on my shoulder in a congratulatory manner

    18. drum roll and then a big round of congratulatory applause and a topping up of the toddies

    19. He sent Schmeling a congratulatory telegram of his own: “We are proud of you

    20. She drank and drank while the storm roared and congratulatory whoops came streaming in from Hacker Republic

    21. Even the triumphant issue of his labors could not save him from reaction after so terrible an exertion, and at a time when Europe was ringing with his name and when his room was literally ankle-deep with congratulatory telegrams I found him a prey to the blackest depression

    22. On hearing of Mortimer's appointment Professor Andreas had written him a very kindly and flattering congratulatory letter

    23. Preparations were made for the event, congratulatory visits were received, and all wore a smiling appearance

    24. In Moscow the popular enthusiasm aroused by his appointment was so great that the people exchanged congratulatory embraces in the streets

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    congratulatory gratulatory