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    considering that

    1. is, of course, considering that there are no surprises

    2. The house is remarkably clean considering that no-one has lived here for several weeks, and, seeing my surprise, Ms Jones tells me that David’s cleaner had been coming in to check on the place regularly

    3. The head trainer said you’re doing pretty well too, except in sex ed, especially considering that you can’t speak a word of Minoan

    4. Considering that the most exciting activity Anna has during an average week is a meeting for Sunday school helpers, this is wild living indeed

    5. Herold became the questioner: “Considering that Plato And Freud made contact with the brain subjectively; Is my brain’s flexibility also constrained by the nature of the universe, Or is my understanding of the universe constrained by my brain?

    6. 5 Considering that the majority of the science community accepts that the speed of light has always had a constant value; the only explanation that would fit this phenomenon, would be to assume that objects are in fact, moving away from us and that the red-shift, is caused by the resulting Doppler Effect

    7. 38 If we now have a strong magnetic field, generated by mechanics within the Earth that are different to what we have today - considering that through extrapolating back in time, we arrive at a stronger magnetic field, using the mechanics inside the Earth after the Flood, and also keeping in mind that the core would probably have had more mobility within the Earth (provided by the additional water lubrication from the fountains of the deep, before the Flood) what would be the outcome? If this layer of water existed homogenously between the crust and the mantle, it may have prevented contact between the inner and outer layers of rock and aid in the mobility of the core inside the Earth – just as one would have with a present day ball-bearing for example

    8. Meaning essentially, to weep, which I certainly do in considering that the multi-trillion debt that the outrageous Obama Administration, in collusion with Nancy Pelosi and Mr

    9. I suppose, however, that that is ok, considering that he persuaded a plurality of the American electorate to cast their vote for him in 1992 and 1996

    10. It is arguable that the passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts was the (final) straw that broke the (proverbial) camel‘s back although I‘m not so certain considering that a greater proportion of Republicans rather than Democrats supported these measures

    11. O‘Connor‘s sporting obituary rather pre-mature considering that Tiger Woods is only in his late twenties

    12. Considering that tonight it was that terrible twosome, hot dogs and chili, it shouldn’t be all that complex

    13. A necklace might be an appropriate gift, maybe, considering that we did have a relationship, however unconventional

    14. Considering that I was living on small naps, time seemed to stretch and contract sometimes

    15. Which was a troubling thing, considering that the large, heavy vase had been launched, and the smart money was that my face was the target

    16. Raul, on the other hand, felt that for cockroach-face to be eaten by a shark was poetic justice, God’s perhaps, considering that it was Edgar he had slain

    17. Colling thought it an odd question, considering that the store’s shelves were bare except for one small stack of light bulbs

    18. “Yes, that’s what you said,” said Michelle with surprising skepticism in the tone of her voice, considering that she would usually be prone to believe that God might have done such a thing

    19. Junya started to grow a bit concerned, considering that the Land

    20. Dallas was a five point favorite, which wasn’t very much considering that the Raiders weren’t very good that

    21. hardly considering that these horrible travesties could one day be in

    22. The amount of the application is relatively small, considering that the country annually spends much more without solving the infrastructural questions with efficacy

    23. was not thought of as over-the-hill for a Japanese farmer, considering that the average age

    24. ” Considering that her life is in danger, Manda thought

    25. And what have you done about it? Have you brought Koflanovich in for questioning? Have you searched Cerise for guns or stolen property? I don’t like that Cory went to the press, but I can certainly understand it considering that the police have done absolutely nothing to stop them

    26. “Considering that Nigel is the co-writer and, by default, second in command, why didn’t you confront him first instead of giving him the most time to prepare a response?”

    27. Considering that we just arraigned Chelsea for the crime, it’s going to take some imagination

    28. and the city at length taken, Menelaus fled into the castle: 6 But Jason killed his own citizens without mercy, not considering that to

    29. 23 But considering that even

    30. understanding, casting with himself what loss he had had, and considering that the Hebrews could not be overcome, because the

    31. Also all sorts of financial misdeeds will come to an end and considering that financial motive is one of the major causes of crime and illegal practices, this too will be curtailed

    32. Jesse chuckled “Especially considering that they spent a lot of energy being the life of the party

    33. "Well, neither am I, not anymore, considering that I have been excommunicated!" he says with a chuckle—though I doubt he finds the situation that funny, for his banishment from the community and its ancient traditions must have shattered his spirit

    34. Considering that the interest incurred on a term loan

    35. Considering that the study found that 40 percent of secondary

    36. ’ David kept his face straight, considering that the lie wasn’t big enough to cause his house to be struck by any of the more impressive forces of nature

    37. preferable to even considering that my dad had maybe molested me

    38. Considering that he lived in a neighborhood where

    39. to what is real rather than considering that what I am saying is true

    40.  Considering that the keeping of specimens of wild fauna as pet animals

    41.  Considering that a basic common standard of attitude and practice which

    42. considering that I had had four children

    43. 5 Now when there was gone out a false rumour as though Antiochus had been dead Jason took at the least a thousand men and suddenly made an assault on the city; and those who were on the walls being put back and the city at length taken Menelaus fled into the castle: 6 But Jason killed his own citizens without mercy not considering that to get the day of them of his own nation would be a most unhappy day for him; but thinking they had been his enemies and not his countrymen whom he conquered

    44. 23 But considering that even my father at what time he lped an army into the high countries appointed a successor 24 To the end that if anything fell out contrary to expectation or if any tidings were brought that were grievous they of the land knowing to whom the state was left might not be troubled: 25 Again considering how that the princes that are borderers and neighbours to my kingdom wait for opportunities and expect what shall be the event

    45. 13 Who as he was a man of understanding casting with himself what loss he had had and considering that the Hebrews could not be overcome because the Almighty God helped them he sent to them 14 And persuaded them to agree to all reasonable conditions and promised that he would persuade the king that he must needs be a friend to them

    46. gave the wrong advice, considering that he was speaking to Tony Lima

    47. “There’s one who truly trusts his flying, considering that he still weighs many tons

    48. considering that the very stem of our brain, the nucleus from

    49. “Well, much of that would depend on--considering that he still

    50. “Well, considering that Ditherpedia once had an entry stating

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