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    courtier примеры предложений


    1. During one of his visits to the palace, Zarko overheard a courtier say that the king was in a foul mood

    2. The white headed Lascorii princess's over-developed 'fashion-sense' pervaded her every interaction---lethal as she and her sisters were, nothing impeded her looking the part of courtier to the Matriarch

    3. He missed his calling; he should have been a courtier or an ambassador

    4. And the grave jewelled courtier Memories

    5. She did not at once reply; it was a new experience for a man to speak so forthrightly to her, his words not couched in courtier phrases

    6. A male courtier sitting besides her noticed that and made a remark to her

    7. All the spectators stayed around in the meantime, since no sensible courtier would walk away from an occasion where he or she could publicly applaud the King while being noticed by others

    8. “Then there’s little difference between a courtier and a thief

    9. “You are much more than the courtier who served Henry II,” Cerian said

    10. As they stepped into the entrance hall a tall, thin courtier greeted them with an aloof expression on his face

    11. A courtier stood at the door, which was slightly ajar, enough to put a hand through

    12. The King dismissed the courtier with a wave of his hand and, as the young man hurried off, the King called after him

    13. The courtier stopped, turned, bowed

    14. A courtier knocked and announced that the magistrate was finished with his investigations - natural causes - but enquired as to whether His Majesty wished to make a statement

    15. "No Pastor that," said the curate, "but a highly polished courtier; let it be preserved as a precious jewel

    16. By the Lord, Horatio, these three years I have taken a note of it; the age is grown so picked that the toe of the peasant comes so near the heel of the courtier, he gaffs his kibe

    17. Either 'the native hue of resolution is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,' and at the moment when action above all things is required he is undecided, or general principles are enunciated by him in order to cover some change of policy; or his ignorance of the world has made him more easily fall a prey to the arts of others; or in some cases he has been converted into a courtier, who enjoys the luxury of holding liberal opinions, but was never known to perform a liberal action

    18. de Blacas moved suddenly towards the baron, but the fright of the courtier pleaded for the forbearance of the statesman; and besides, as matters were, it was much more to his advantage that the prefect of police should triumph over him than that he should humiliate the prefect

    19. The lad departed, prouder of his flowing blood than the vainest courtier could be of his blushing ribbon; and stalked among the fellows of his age, an object of general admiration and envy

    20. My father is Miss Havisham's cousin; not that that implies familiar intercourse between them, for he is a bad courtier and will not propitiate her

    21. It was like a Kafka thing she’d read in college, a lone courtier entrusted with a dying king’s message, an empire too crowded to move through

    22. It’s a routine mandated by Desi, my posh jailer, my spoiled courtier

    23. ” Whereupon he took Anne Bonny’s Arm like some Courtier of Old and led her slowly, and in the greatest State, to the Captain’s Cabin; Horatio and I humbly follow’d

    24. ‘Every courtier considers himself bound to maintain his position worthily

    25. This inevitability alone can explain how the cruel Arakcheev, who tore out a grenadier’s mustache with his own hands, whose weak nerves rendered him unable to face danger, and who was neither an educated man nor a courtier, was able to maintain his powerful position with Alexander, whose own character was chivalrous, noble, and gentle

    26. He would make that foxy old courtier feel that the responsibility for all the calamities that would follow the abandonment of the city and the ruin of Russia (as

    27. And this courtier, as he is described to us, who lies to Arakcheev to please the Emperor, he alone- incurring thereby the Emperor’s displeasure-said in Vilna that to carry the war beyond the frontier is useless and harmful

    28. His manners were something between those of the courtier, which he had never been, and the lawyer, which he might have been

    29. “I never thought I’d find a courtier in surroundings such as these

    30. “—our brother-in-law Don René Alarcón—” The courtier

    31. Not to mention the fact that I like it here in the Palace of the Fireflies, and have no desire to be turned out to return to that drafty Torre Imperial in La Majestad, where every broken-tailed courtier in Nuevaropa waits to bend my ear

    32. Tarzan did not know precisely what she meant, but he guessed correctly that it was her way of acknowledging the gift, and so he rose, and taking the locket in his hand, stooped gravely like some courtier of old, and pressed his lips upon it where hers had rested

    33. He was, further, a man of phlegmatic and unforgiving character, and above all of great cunning—in fact a thorough Tartar—rather a courtier than a general, but redoubtable on account of his reputation

    34. Admiral Chichagof was an excellent type of the crafty courtier

    35. He authorized Dorogomilovsky to make some show of resistance merely with the object of satisfying the inhabitants, but he resolutely kept Rostopchin, the old courtier of Paul I

    36. An old courtier, a co-worker and friend of his father’s, was standing there in the middle of the room in conversation with the young Queen, who was on her way to join her husband

    37. The young Tsar approached them, and addressing his conversation principally to the old courtier, told him what he had seen in his dream and what doubts the dream had left in his mind

    38. The Queen had hardly ceased to expound her views, when the old courtier began eagerly to refute her arguments, and they started a polite but very heated discussion

    39. “Every courtier considers himself bound to maintain his position worthily

    40. This inevitability alone can explain how the cruel Arakchéev, who tore out a grenadier’s mustache with his own hands, whose weak nerves rendered him unable to face danger, and who was neither an educated man nor a courtier, was able to maintain his powerful position with Alexander, whose own character was chivalrous, noble, and gentle

    41. “Well, adorer and courtier of the Emperor Alexander, why don’t you say anything?” said he, as if it was ridiculous, in his presence, to be the adorer and courtier of anyone but himself, Napoleon

    42. He would make that foxy old courtier feel that the responsibility for all the calamities that would follow the abandonment of the city and the ruin of Russia (as Rostopchín regarded it) would fall upon his doting old head

    43. And this courtier, as he is described to us, who lies to Arakchéev to please the Emperor, he alone—incurring thereby the Emperor’s displeasure—said in Vílna that to carry the war beyond the frontier is useless and harmful

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