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credibly примеры предложений
1. There is not the slightest bit of evidence that Castro could ever credibly hope for a foothold on Puerto Rico, either militarily or politically
2. In my opinion, organic material falling from the sky can be fairly credibly explained by tornadoes, hurricanes, the jet-stream, the low mass of the objects in question, recent weather patterns; in other words by scientific means and not by magic or other supernatural events
3. Now for the first time Mashu seemed to engage himself, saying the name credibly well as he looked at his host, with only the slightest reddening of his cheeks to reveal how he felt he had done, or was it the quick flashing of other approving eyes from across the circle?
4. None of these circumstances can be credibly explained to a person of reason; they will hear a tale of delusional superiority, which means you have no basis upon which to form any kind of real relationship
5. None of these circumstances can be credibly explained to a person of reason; they will be hearing a tale of delusional superiority, which means you have no basis upon which to form any kind of real relationship
6. So the first eleven we cannot even credibly call prophecies
7. How then can they credibly say that he (pth) was under their spell??
8. It could not be a fraudulent story of deception to be then, credibly accepted, whilst written only a few years and decades after Christ’s death
9. It is those talents, properly understood and credibly
10. The challenge, therefore, is for you to learn how to present credibly what you can do
11. She moved around the kitchen sick with nerves, which was no way to cook, and then bounced back and forth between there and her room, but the turkey that emerged from the oven three hours later, impaled on its plastic thermometer, looked credibly brown
12. , pay high fees only for credibly expected alpha)
13. That doesn't have to happen, of course, but I want to credibly believe the multiple trajectory is biased upwards, even if that's not the primary reason I'm investing
14. or we're skeptical of their ability to credibly follow that many companies
15. With the unimpaired credit of the Government invigorated by a faithful observance of public engagements, and a rapid extinction of the debt of the land, with the boundless territories in the west presenting a safe pledge for reimbursement of loans to any extent, is it not astonishing that despondency itself should disparage the resources of this country? You have, sir, I am credibly informed, in the city and vicinity of New Orleans alone, public property sufficient to extinguish the celebrated deficit in the Secretary's report
16. And I have been credibly informed that all the concessions or grants of land, made in West Florida, under the authority of Spain, run in the name of the government of Louisiana, You cannot have forgotten that about the period when we took possession of New Orleans, under the Treaty of Cession from France, the whole country rung with the nefarious speculations which were alleged to be practising in that city, with the connivance, if not actual participation of the Spanish authorities, by the procurement of surreptitious grants of land, particularly in the district of Feliciana
17. In some instances, the writer is credibly informed, that the shells of muscles are found imbedded in the pebbles and sand
18. The grasses and trees alluded to, flourish as I have observed in forty-five degrees of north latitude, and I am credibly informed that they are abundant as far north as Quebec, and even around Hudson's Bay