Используйте «cross-piece» в предложении
cross-piece примеры предложений
1. The cart had a single shaft with a cross-piece at the end, forming the handle: he gripped this fiercely with both hands and, placing his chest against it, with a mighty effort he pushed the cart before him
2. Near the table were two broken kitchen chairs, one with the top cross-piece gone from the back, and the other with no back to the seat at all
3. Elephant grass and other large leaves can be woven between the cross-pieces (g)
4. The guy-lines could be tied to the cross-pieces
5. Ivan directed her how to fasten the cord to the cross-piece, and at something she said he laughed aloud
6. To the end of the axis of one side, extended over the cylinder, is fixed the centre-piece (h) resembling a crank, from which the bar or pitman (f) communicates to the cross-piece of the piston-rod
7. Should it be objected that the piston moves in the cylinder as usual, it must be apparent that it also moves circularly; it is in fact the cylinder that moves, carrying the piston with it, which gives and keeps up the motion, by drawing and pressing on the centre-piece, and communicating the resistance thence to the guides of the cross-piece on the insides of the frame, which thus receives its motion