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    Используйте «darning» в предложении

    darning примеры предложений


    1. This is similar to darning your clothes

    2. They had to be sold again at a grievous loss, and the family fled from Berlin and the faces of their acquaintances, faces crooked with the effort to sympathize when what they really wanted to do, says Vicki, was to smile, and came t this cheap place where they can sit in obscurity darning up the holes in their damaged fortunes

    3. She is present at the reading, darning socks and ancient sheets with her carefully kept fingers, and she treats me absolutely as though I were attached to her household as governess

    4. Betty Flanders's darning needles are safe too and her garnet brooch

    5. The German gentlemen embroider, I know, but darning hose is another thing and not so pretty

    6. The latter in itself was enough to attract attention to him, for the uniforms of the rode a wild black stallion, and wore clothes which were always the height of style and soldiers were dingy and worn now and the civilians, even when turned out in their best, showed skillful patching and darning

    7. Tridden's voice rose and fell, and a darning needle sewed along the air, stitching, restitching designs both golden and invisible

    8. You may tell Miss Smith that I forgot to make a memorandum of the darning needles, but she shall have some papers sent in next week; and she is not, on any account, to give out more than one at a time to each pupil: if they have more, they are apt to be careless and lose them

    9. She lowered her glasses and continued darning socks

    10. When she finished darning the socks, she tossed everything into the sewing basket in no particular order, gave instructions in the kitchen for supper, and went to the bedroom

    11. Darning, button-hole making and hem-stitching were taught in one class

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