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data примеры предложений
1. Yes, the whole native data system is shut down for the forty or so hours of dark every week, no messages can be sent or picked up on the old crystals or the new
2. Though she had been at the center of getting device manufacture going, she didn't actually carry one, but had a data terminal at the house
3. Though he would have liked more corroborating data for either situation, he was pleased by the numbers
4. Archimedes added their tears to his data
5. The civilization that sent them was gone? "Why are you still sending the probe data?"
6. The most impressive accomplishment of all was interfacing to the planet's data system
7. "They have more information in their data system than I could have discovered in my life
8. In this data system she had met people five thousand Earth years old
9. After playing with the native data system only a few hours, she already gave Ava's perspective a lot more consideration than she would have just a year ago, well actually a hundred forty five years ago
10. She could monitor those and all the recordings of the data that had been sent for a century and a half
11. Ava had a virtual universe set up that she said was copied from data she had gathered from the planet, animated with video and audio that is broadcast in their net
12. Do you ever feel bad for corrupting that data?" that cherub asked her
13. Glenelle could do some data entry and verification, but she was not going to help with updating the foundations of the virtual universe
14. While those natives had to be informed by the one of their clan who had gone to a data terminal, the network was connected to everyone on Narrulla's Tear and she was able to query, 'what is known about an asteroid that could collide with the planet Kassidor?' and find out quite a lot
15. The astronomical data seemed good
16. "You're kidding me? And we couldn't detect that this planet had a data system?" she asked
17. Just after he was done Narrulla's Tear passed into eclipse where they are unable to reach a lighted tower on the native data system and thus unable to continue a connection thru it
18. While Ava tried to put thru a voice channel to the ground, Glenelle viewed the recorded data from their biggest scope
19. As the sequence drew closer around the planet and built up more integrations and matches against data files, a better match on that shuttlecraft was building up
20. She squeezed her eyes shut together and wished, but no data at all arrived
21. They did not have to wait till he was in full sunlight, the systems would work with skylight or under clouds, but would not work for forty hours of darkness, half of the globe was without data service at any one time
22. A minute or so later she received the data and forwarded it to Kandhi's You, with commands to begin the sweep and report on contact
23. It actually felt good to go without that stream of constant data, that instant information, that knowing of whatever she wanted to know at a moment's notice
24. The discoveries reported by Brazil agreed with data the Christial's had reported for a time early during their stay
25. Among Bahkmar's specific career duties on the Al-Harron was to make sure, by constantly reviewing the software, the data, and the presentations, that the colonnade of the Haadij was the grandest
26. The clearance to view the data for that was a much bigger boon than non-technicians knew, for it allowed access to the diagnostic recording system and once one knew how to use the diagnostic recording system it was relatively simple to get access to every data stream in the crew, every sense, every output, even hormone levels
27. As a tech, using the diagnostic channels, he could get the real data to a screen in his mind's eye and see that they were really only at seventy five percent but there was none who would dare mention that to the Haadij
28. "The data we have say there are very few bulk mail distributors with more than a ten mile range
29. And this data is more than sixty years old
30. "The last data we received indicated that they were able to explore the possibilities with help from the Brazilians," Korum Noshtis, their intelligence expert on Brazilian technology said
31. The Kassikan's data sphere is secure from tapping at this range
32. The last data we had from the Brazilian and the remainder of the Christial expedition indicated that they were cooperating with the Kassikan fully
33. Alstan had been unable to decode the encrypted data sent by the Brazilan expedition
34. Even when set on their sassiest however, they cannot show the independent will that Shibet could, that made love with her so much more interesting than love with this collection of surface renderings and response data bases
35. This was one of those places where Bahkmar had to bite his tongue and not blurt out, 'they are just a few thousand pages of 'if' statements, some few-level neural simulation loops, a few gig of customizable data and some presentation rendering loops' but the vow was sacred and he understood even to the sociological level why the people who can't understand it anyway need to believe it is holy
36. Without any real range data, he couldn’t swear to the size, but he was willing to bet it was 120 meters
37. The second phase was an intensive intelligence operation using operatives and the data system
38. It took only a few levels of buttons to select out that part of the crew, but he was working with data from H
39. What they knew about the planet was evil to be sure, but there was so much culture and history hinted at in the reports that it seemed a shame we don't gather some data first
40. He wanted to try and crack their data system
41. Maybe that was a reason to avoid probing the data system when they got there, but not to destroy it outright without even looking at it?
42. It had, in fact, blasted free, but only their data channels went with it
43. It took hours because there weren't that many inquiries to use for sample data, but he was immediately able to determine there were no hardware inquiries used in formulating the responses to those queries
44. But today there was a message from that circuit and he almost missed it because it had been so many years since there was any new data from the old hulk
45. It detected the output of a data feed that Brazilian intelligence had secretly attached to all outgoing starships
46. The governor failed to see the significance of that data, even when native astronomers noticed a large member of Cynd's asteroid belt had been knocked from its orbit on a course to plunge deep into the gravity well of the brown dwarf
47. The Kassikan obviously has the wherewithal to observe that asteroid, there were many other observatories on the planet that had published reports on their data network
48. In spite of the fact that much of this planet's air is much thicker than on Earth, there are other places where it is much thinner and this society maintained telescopes that one needed to climb in pressurized tunnels to visit, so they had a better view of space than anyone had from Earth before space travel, the Kassikan received data from multiple observatories two miles or more above the peak of Mount Everest
49. He knew she was accessible on the native data system, just as he was
50. ‘I’m trying to find someone in this data base