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    de facto

    1. Miss Spelman, as the de facto director and producer due to her own training with the Royal Shakespeare Company in the bard's own hometown, solicited ideas from their rolls at their next scheduled meeting in the new School House

    2. A friend of mine recently stated that he envisions a day when America will return to a (de facto) separate but equal society

    3. ) A Democratic state legislature majority even succeeded in 1860 in expanding Indian slavery from “orphans” and “vagrants” to virtually any Indian by forcing ten year apprenticeships on them, de facto slavery

    4. It is uncertain who would have been the de facto president

    5. Maguire may have been commander of the League's army and thus de facto president

    6. For the far more serious crime he committed, illegally bombing Cambodia, de facto genocide, charges were dropped

    7. This means that in many outside factors can

    8. Thus, half of one year into my four-year gig, I found myself forced to do the work of two lawyers for the next three and one-half years, after which I was de facto fired! Kominers, who wrote my “fitness report,” totally ignored the facts that a) I was properly classified a GS-13/14 having replaced a -14 and b) per my evaluation, I had performed the requisite one-year time in grade at above average levels for each category of my evaluation

    9. Ingalls de facto could not be debarred because of the scarcity of private shipyards, but Marnadino not only was fired by Litton, but he also was sent to jail

    10. He and Macmillan magnanimously offered to let me become Bill’s assistant, remaining a -13, step 4! This abomination and cold hearted de facto firing constituted “some thanks for my yeoman work the previous 3 1/2 years as the SupShip Counsel, doing singlehandedly the work of two contracts lawyers

    11. Despite the fact that the first, third and fifth topic could be on the list of a classical liberal author writing on the agenda of the state, this is simply the old picture of giving de facto unlimited power to the politicians

    12. He was worried that there might be some negative blowback in his direction since he was the de facto, chief investigator for the State Department and this cabal had operated right under his nose

    13. The stateside factories use the same process as CN but they have sixty percent more output per man hour than you have over here

    14. but soon viewed the AI Lab itself as his de facto home

    15. Hossein had agreed with that suggestion, realizing too well that the Supreme Leader had been careful up to now for Iran not to get into a de facto war with the United States and Europe

    16. This is to be warm yet aloof—giving nothing of importance away in your de facto approval of other’s ways

    17. It is a sitewide factor that is computed

    18. The trigger-happy hero of Salisbury, decorated by Ian Smith for eliminating the first ANC contingent to have crossed over the Zambezi (at the time, South Africa’s de facto northern border) from Kongwa, took his own life in the depths of his despair at ending up as white trash in Capetown; a despair he tried to alleviate by joining the political wing of very same organisation whose soldiers he had met and admired as equals on the field of battle

    19. the de facto leader of Ansar al-Sharia

    20. Even if we swamped them in military equipment and supplies, their political program of continued de facto colonization will eventually draw the whole Vietnamese people against them and they would then still lose what is essentially a guerrilla war

    21. that fundamental (depreciation) in terms of the effect of some outside factor - a change in

    22. The de facto leader of the 222 Revolution, Emperor of Boblovia, Founding Father of the Confederation of Independent Individual Republics, among many other labels given him

    23. ’ Modi was still not the BJP’s de jure prime ministerial candidate, but on 15 August, he became the de facto prime minister of his party, if not the country

    24. There was no space in the Modi PMO for a Brajesh Mishra-like figure who was seen by some as the virtual de facto head of government during Vajpayee’s tenure

    25. In his written submission, one of the official project managers stated that Mr Makhanya became the de facto project manager and that it was difficult to exercise control over him, leading to a case of ‘the tail wagging the dog’

    26. Advocate Madonsela found that Mr Zuma, directly or via his architect, gave instructions to Ministers of State, state officials as well as the de facto project leader of the Nkandla upgrades (who happens to be Mr Zuma's personal architect) to unlawfully divert taxpayers' funds to build the aforesaid private structures at his Nkandla residence

    27. And nearer to our times, we might as well see the spectacle of the de facto merger of the six Districts of Assam namely Nagaon, Dhubri, Cachar, Barpeta, Sonitpur, and Kamrup with Bangladesh, which to build the Muslim vote-bank, the Congress Party allowed them to be infested with the illegal Muslim immigrants

    28. both of them were startled constantly by outside factors

    29. Their wives, some de facto, had been arrested when they had tried to register their offspring during an amnesty for child illegal immigrants and now they themselves were about to be repatriated to China where they would have to join the three to twenty year queue to gain a legal one-way pass to Hong Kong

    30. a number of corrupt outside factors involved, she

    31. � Given that we are all born free of the idea of domination, we are all born as de facto outlaws whom parental figures must control until we internalize that control

    32. If they wish to withdraw without an announcement, this can be accepted as a de facto withdrawal

    33. And as the products get more popular, the ISE and CBOE will have to adjust for the fact that inverse puts are actually de facto calls, and likewise inverse calls are actually de facto puts

    34. One thing that has changed since, is the introduction of candlesticks as the 'de facto' standard for analysing price action on the chart

    35. In theory it should be just long enough to cover a full cyclical fluctuation but not so long as to include factors or results that are totally out of date

    36. Considerable latitude is therefore left for individual judgment, not only in interpreting the technical indications of the market’s action but also in reconciling such indications with outside factors

    37. com (PCLN) emerged as survivors and de facto e-commerce industry group leaders

    38. 40 dividend was exceptionally safe and that the security was de facto an AAA issue

    39. If a company is going to avoid Chapter 11, credit instruments with a short term to maturity give the distress investor de facto seniority

    40. In the normal situation, however, the Pressprich directors would be outside directors, and their de facto control over the affairs of Corporation would be manifestly less than would the inside directors’ and management members’, whether directors or not

    41. You also learned that there can be many outside factors like earnings, news, and short interest that can lead to your deciding to remove a good trade setup from your list if these factors might work against you

    42. There are some years in which outside factors will mute a corresponding price move in the commodity, but in “normal” years, price may tend to favor movement in one direction during these time periods

    43. Meanwhile the American Government continued to insist upon payment, and as a pledge held in their de facto dominion some of the best parts, and, having looked closely into the national wealth, raised their former claim to ninety thousand dollars, threatening to increase it still more if Kakabo did not pay at once

    44. By the act of occupying the country, the Government de facto, whether of Spain, or the revolutionists, ceased to exist; and the laws of the Orleans Territory, applicable to the country, by operation and force of law, attached to it

    45. " As that pamphlet is de facto, if not de jure, before the committee, I will, if the committee will indulge me, attempt to examine some of the principal arguments contained in it, and I will also notice some additional ones, advanced yesterday by my honorable friend and colleague on my left, (Mr

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