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    dead still

    1. We sat dead still and waited for about twenty minutes

    2. DNA tests were employed where the dead still had living relatives, but the rest could not be identified

    3. That the dead still live

    4. I stood dead still for a moment and built a mental picture of the terrain in my head

    5. I stood dead still

    6. but it was dead still

    7. I stood dead still and then we carefully stepped in the footprints we’d

    8. We see forests kept alive by the death of excess trees and undergrowth helped along by lightning-generated fires—and with the first rain, new forests spring phoenix-like from burns while the dead still smolder

    9. fear of the dead still remained

    10. It is very likely that the dead still live, and are

    11. The undead still want to be entertained by the living

    12. It is the ancient undead still seeing all-knowing all

    13. She fell away from me already dead still clutching at my bloody knife, even as I fell to my knees my hands trying to stop the flow of blood

    14. Simon’s face went dead still

    15. A dead still calm succeeded this storm, which ended

    16. Then in about two seconds we heard a whack, and the dog he finished up with a most amazing howl or two, and then everything was dead still, and the parson begun his solemn talk where he left off

    17. The thought burst on her with the blinding light of a revelation, and she sat dead still, bewildered by the implications

    18. They had escaped the dungeons of the king and were through the wood, but whether alive or dead still remains to be seen

    19. “A problem with blood?” I repeated dumbly, standing dead still in the hallway

    20. The hooting of a distant owl was all the sound that troubled the dead stillness

    21. It's this hanging around, almost dead still, that gets me restless—Ah, here comes a wind—Not very strong—but maybe it'll grow

    22. The sun was already dropping low, and in the dead stillness only the twittering of the birds was audible, and the crackle of the dead wood under his feet

    23. She followed the printed lines with dawning interest on her face, and a growing intelligence, until all of a sudden the dead stillness of the hour and time struck her

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