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delphic примеры предложений
1. “Is it true the Delphic oracle warned Hesiod that he’d die in
2. The girls' varsity team was Delphic Cove's pride and joy
3. After I had finished explaining the stories of the supposed flood and my camera fear, she said, "My aunt works at the court house and has access to all of Delphic Cove's old records
4. Also, yours was made here in Washington and we didn't move to Delphic Cove until after the flood—if there really was one
5. They wanted the Moretti's to keep believing that you were dead, so that's why you remained in Delphic Cove
6. Nobody had any idea that another vampire was anywhere near Delphic Cove, and therefore near you
7. The tears that had started in a mysterious cabin continued to flow in my car at Delphic Cove High
8. "There's a high school couple from Delphic Cove that disappeared without a trace three days ago
9. "I think that's the missing girl from Delphic Cove
10. Someone nearby said, "Did you hear that they think that girl from Delphic Cove was spotted tonight?"
11. After that, the story they were covering was about the disappearance of two teenagers from Delphic Cove
12. The Delphic Oracles… born blind at birth
13. (There is a well-developed art of Delphic phrasing that adjusts itself successfully to whatever the future brings
14. Never did the Delphic priests collect with more holy care the frantic expressions of the agitated Pythia, or expound them with more solemnity to the astonished Grecians, than has the committee gathered the opinions and testimony of these deputies, and through the gentleman from Massachusetts, pompously detailed them to the Senate! Philadelphia has her immediate representatives, capable of expressing her wishes upon the floor of the other House