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    detailed description

    1. James gave them detailed descriptions of their base camp and the strength of the beasts they fought

    2. Plato left us a detailed description of the death of Socrates

    3. He did ask a few people about the address, and got more detailed descriptions that agreed with the snack seller’s

    4. detailed description of his quarry

    5. He gave a detailed description of the two

    6. Linking to related sites with more detailed descriptions, it became clear that this was a place where they would indulge in wild debauchery

    7. Amaranthe gave a detailed description of the conversations she had shared with Hollowcrest

    8. that you have a drop menu where you can choose the category you want and find the specific product from the list and click on it to see the page with a detailed description for that product

    9. After Jacob blessed his sons, he again stipulated in great detail how his body must be disposed of, exactly where he must be buried with a detailed description and history of the grave site

    10. It should be a lucid andconcise description, not a detailed description

    11. He possessed a detailed description of how the Alliford Bay had trailed John- Paul's gillnetter, the three men aboard, including the fact one of them had been murdered by a bullet in the neck

    12. immediately, and the woman was able to give them a detailed description of the snatcher

    13. The easiest and most convenient way to explain the venture would be to say that the coroner would need an accurate, detailed description of his whereabouts at the time of his wife’s death so as to attempt to ascertain the exact time of the unfortunate event

    14. gives detailed description of past performance, it can be matched with the forces that

    15. Creation of product or service showcase: A website can provide photos and detailed descriptions of products and services

    16. is backed up by chapter 18 which gives a detailed description of the

    17. With the detailed descriptions given to us by God in Revelation

    18. She spent three hours one night writing a detailed description about herself sans photo

    19. as detailed descriptions of another life

    20. The author gave a surprisingly detailed description of where the head was buried, so I decided to see if I could locate the place

    21. • Detailed description and correction of process planning

    22. Detailed descriptions regarding him are found in

    23. The main body of the book that follows is a detailed description of

    24. After leaving Yalic to get a detailed description of this Eldnan, he had sent another message to all ships

    25. He clicked it, and up popped a screen with a photograph on the top left hand corner, a set of fingerprints on the right hand corner, and a detailed description of the assailant below

    26. They talked business for more than an hour, with Norah giving him a more far more detailed description of her plan to promote rural tourism in Wishful than the sketch she’d given him in their last conversation, breaking things down into logical phases

    27. The only factor, detailed descriptions of which you

    28. Neither is there any detailed description of the face of either of these men in the

    29. to you, or write a detailed description that

    30. The journal gave a detailed description of where the gold could be found

    31. Every district, division, station and mobile unit was given detailed descriptions of the journalist Jason Teller and the woman Brigit Rolanne with grainy, blow-up photographs of both obtained from the Immigration Department’s identity card files

    32. The question may be interpreted in approximately the following way: “Oris, please, give us a detailed description of the cosmic mechanism which causes formation and interaction of Thoughts and Feelings of all Proto-Forms at once!”

    33. seven character groupings and material impulses that are the detailed description of evil and the

    34. Seven Spirits of God–Also referred to as the Path of Truth and Justice, These are the seven character groupings that are the detailed description of Good and the paths and ways of our Creator

    35. ters 52 and 53, there is a detailed description of the

    36. and Evil are detailed descriptions of the ways favored by our Creator, (the path of Truth and Justice)

    37. and flows from the detailed description of dualism presented by the Doctrine of Two Spirits outline

    38. character groupings that are the detailed description of Good and the paths and ways of our Creator

    39. I want you to fill that sheet of paper with a detailed description of

    40. To say, further, that they had stumbled even to a detailed description correctly mapped out, of thing no man could know, but by revelation, not only seems incredible, but it is incredible

    41. friends with detailed descriptions of the truths and inner workings of their Hollywood

    42. Isaiah 53 gives a detailed description of the trail and death of Christ that it could be an eye witnesses account

    43. Isaiah 53 gives such a detailed description of the trail and death of Christ that it could be an eye witnesses account and yet many Premillennialists tell us God was surprised by the rejection of Christ and that it was not known about by the Old Testament prophets

    44. approach, having drawn in his monograph [77] detailed descriptions of

    45. "Not to trouble you," continued she, "with a detailed description of all the painful feelings of unavailing exertion, I have only to tell you, that at last I got recommended to wash in a few families, who did me the favour to admit me into

    46. Deane had proved himself to be the bravest man he had ever known; more than anything he wanted to give detailed descriptions of the three men that had broken into his shop just a day ago

    47. The second stranger deserves a more detailed description

    48. But all this filth was nothing compared with the unspeakable condition of the kitchen and scullery, a detailed description of which would cause the blood of the reader to curdle, and each particular hair of his head to stand on end

    49. Irritation stirred in Scarlett as Rhett voice became less choked as she went into detailed description of her monster guest in discussed the matter as if it had been something real

    50. How can the contrarian trader recognize an information cascade in the making? What clues should he look for to detect an emerging investment crowd and the investment opportunities it creates? In the next chapter we start to answer these questions by building a detailed description of the life cycle of a typical investment crowd

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