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determinant примеры предложений
1. Human ―motives‖ are therefore held as determinant or conclusive responses to antecedent events independent of Free Will; that is to say, infer a mindset pre-conditioned by prior events governing present decisions rather than governed by independent designs capable of responding rationally to unexpected events
2. But we are the determinant members:
3. Citrin says,”the poll found that an employee’s job satisfaction is the key determinant of their happiness and their effectiveness inside that organization
4. may never realize how close it is to its goal, because the determinant variable (stock
5. A natural tendency or ability could be a huge determinant in success"
6. However, whoever is the determinant, the differentiation between willful and negligent behavior at workplace has to be looked at very seriously not only because such activities are of criminal nature but because they are harmful for the overall prestige of the business organization and our human resource practices
7. worth is an important determinant of the value of a company, considering it is
8. In both instances you note that relevance is the biggest determinant when you judge the effectiveness of a presentation
9. To a hedge fund trader (and all traders, for that matter), volatility is by far the number one determinant of success
10. The TOMIC manager will find that this sensitivity is why front month options are the number one determinant in the success of a trade, even if you don’t hold ATM options
11. However, unlike with a condor, the final determinant of success for an iron butterfly is the overall relationship of the wings relative to the value of the straddle
12. More than any other factor, the final determinant of success for an iron butterfly is the skew
13. Sulfur content is another key determinant of crude oil quality
14. Your ability to select low margin strategies and to avoid margin calls will be a strong determinant in the profit picture of your portfolio
15. Though average future earnings are supposed to be the chief determinant of value, the security analyst takes into account a number of other factors of a more or less definite nature
16. The market’s appraisal of cash-dividend policy appears to be developing in the following direction: Where prime emphasis is not placed on growth the stock is rated as an “income issue,” and the dividend rate retains its long-held importance as the prime determinant of market price
17. Thus, the principal determinant of the value of growth is the relationship between the return on the new capital required to fund the growth and the cost of that capital
18. , such events as publicly announced mergers in which there will be relatively determinant workouts in relatively determinant periods of time)
19. For example, they find that NAV is a significant predictor of future earnings and stock prices for some companies; NAV is seen as an important stock price determinant for financial enterprises such as banks, insurance companies, and savings and loan holding companies, because assets used in these businesses tend to be highly liquid and readily turned into cash
20. Many appraisals by investment banks, and others, do not recognize this, and market price often will be the principal determinant of the transaction price even where there is a willing buyer–coerced seller situation
21. Risk arbitrage, with risk arbitrage defined as situations where there is likely to be a relatively determinant workout in a relatively determinant period of time
22. , there are relatively determinant workouts within relatively determinant periods of time such as where there is an outstanding tender offer, an outstanding voluntary exchange of securities, or a merger transaction subject to a scheduled stockholder vote)
23. Risk arbitrage is an investment process involving workouts of securities that are expected to create relatively determinant values in relatively determinant periods of time
24. Normally, the strongest determinant of a market price will be industry identification as it relates to earnings, especially earnings trends
25. What is the likelihood of the trader being assigned? Because assignment for most exchange-traded options is random, one determinant is the amount of open interest in the call that was sold
26. A second determinant is the relative sophistication of the market—whether most market participants are familiar with the criteria for early exercise
27. Because we have gone into the calculation of historical volatility in some detail, the reader may have been left with the impression that the method chosen will be an important determinant of whether an option strategy is successful or not
28. If held to expiration, the sole determinant of an option position’s value is, in theory, the realized volatility of the underlying contract
29. A close below a moving average in an uptrend or above a moving average in a downtrend may be a clue that the trend may be ready to change, but the main determinant of trend is the direction of the moving average itself
30. • The biggest determinant of a trading system's success is the ability of the trader to follow it 100%
31. The one determinant of a great business or worthwhile investment is the cash that you will be able to take out of it eventually
32. Simply looking at realized average returns for the past 20 years in various asset classes, it appears that liquidity premia have been an important determinant of required returns
33. The industry in which a company operates is a major determinant of its financial and market performance
34. Believe it or not, who you work with could be your biggest determinant of success or failure in selling option premium
35. Investors who want to use dividend yields as a sole determinant of value should stick to large, better-known companies, since those companies typically have stronger balance sheets and longer operating histories
36. History shows that using high profit margins as the sole determinant for buying a stock leads to disappointing results
37. I would argue that if macro factors are too big a determinant in your appraisal of a company's intrinsic value, you should just sit that out