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dilatation примеры предложений
1. Her vital signs were all right, but the health aide could not tell me about the dilatation of the cervix or the station of the head of the baby as she had not done an internal exam
2. However I never found out what the dilatation was as the next thing the health aide excitedly told me: “She is pushing and I can see the baby’s head
3. 5cm mass in the head of the pancreas and also dilatation of the common bile duct and pancreatic duct
4. A CT of the patient’s abdomen did show a mass in the head of the pancreas, along with dilatation of the common bile and pancreatic ducts
5. This patient has obstruction of common bile duct by the pancreatic mass that is causing dilatation of the common bile duct and jaundice to occur
6. To this I reply, that the doctrine of heat is not yet so thoroughly understood, as to acquaint us with all its habitudes with natural bodies, but we infer from analogy, that the more refractory a body is in the fire, the greater in a due ratio is the absolute quantity of heat required to reduce it to, and retain it in, the state of gas, and the greater, in a corresponding degree, will be the dilatation of its particles and decrease of its specific gravity
7. Atmospheric air, on the dilatation of, V
8. —, on the dilatation of, V
9. —, researches on the dilatation of gases, notice of, xliv, 63
10. Regnault on the dilatation of gases, xliv, 63