Используйте «discontinuous» в предложении
discontinuous примеры предложений
1. M: The mind is discontinuous
2. The eruption occurred from several vents along a 75-km-long (46-mile) discontinuous system of fissures and produced about 19
3. Laws of motion of any kind become comprehensible to man only when he examines arbitrarily selected elements of that motion; but at the same time, a large proportion of human error comes from the arbitrary division of continuous motion into discontinuous elements
4. The absurd answer (that Achilles could never overtake the tortoise) resulted from this: that motion was arbitrarily divided into discontinuous elements, whereas the motion both of Achilles and of the tortoise was continuous
5. But the geographical and climatical changes which have certainly occurred within recent geological times, must have rendered discontinuous the formerly continuous range of many species