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    1. ' Right away the music blew away any doom and sent fireworks round the room

    2. He flamed it as he passed and immediately turned around and James sent it to its doom

    3. Mistress of the Dark, Herald of Doom, Queen of

    4. Monica shouted, “Matt! Look out!” and then she grabbed and caught Matt’s hand, and pulled him back up from what could have been his doom

    5. If this were a story about a fantastic hero, then Matt would don his perfect mask and perfect cape, run out the door in a flash and announce, ‘step back, innocent civilians! I shall now save the day!’, and then Matt would save the world from certain doom in a most perfect way and be rewarded with millions of dollars and a pool filled with drop-dead perfect gorgeous women, and then go back home to his perfect private tropical island where nothing bad ever happened, except for when it was a chance for Matt to prove how awesome he was and just plain better than everyone else

    6. probably pressing the numbers into a phone that will finally craft our doom

    7. He knew that the only way the elf would willingly leave his side was if he was certain it would result in his doom

    8. “You made a promise,” Brontes pleaded, knowing the Elf Prince would surely be heading to his doom

    9. But faced with certain doom otherwise, he took a breath

    10. They believe the way to circumvent what they see as the impending doom is through death itself

    11. And in times of imminent doom the natural basic instinct was bound to take over

    12. that same doom saying noise we had heard earlier, but this version was of the flesh


    14. ” The guards face had gone bright red and I could see the sense of doom enter his eyes I nearly laughed out loud as he walked away from us with his tail between his legs

    15. It stands out like a finger of doom

    16. Seems like the prophets of doom were once again wrong in their predictions and (gulp) the long haired liberal's right! Religion has no place in law and it is a matter of time before the rest of Africa follows our lead

    17. He wondered if the volcano had some hidden power to warn people in the vicinity of impending doom

    18. He was bigger than me, and he took great delight in playing the role of dispatcher of doom

    19. All my feelings and experiences of the last few days were evident in my body and in my soul; feelings of doom, feelings of the lack of options and feelings of accepting a situation without possibility of change

    20. “‘Love alters not with Time’s brief hours and weeks, but bears it out—even to the edge of doom

    21. And it was unfortunately, quite real; doom, on a monumental scale

    22. The birds had moved out and the black crows seemed to hang around like harbingers of doom

    23. All that existed was a heavy, morose cloud of impending doom, and beside him sat Beth, giggling

    24. From every window, eyes followed, and each person she saw was the one who would kill her until he or she passed, then the next became her doom

    25. ” She went, but with a growing sense of doom, reluctantly trailing into the lobby

    26. Their message also seems to have evolved from that crack of doom that came to Man as he stood perched on that anciently “sharp edge of extinction;” to the more morally oriented message of correct behavior that came concurrent with Man’s increased civility that allowed his civilizations to emerge and advance; to the words of encouragement for those who couldn’t understand the injustice of the ever more complicated rulership of our latter-day past

    27. and was falling to her doom

    28. “I’m fine,” he replied, trying to keep his words calm, but he could feel doom

    29. With the prophecy of doom for the Edomites, Obediah also added blessings for

    30. 43 But the day of doom

    31. doom laden counting down the seconds before their shift would

    32. With feelings unsoftened, and eyes pitiless, he longed to gaze at the hard and wretched doom of the abovementioned

    33. When computer models failed to show the 20-foot calamity touted by Al Gore, “corrective factors” were inserted into the computers to reaffirm the theology of doom

    34. Hobbs was ecstatic, it wasn’t doom and gloom after all, even AJ was smiling

    35. Oome? Dr Doom, funny!”

    36. What was the impending doom

    37. On this average news day, what was printed here presented too much negative, too much doom and gloom, too slanted

    38. God knows, we need a laugh with all this doom and gloom

    39. “But I remember being on that road watching my impending doom and thinking about moving

    40. I tell you what, comrade, I shall be forthright with you due to our impending doom

    41. While reassuring the readers that religion will triumph now as it has in the tides and currents of history and that wishful thinking does not history make, Roger lets them know that he chooses Christ’s promise to be with us “to the consummation of time” over the columnist’s prediction of religion’s doom

    42. in a world of impending doom, though

    43. not been subjected to the doom and damnation that I had always

    44. One board I photographed during that trip foreshadowed doom

    45. Words that seemed to be in sound, sweet to her natural ear and comforting, but in all actuality were sealing her doom

    46. 43 But the day of doom shall be the end of this time and the beginning of the immortality for to come in which corruption is past 44 Intemperance is at an end infidelity is cut off righteousness is grown and truth is sprung up; 45 Then shall no man be able to save him who is destroyed nor to oppress him who has gotten the victory

    47. Every place that the messengers went, the rising near-panic of the villagers needed only someone to tell them that there was hope after all, for escape from the doom that roared at them from out of the north

    48. The ululing of the posted women suddenly exploded upon their ears like a high-pitched screech of doom

    49. With feelings unsoftened and eyes pitiless he longed to gaze at the hard and wretched doom of the abovementioned Jews

    50. Was it the sound of doom for the other? Seventy instruments sounded once for each circle made

    1. But whatever happened with Herndon was doomed by his 'wife and kids' family style

    2. once, and in so doing, in the raising of the child, the parent was doomed

    3. A congregation that caters to the wealthy and powerful to the neglect of the poor and sometimes uneducated is doomed to fail

    4. Herndon lamented it as much as any of them, but the use of Portuguese was doomed on this world

    5. It was probably the captain's position in the top cabin that doomed his chances of revival

    6. Each generation could breed only once, and in so doing, in the raising of the child, the parent was doomed

    7. “Alderfolk Pottypears seems to thing that we are doomed forever”

    8. As long as lust remains the center point of any relationship, that relationship is doomed to be temporary,

    9. Were they doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past; or had they learned something from almost becoming extinct as a race

    10. He felt sorry for his friend, trapped in that shrinking and doomed universe

    11. Planet; without it, Earth would be doomed, not just from asteroids, but possibly from hostile extraterrestrial intelligence,” AI-Arnold said

    12. “I don't think we have much of a choice; we need to create a failsafe, or the whole universe could be doomed to eternal pain and suffering forever and ever!” The Hesean said

    13. If you fail at this then I would say our marriage is doomed from the beginning

    14. He was doomed if they had

    15. Unable to move, Theodorous saw the yellowed teeth coming at him and was certain he was doomed

    16. Rage -- Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles, murderous, doomed, that cost the

    17. If you are of the first type, your future is doomed

    18. Is this crime why your hero will be doomed?”

    19. Who could blame the Fates if they doomed her soul to lurk alone in misery forever?

    20. Tragus knows he’s doomed to the foulest reaches of Tartarus

    21. What Fate has doomed thee still to undergo,

    22. Earlier, we looked at Sisyphus, doomed to a futile existence of pushing a boulder up a mountain

    23. Sisyphus is doomed to eternal futility

    24. And chasing ghosts - now in a supposed literal sense as much as a meta-phorical one - seemed a doomed venture

    25. A detailed forensic investigation had failed to reveal any information about the perpetrators, and the whole incident seemed doomed to remain a mystery

    26. He was doomed! Tom and Pamela dated for a year before

    27. Recall that Santayana told us that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it

    28. If you don"t know the difference between this adjective and effervescent, you are doomed

    29. They were doomed

    30. In short order, the officers and men were taken from the doomed ship, sent over

    31. ” I thought that’s right fill me with confidence you fucking posh idiot and then I realised that he was my defence council and knew I was doomed and I very nearly laughed out loud

    32. They were doomed because of him

    33. She was so young, so innocent, and now she was doomed to carry a curse in her veins

    34. Every man able to wield the Power was doomed to destroy the world

    35. "This trip is doomed

    36. doomed whatever he did

    37. She suddenly felt her grand plan terribly juvenile and doomed to failure

    38. The consuls passed out to see General Wheeler, pointing out that the destruction of Santiago would not harm Spain materially, since the city was looked upon as doomed; it could only destroy the homes and drive out the inhabitants to starve in a country devastated by Weylerism

    39. They obviously never studied history and thus are doomed to repeat it to our cost

    40. Just when it seemed that Rhodesia won the war the SAP COIN Units were withdrawn as part of a doomed political game called "détente" meaning arse crawling to the rest of Africa at the Rhodesians expense! The way the Nationalists treated Rhodesia can only be described as shameful and cowardly

    41. The doomed patrol was completely at ease and probably should have known better than to trust a terrorist or a Nationalist arranged cease fire

    42. * I want to state very clearly that the "Rhodesian / Seleous Scouts attack on the doomed SAP COIN patrol" has never been proved and the Rhodesians denied it vigorously

    43. With swimming we always made sure that we do not imitate the doomed Rhodesian patrol

    44. The Dutch Reformed Church tried from the pulpit to explain why black people are forever doomed to carry water and cut wood

    45. She began to wonder if they would ever leave this purgatory of granite, if they were doomed to wander in the flickering dusk for an eternity

    46. This also meant they could not escape and were doomed

    47. Thus says The Lord: If you would have left all your doomed houses, obeying My voice and My command to come out, you would have known why, for I had said, “The atheist shall have it far better than you, when the wrath of The Great and Dreadful God has come”

    48. You need air superiority to do so which they never obtained so it was doomed to failure

    49. It was doomed to failure and history repeated itself

    50. Without it you are doomed to failure for COIN is 95% political & intelligence based and 5% military

    1. realized that by doing nothing we were dooming ourselves to hell

    2. However, that attack sank or disabled all of the remaining troopships, dooming the invasion to failure: there was now too few troops left intact and on the ground to even dream of being able to take the Philippines

    3. Attacked by a total of seventeen B-25s, the three anchored fleet carriers were quickly set ablaze and started sinking, with the bombs and torpedoes stored inside the KAGA blowing up as well, cutting it in half and dooming it

    4. If that cover was really in the open position, then gases as hot as 1,400 degrees Celsius or more would be free to enter the belly keel during reentry, melting or burning everything inside and dooming her space plane to a fiery destruction

    5. That the real Cyril was left to die of fever, neglected and alone; while his mate, his friend, the man on whom he had heaped untold gifts, and whose life he had saved at the peril of his own, this man stole his money and his papers; and deliberately dooming his benefactor to a cruel death, came here, assumed his name and his property, and so imposed on us all

    6. But if I left Clan Molloy behind, I would be dooming all the changelings that were trapped in the camp as well

    7. Soon they’d start dropping from sheer exhaustion, dooming their riders no less certainly than if they hit the ground in the midst of a melee

    8. Paralyzed by their misguided fears of an American attack, Iran’s government was dooming its population to a death by a thousand cuts

    1. Tell him he showed enormous presence of mind in swinging the car round, dodging the cyclist and not careering down the hill to both your dooms

    2. Better to be silent than to call his attention to you; he will send you dooms, not fortune! He is grim and loveless, but at birth he breathes power to strive and slay into a man's soul

    3. The immortal soul doctrine dooms the souls that are in more than nine-tenths of the human race to endless torment

    4. Roses, lilies, carnations in particular, looked over the rims of vases and surveyed the bright lives and swift dooms of their artificial relations

    5. Their dooms had been sealed from the moment they ordered Colonel Clairdon Mahkswail to lead twenty-five thousand men westward from Guarnak in a desperate bid to escape the juggernaut hammering mercilessly up the Sylmahn Gap towards what was left of the Army of the Sylmahn

    6. Further, the purchase of an option with extremely high volatility (premium), an option that is too far out-of-the-money or too close to expiration, further dooms the potential purchaser of options to a trade that is likely to lose

    7. Hers is a great greenhouse where brutes grow outsize, force-fed by unnatural airs, enter Nora's on Friday with clean linen, sog out with the wet wash-soiled bedclothes Monday, feeling as if you had meantime inspired, painted, and lived through all Bosch's Temptations, Hells, Judgments, and Dooms! Live at Nora's and you reside in a great warm giant's cheek, deliciously gummed and morseled hourly

    8. It was a day of holocausts, cataclysms, tornadoes, earth-quakes, blackouts, mass murders, eruptions, and miscellaneous dooms, at the peak of which the sun swallowed the earth and the stars vanished

    9. Hers is a great greenhouse where brutes grow outsize, force-fed by unnatural airs: enter Nora’s on Friday with clean linen, sog out with the wet-wash-soiled bedclothes Monday, feeling as if you had meantime inspired, painted, and lived through all Bosch’s Temptations, Hells, Judgments, and Dooms! Live at Nora’s and you reside in a great warm giant’s cheek, deliciously gummed and morseled hourly

    10. It had been admitted that we had a right to choose our enemy, and Great Britain was selected, because she was first in the career of maritime despotism, and had exercised it with unrelenting severity; because she stands alone in the impressment of our citizens, and dooms them to ignominious punishment, or compels them to fight her battles; because the national honor had been vitally wounded, in the attack upon our flag; and because she had heaped outrage upon aggression, and had imbrued her hands in the innocent blood of our citizens

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    Синонимы для "doom"

    day of reckoning doom doomsday end of the world designate destine fate condemn sentence destiny kismet portion fortune lot ruin condemnation opinion decision judgement predetermine foreordain predestine ordain