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    1. "Whatever papers there are in that lock box, I've looked at them a dozen times and never noticed

    2. "I've been in a dozen initial infatuations since I came to the surface, this is different

    3. "They had few followers after the Thirties," Jorma said, "and less than a dozen today

    4. Even if they could kill a few dozen, the amount of zombies was impossibly large

    5. There are probably two dozen women in the town of Sinbara right now staring out the dingy window at their breakfast table and wishing there was someone there to share the view, or wishing they had a view in the sunshine at all

    6. They're about the size of a large house cat, they're called mindunes and there were at least a dozen on the building, including the one on this railing wanting its chin scratched

    7. The crowd of spectators had a moment to look on in horror before Bob plowed right into them, knocking at least a dozen students to the ground and managing to land on a good number of them

    8. It's just two thousand acres, a couple dozen hired hands

    9. In a dozen years she would be three hundred

    10. The eggs sold here are tiny, no bigger than pigeon eggs, so he scrambled a dozen

    11. The United Order showed up with over two dozen soldiers who are now tearing the house apart to find it,” Nancy said as she continued to watch the house

    12. A couple of dozen Longhorn cattle graze indolently in a field next to the highway

    13. He could not find an amount for Ava, so it couldn't be enough to get a detective interested, that would mean it was likely less than a dozen coppers a year

    14. There’s about a half dozen

    15. He had been under the mistaken impression Tahlmute had the crate ready to load and go, not back in dead storage under a dozen decades build-up

    16. ‘Stephen’s got a pretty foul temper himself … I expect it was six of one and half a dozen of the other if the truth were told

    17. ‘As I said to Emma, six of one and half a dozen of the other

    18. I went thru a dozen women in that time and they were scarce out there where that cut was

    19. The floor was a slope of benches and tables with bars like the one she was seated at on each of a dozen levels

    20. ‘I wonder what will happen to the garage business … he employs half a dozen people … and then there’s his house

    21. The geosynchronous had to be kept on an optical link, the ions were still raging out there and the twenty third century practice of shielding the working parts of the starship inside a few dozen feet of metallic asteroid paid off handsomely in preserving their working electronics

    22. I’m supposed to be doing my doctorate, but they wanted Noondie Hypermass Physics specialists for this and there aren’t more than two or three dozen in the whole world…"

    23. The remnants of the hauler Luxor, her cargo, and her crew had joined with the wreckage of the dozen Squidy destroyers and frigates from the task force that attacked earlier

    24. I’ve got eyes on a baker’s dozen closing from mostly your 8 and 2 o’clock

    25. ‘We’ve got half a dozen local companies who’ve funded the production in one way or another

    26. Once the euphoria of the meeting subsided a little, we four settled into the habitual comparisons that dominate male conversation, sharing our stories of capture, and gabbling away ten to the dozen in a mixture of Arabic and English about our shared experiences in the hostage hotels

    27. Unlike a Highland Elf, he was not about to wait four hundred Earth years for his home to be completed, with clay blocks and cut wood he was able to get a fine home done in the outrageously short time of a dozen Earth years this way

    28. The two women gravitated towards the other side of the room where half a dozen semi-comfortable, rather scruffy chairs were grouped around a low table on which some tired-looking magazines had been heaped

    29. Half a dozen ducks splashed in the shallows near a small wharf that apparently served the glasshouses nearby … there was a boy sitting on the wharf fishing … he waved as they passed

    30. This city had a dozen of these optical relays in the upper branches of it's jungle

    31. Some forty paintings were shown on the first list, along with a good dozen sculptures … she recognised some of the names of the artists … how had he got hold of a Rembrandt? Could it be original? The second list was longer, more varied and definitely more curious – intaglio tables from the Italian peninsula rubbed shoulders with tribal masks from the African continent and animal skins from places as far afield as Asia

    32. We can safely land at least a dozen probes in the upper branches of that jungle like the one we have back in the town of Bostok

    33. chatting nine to the dozen

    34. His gg settled, the three of us make our way into the villa, Gilla chattering fifty to the dozen

    35. "You could stab it a dozen times and it wouldn't even notice, it's a very low form of life

    36. As well as stuffing themselves with food and drink, they had to introduce themselves since there were no strangers among the dozen and a half people here

    37. A dozen piers float out into the river at least a thousand feet

    38. It is far better to practice stage 5 only half a dozen times at once

    39. It is far better to take two or three really deep breaths than half a dozen shallow ones

    40. It should be performed four times a day at first and when you become more flexible it can be performed up to a dozen times a day

    41. The rest of the day goes in a whirl of activity – I am taken to a bird house where half a dozen birds are acclimatised to my tawstones and I am instructed in the mysteries of directing a bird

    42. You and I have not seen a soul since we left Ritterston this morning … if this were Earth, we would have gone through a dozen or so villages, and probably got stuck in a couple of traffic jams – everywhere on Earth you find signs of man and his works – and generally speaking not good signs

    43. From browsing profiles of interesting individuals to trying out sending invites to over a dozen

    44. A gift of one dozen or more red roses is considered to be a romantic gift but it is also very common so your girlfriend is not likely to read too much into this type of gift

    45. I must have planned a dozen ways to damage that menace but most of them meant endangering his innocent passengers

    46. It seemed to take about ten seconds and half a dozen panic attacks to cover the distance

    47. She opposed the war in the first place and thought it was stupid to attack Brasil because it would take only a dozen years to make it obvious that the cure for aging was a hoax from Alan's hack

    48. A dozen of Tarak’s men lined both sides of the walkway and Duncan noted the variety in their appearances

    49. 'Take a dozen Govind bhai,' he said and opened a wooden trunk, the India-

    50. Assistance may also be available from one of the nearly two dozen organizations funded by the Department of Health and Human Services' Compassion Capital Fund

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    12 dozen twelve xii