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    dreamt примеры предложений


    1. ‘I thought I might have dreamt it when I found you weren’t there this morning

    2. The real profit from the excursion: As the coach was passing through the village of Kranidi, I recognized the narrow street and the old houses I had dreamt of on the 26th of July; a little later I saw a blue car with the number 2504

    3. Son dreamt about his childhood

    4. He dreamt about his family

    5. God alone knew who dreamt up this vision of Hell, he thought, as he ascended a flight of narrow, pinched steps

    6. You’ve seen him too? Oh I’ve dreamt about him for so long

    7. I have dreamt of you for so long, and when I saw you, I had hope that maybe someday you would see me as more than a friend

    8. That was why I dreamt my

    9. Oh Alastair, who’d have dreamt it!’

    10. He dreamt of indians, out in the wild, hunting, feasting around a large bonfire, singing, and dancing the night away

    11. You see once when he was compelled to survey across a lake for the feasibility of a bridge or something or other some engineer had dreamt up, he filled these bladders with air, tied them to ropes with weights dangling from them and had me place them at intervals along the water to assist him in his solving distances or such

    12. Tom dreamt of his parents

    13. ‘I dreamt I was in a big building of some sort – looked a bit like a hospital or something

    14. He dreamt of a time when the Papacy was back in

    15. For the next four hours, he wove a story so in depth, she wondered the next morning if she’d dreamt the whole thing

    16. The illusive dream that had drawn her to every sunrise since she’d originally dreamt it, now seemed possible

    17. Becky and I were introduced to a world of which we'd never dreamt

    18. “Jung dreamt a great deal about the dead, the land of the dead, and the rising of the dead

    19. it was natural that he dreamt about it

    20. Not evidently bright, they obviously dreamt of developing into forms better adapted to their environment

    21. one of my favourites, and one on which I had always dreamt of

    22. Ash hadn’t tried to kiss me again, but at night when I wasn’t having nightmares about the demon, I dreamt of his kiss on the stairwell

    23. “Oh my, what has he dreamt this time?”

    24. It wasn’t anything that she had dreamt it would be

    25. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy

    26. I’ve dreamt that a few times and it gives me the heebygeebies

    27. “Have you dreamt about lizards more than once?”

    28. Here now was something he had only ever dreamt about

    29. From the far side of the Forum, a dark-haired man looked on with a mixture of awe and comfort at the place he had dreamt of for so long

    30. As one of the Chosen he was granted the privileges of a life he would never before have even dreamt possible

    31. “I have dreamt for over a year now that three adventurer’s will travel here and overthrow the wizards in Illeander

    32. I dreamt of being chased by a spider in a terry cloth robe

    33. Halon stopped Manna and mentioned that he had dreamt someone was calling his name, but that when he awoke there was no one there

    34. The salary was good, and he needed a good salary to live his lifestyle, but he often dreamt of going back to the Highlands of Scotland and his old job as a maritime pilot in the Moray Firth

    35. And as Skelda dreamt his dreams of power, savouring his dominion over all badgers, the sun slid behind the horizon, bringing the moon's dark shroud across Brockenhurst Forest

    36. “I dreamt you were leaving me,” she explained weakly, dragging a sleeve across her cheeks

    37. He was everything she could want, was all she had ever dreamt of

    38. He curled up on the forest floor, closed his eyes and instantly fell into an exhausted sleep, during which he dreamt of monsters

    39. All the things he’d ever dreamt of doing

    40. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy…

    41. I killed a man once, and his young son too, and dreamt about it every night since – although I didn’t know that I was until just recently

    42. I dreamt that as we

    43. Indeed within moments he fell into a slumber, where he dreamt of Celia

    44. He had dreamt of a better future, and he had shared that vision with her

    45. I dreamt I was in a large steel box

    46. I recalled no dream but must have dreamt of that one perfect moment before

    47. ’ By visualized I mean as seen in a film, on TV, in a book, dreamt, imagined, or been told about

    48. I dreamt that Peter tied me to a chair and asked me if I was Divergent

    49. Wynne would not have dreamt her like that

    50. “I’ve always dreamt of standing on top of

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