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    dressmaker примеры предложений


    1. The caterer was not doing his best, the royal dressmaker would

    2. The caterer was not doing his best, the royal dressmaker would admit that the royal wedding dress was second rate and although the Great Hall smelled of polish, it was not as clean as it normally was

    3. silence while his parents worked: His mother was a dressmaker, and his

    4. Desiree' and I were close to the same size and I asked the dressmaker about the measurements

    5. Perhaps she was my dressmaker

    6. I had not paid her last absurd bill, and that and a certain faint resemblance to what my dressmaker would look like in an india-rubber cap was what put her into my head; and no sooner had I thought it than I was sure of it, and the conviction was one of quite unprecedented disagreeableness

    7. How profoundly unpleasant to meet this person in the water, to have come all the way to Rügen, to have suffered at Göhren, to have walked miles in the heat of the day to Thiessow, for the sole purpose of bathing tête-à -tête with my dressmaker

    8. A dressmaker, who not only expanded her original metier to include a number of women's boutiques but also developed into one of the leading fashion designers in a country that was waking up from the slumber of feudalism and was developing a moneyed, educated, professional and business middle-class that looked to Europe for an education in a new life-style

    9. My mother was terribly upset and told me she had no wish to have a semi-literate, ignorant, shallow, diplomaless dressmaker of a son

    10. dressmaker wrapped her dress for her

    11. was scarcely a dressmaker in the town, she was looked upon as an

    12. She was generally a mistress of the art of dressing well without great expense, and before leaving Moscow she had given her dressmaker three dresses to transform

    13. The dressmaker came to explain, declaring that

    14. About herself, Sonia wrote that she had succeeded in making some acquaintances in the town, that she did sewing, and, as there was scarcely a dressmaker in the town, she was looked upon as an indispensable person in many houses

    15. of hair-plaits, with her pale-blue dress of a fit and fashion so perfect that no dressmaker could look at it without emotion, a large embroidered collar which it was to be hoped all beholders would know the price of, her small hands duly set off with rings, and that controlled selfconsciousness of manner which is the expensive substitute for simplicity

    16. Truth to tell, the Brothel had as fine a Collection of Masquerade Costumes as any Dressmaker or Milliner in the Town

    17. I’d look out at him, tall in the sunlight, and say, You need a little editing! And he’d laugh and never come in, just tell the dressmaker tailor lady how he wanted so-and-so’s face, near or far, in or out, and leave

    18. Soon I asked her “if there were any dressmaker or plain-workwoman in the village?”

    19. About herself, Sonia wrote that she had succeeded in making some acquaintances in the town, that she did sewing, and, as there was scarcely a dressmaker in the town, she was looked upon as an indispensable person in 951 of 967

    20. The dressmaker came to explain, declaring that it would be better as she had done it, and Anna was so furious that she felt ashamed when she thought of it afterwards

    21. She was a general favorite, and of use to every one, for she was a clever dressmaker

    22. But without even asking the ordinary man what differentiates the "good" ballet and the "graceful" operetta from their opposites (a question he would have much difficulty in answering), if you ask him whether the activity of costumiers and hairdressers, who ornament the figures and faces of the women for the ballet and the operetta, is art; or the activity of Worth, the dressmaker; of scent-makers and men cooks,—then he will, in most cases, deny that their activity belongs to the sphere of art

    23. She cannot help knowing that her dressmaker, whom she scolded to-day, made this dress not at all out of love to her, therefore she cannot help knowing that all these things—her laces, flowers, and velvet—were made from sheer want

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